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внешности/ которым надо постоянно следовать) and the regular, monotonous habits which were essential (и /о тех/ постоянных, монотонных привычках,

которые были просто необходимы). But she good-naturedly offered them advice on make-up (но она добродушно предлагала им советы по макияжу) and let them copy her clothes (и позволяла им копировать /фасон своих/ платьев: «одежды»). She was always beautifully dressed (она была всегда великолепно одета).

idle [aIdl] glamour ['glxmq] entail [In'teIl] monotonous [mq'nOt