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But she giggled as though she were not in the least ashamed and then went into the bathroom to wash her face and eyes. She felt wonderfully exhilarated. She heard Michael come in and called out to him.

"Michael, look at that miniature Charles has just given me. It's on the chimney-piece. Are those diamonds or paste?"

Julia was somewhat nervous (Джулия немного нервничала) when Lady Charles left her husband (когда леди Чарльз оставила мужа). She threatened to bring proceedings for divorce (она угрожала довести дело до развода через суд; proceeding — юр. судебное разбирательство, судопроизводство, divorce —

развод, расторжение брака) and Julia did not at all like the idea (и Джулии совершенно не нравилась идея) of appearing as intervener (появиться /в суде/ в

качестве соответчика; intervener — юр. вступающий в дело в качестве третьего лица). For two or three weeks she was very jittery (две или три недели она была очень нервна и пуглива). She decided to say nothing to Michael (она решила не говорить ничего Майклу) till it was necessary (до тех пор, пока это бы не стало /совершенно/ необходимым), and she was glad she had not (и она была рада, что не /сказала/), for in due course it appeared (так как со временем оказалось) that the threats had been made (что угрозы были сделаны) only to extract more substantial alimony (только для того, чтобы выудить: «извлечь» еще более увесистую сумму алиментов; alimony — зд. суммы, уплачиваемые жене на ее содержание на время раздельного жительства супругов) from the innocent husband (с безвинного мужа).

threaten ['Tretn] jittery ['dZIt(q)rI] substantial [sqb'stxnS(q)l] alimony ['xlImqnI]

Julia was somewhat nervous when Lady Charles left her husband. She threatened to bring proceedings for divorce, and Julia did not at all like the idea of appearing as intervener. For two or three weeks she was very jittery.

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She decided to say nothing to Michael till it was necessary, and she was glad she had not, for in due course it appeared that the threats had been made only to extract more substantial alimony from the innocent husband.

Julia managed Charles with wonderful skill (Джулия умела обращаться с Чарльзом с удивительны умением; to manage smb. — иметь подход к кому-

либо). It was understood between them (между ними было решено) that her great love for Michael (что ее большая любовь к Майклу) made any close relation between them out of the question (делала любые близкие отношения между ними невозможными; out of the question — об этом не может быть и речи), but so far as the rest was concerned (но в том, что касалось всего остального) he was everything to her (он был для нее всем), her friend (ее другом), her adviser (ее советчиком), her confidant (ее доверенным лицом), the man she could rely on in any emergency (человеком, на которого она могла положиться при любых чрезвычайных обстоятельствах) or go to for comfort in any disappointment (или обратиться к нему за утешением /в случае/ любого разочарования).

relation [rI'leIS(q)n] confidant ['kOnfIdxnt] emergency [I'mq:dZ(q)nsI]

Julia managed Charles with wonderful skill. It was understood between them that her great love for Michael made any close relation between them out of the question, but so far as the rest was concerned he was everything to her, her friend, her adviser, her confidant, the man she could rely on in any emergency or go to for comfort in any disappointment.

It was a little more difficult (ситуация осложнилась: «это оказалось немного сложнее») when Charles, with his fine sensitiveness (когда Чарльз, /обладавший/ тонкой восприимчивостью), saw that she was no longer in love with Michael (увидел, что она больше не любила Майкла). Then Julia had to

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exercise a great deal of tact (тогда Джулии пришлось прибегнуть к бесконечному такту). It was not that she had any scruples (не то чтобы у нее были хоть малейшие угрызения совести) about being his mistress (от /идеи/

стать: «быть» его любовницей); if he had been an actor who loved her so much (если бы он был актером, который так сильно ее любил) and had loved her so long (и любил ее уже так долго) she would not have minded popping into bed with him (она бы не задумываясь прыгнула с ним в постель) out of sheer good nature (/просто/ от /широты ее/ доброй души; sheer — настоящий,

абсолютный, полнейший); but she just did not fancy him (но она просто не могла представить его /любовником/; to fancy — воображать, нравится,

любить). She was very fond of him (она очень любила его), but he was so elegant (но он был настолько элегантным), so well-bred (настолько хорошо воспитан), so cultured (настолько культурным), she could not think of him as a lover (что она не могла думать о нем как о любовнике). It would be like going to bed with an objet d'art (это больше было бы похожим на то, как лечь в постель с предметом искусства).

exercise ['eksqsaIz] sheer [SIq] objet d'art ["ObZeI'dQ:]

It was a little more difficult when Charles, with his fine sensitiveness, saw that she was no longer in love with Michael. Then Julia had to exercise a great deal of tact. It was not that she had any scruples about being his mistress; if he had been an actor who loved her so much and had loved her so long she would not have minded popping into bed with him out of sheer good nature; but she just did not fancy him. She was very fond of him, but he was so elegant, so wellbred, so cultured, she could not think of him as a lover. It would be like going to bed with an objet d'art.

And his love of art (и его любовь к искусству) filled her with a faint derision (вызывала в ней легкую издевку: «наполняла ее легким /желанием/

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посмеяться /над ним/»; derision — высмеивание, осмеяние); after all she was a creator конце-то концов, она была творцом), when all was said and done (когда, в конечном счете: «когда все было сказано и сделано») he was only the public (он был всего лишь публикой). He wished her to elope with him (он хотел, чтобы она сбежала с ним). They would buy a villa at Sorrento on the bay of Naples (они купили бы виллу в Сорренто, в бухте Неаполя), with a large garden (с большим садом), and they would have a schooner (у них будет шхуна) so that they could spend long days (и они смогут проводить долгие дни) on the beautiful wine-coloured sea (в прекрасном море темно-красного цвета; wine —

вино). Love and beauty and art (/только/ любовь, красота и искусство); the world well lost (и мир совершенно забыт: «потерян»).

"The damned fool (чертов дурак)," she thought (думала она). "As if I'd give up my career (как будто я брошу свою карьеру) to bury myself in some hole in Italy (чтобы похоронить себя в какой-то дыре в Италии)!"

derision [dI'rIZ(q)n] creator [krI'eItq] villa ['vIlq] schooner ['sku:nq]

And his love of art filled her with a faint derision; after all she was a creator, when all was said and done he was only the public. He wished her to elope with him. They would buy a villa at Sorrento on the bay of Naples, with a large garden, and they would have a schooner so that they could spend long days on the beautiful wine-coloured sea. Love and beauty and art; the world well lost.

"The damned fool," she thought. "As if I'd give up my career to bury myself in some hole in Italy!"

She persuaded him (она убеждала его) that she had a duty to Michael (что у нее есть обязанности перед Майклом), and then there was the baby (и кроме того, был же и ребенок); she couldn't let him grow up (она не могла позволить, чтобы он вырос) with the burden on his young life (с таким грузом для его

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юной жизни) that his mother was a bad woman (что его мать была развратной: «плохой» женщиной). Orange trees or no orange trees (апельсиновые деревья или не апельсиновые деревья), she would never have a moment's peace (она не ни на секунду не сможет успокоиться: «у нее не будет и момента мира») in that beautiful Italian villa (на той прекрасной итальянской вилле) if she was tortured by the thought of Michael's unhappiness (если ее будет пытать мысль о несчастии Майкла) and her baby being looked after by strangers (и о том, что за ее ребенком присматривают чужие люди). One couldn't only think of oneself (нельзя думать только о себе), could one (не так ли)? One had to think of others too (приходится думать и о других тоже). She was very sweet and womanly (она была очень мила и женственна). She sometimes asked Charles (иногда она спрашивала Майкла) why he did not arrange a divorce with his wife (почему он не оформлял развод с женой; to arrange — приводить в порядок,

урегулировать) and marry some nice woman (и не женится на какой-нибудь приятной женщине). She could not bear the thought (она не могла выносить мысль) of his wasting his life over her (/о том/, что он тратит впустую свою жизнь на нее).

persuade [pq'sweId] orange ['OrIndZ] divorce [dI'vO:s]

She persuaded him that she had a duty to Michael, and then there was the baby; she couldn't let him grow up with the burden on his young life that his mother was a bad woman. Orange trees or no orange trees, she would never have a moment's peace in that beautiful Italian villa if she was tortured by the thought of Michael's unhappiness and her baby being looked after by strangers. One couldn't only think of oneself, could one? One had to think of others too. She was very sweet and womanly. She sometimes asked Charles why he did not arrange a divorce with his wife and marry some nice woman. She could not bear the thought of his wasting his life over her.

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He told her that she was the only woman (он отвечал ей, что она была единственной женщиной) he ' had ever loved (/которую/ он когда либо любил) and that he must go on loving her till the end (и что он будет продолжать любить ее до самого конца).

"It seems so sad (это так грустно)," said Julia.

All the same (в любом случае) she kept her eyes open (она была начеку: «она держала глаза открытыми»), and if she noticed (и если она замечала) that any woman had predatory intentions on Charles (что у какой-нибудь женщины были хищные намерения в отношении Чарльза) she took care to queer her pitch (она делала все, чтобы подложить ей свинью; to queer smb.'s pitch — рушить чьи-

либо планы, разбивать надежды). She did not hesitate (она не мешкала) if the danger seemed to warrant it (если опасность, казалось, подтверждалась; to warrant — служить оправданием, выражать уверенность, ручаться) to show herself extremely jealous (показывать свою чрезмерную ревность). It had been long agreed (они давно договорились: «об этом уже давно было договорено»), with all the delicacy (со всей возможной деликатностью) that might be expected from his good breeding (которую только можно было ожидать при его хорошем воспитании) and Julia's good heart (и добром сердце Джулии), in no definite words (не в конкретных словах, конечно), but with guarded hints (но в сдержанных намеках) and remote allusiveness (и слабых: «удаленных» иносказаниях), that if anything happened to Michael (что если что-нибудь случиться с Майклом), Lady Charles should somehow or other be disposed of (то от леди Чарльз /они/ избавятся тем или другим образом; somehow or other —

так или иначе) and they would then marry (и они затем поженятся). But Michael had perfect health (но у Майкла было отменное здоровье).

predatory ['predqt(q)rI] queer [kwIq] allusiveness [q'lu:sIvnIs]

He told her that she was the only woman he had ever loved and that he must go on loving her till the end.

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"It seems so sad," said Julia.

All the same she kept her eyes open, and if she noticed that any woman had predatory intentions on Charles she took care to queer her pitch. She did not hesitate if the danger seemed to warrant it to show herself extremely jealous. It had been long agreed, with all the delicacy that might be expected from his good breeding and Julia's good heart, in no definite words, but with guarded hints and remote allusiveness, that if anything happened to Michael, Lady Charles should somehow or other be disposed of and they would then marry. But Michael had perfect health.

On this occasion (в этот раз: «по этому случаю») Julia had much enjoyed lunching at Hill Street (Джулия просто таки наслаждалась ланчем на Хилл-

стрит). The party had been very grand (прием был просто великолепным). Julia had never encouraged Charles (Джулия никогда не поощряла Чарльза) to entertain any of the actors or authors (оказывать гостеприимство актерам или писателям) he sometimes came across (с которыми он иногда встречался: «пересекался»), and she was the only person there (и она была единственной среди присутствующих: «единственным человеком там») who had ever had to earn a living (которой приходилось зарабатывать себе на жизнь; to earn one's living — зарабатывать на жизнь). She had sat between an old, fat, bald and loquacious Cabinet Minister (она сидела между старым, толстым, лысым, говорливым кабинетным министром) who took a great deal of trouble to entertain her (который изо всех сил старался развлечь ее; to take trouble —

стараться, брать на себя труд, заботу), and a young Duke of Westreys

молодым герцогом Уэстри) who looked like a stable-boy (который был похож на помощника конюха; stable — конюшня, хлев) and who flattered himself (и который льстил себе тем) that he knew French slang better than a Frenchman (что он знал французский сленг лучше, чем любой француз). When he discovered that Julia spoke French (когда он узнал, что Джулия говорит на французском) he insisted on conversing with her in that language (он настоял на

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том, чтобы разговаривать с ней на этом языке).

loquacious [lq(V)'kweISqs] stableboy ['steIb(q)lbOI]

On this occasion Julia had much enjoyed lunching at Hill Street. The party had been very grand. Julia had never encouraged Charles to entertain any of the actors or authors he sometimes came across, and she was the only person there who had ever had to earn a living. She had sat between an old, fat, bald and loquacious Cabinet Minister who took a great deal of trouble to entertain her, and a young Duke of Westreys who looked like a stable-boy and who flattered himself that he knew French slang better than a Frenchman. When he discovered that Julia spoke French he insisted on conversing with her in that language.

After luncheon (после ланча) she was persuaded to recite a tirade from Phèdre (ее уговорили продекламировать тираду /законченный стихотворный отрывок/

из «Федры») as it was done at the Comedie Française (как это было бы сделано в «Комеди Франсез») and the same tirade (и тот же самый отрывок), as an English student, at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art would deliver it (как английский студент Королевской академии театрального искусства произнес бы его). She made the company laugh very much (она здорово рассмешила собравшихся: «заставила компанию много смеяться») and came away from the party (и ушла с приема) flushed with success (опьяненная успехом; to flush —

выходить из берегов, затоплять, переливаться через край). It was a fine bright day (день был прекрасный и ясный) and she made up her mind (и она решила) to walk from Hill Street to Stanhope Place (пройтись пешком от Хиллстрит до Стэнхоуп-плейс). A good many people recognized her (многие: «большое количество людей» узнавали ее) as she threaded her way through the crowd in Oxford Street (пока она пробиралась сквозь толпу на Оксфорд-стрит; to thread one's way — прокладывать путь), and though she looked straight

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ahead of her (и хотя она смотрела строго перед собой) she was conscious of their glances (она чувствовала их взгляды; to be conscious of — осознавать,


"What a hell of a nuisance it is (как это чертовски неприятно; nuisance —

досада, неприятность, помеха) that one can't go anywhere (что нельзя никуда пойти) without people staring at one (чтобы люди /на тебя/ не пялились)."

tirade [t(a)I'reId] flush [flAS] thread [Tred]

After luncheon she was persuaded to recite a tirade from Phèdre as it was done at the Comedie Française and the same tirade as an English student at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art would deliver it. She made the company laugh very much and came away from the party flushed with success. It was a fine bright day and she made up her mind to walk from Hill Street to Stanhope Place. A good many people recognized her as she threaded her way through the crowd in Oxford Street, and though she looked straight ahead of her she was conscious of their glances.

"What a hell of a nuisance it is that one can't go anywhere without people staring at one."

She slackened her pace a little (она чуть замедлила шаг). It certainly was a beautiful day (это определенно был прекрасный день).

She let herself into her house with a latch-key (она вошла в дом: «впустила себя в дом» /открыв американский замок/ с помощью ключа) and as she got in (и, как она вошла) heard the telephone ringing (услышала, что звонит телефон). Without thinking (не задумываясь) she took up the receiver (она подняла трубку; receiver — получатель; приемник; телефонная трубка).


She generally disguised her voice (она обычно изменяла свой голос; to disguise

— маскировать, изменять внешность, искажать) when she answered (когда

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она отвечала /по телефону/), but for once forgot to (но /именно/ сейчас забыла /сделать это/).

"Miss Lambert (мисс Лэмберт)?"

"I don't know if Miss Lambert's in (не знаю, дома ли Мисс Лэмберт). Who is it please (кто говорит, пожалуйста)?" she asked (спросила она), assuming quickly a cockney accent (мгновенно используя акцент кокни; to assume —

принимать, притворяться).

The monosyllable had betrayed her (/однако/ то короткое: «односложное» словечко, выдало ее). A chuckle travelled over the wire (в трубке раздался смешок: «смешок переместился по проводу»).

"I only wanted to thank you for writing to me (я просто хотел поблагодарить вас за то, что написали мне). You know you needn't have troubled (знаете, не стоило брать на себя такой труд). It was so nice of you to ask me to lunch (но это было так мило с вашей стороны — пригласить меня к ланчу), I thought I'd like to send you a few flowers (и я подумал, что мне хотелось бы послать вам цветы)."

slacken ['slxkqn] latchkey ['lxtSki:] cockney ['kOknI] monosyllable ['mOnq"sIlqb(q)l]

She slackened her pace a little. It certainly was a beautiful day.

She let herself into her house with a latch-key and as she got in heard the telephone ringing. Without thinking she took up the receiver.


She generally disguised her voice when she answered, but for once forgot to. "Miss Lambert?"

"I don't know if Miss Lambert's in. Who is it please?" she asked, assuming quickly a cockney accent.

The monosyllable had betrayed her. A chuckle travelled over the wire.

"I only wanted to thank you for writing to me. You know you needn't have

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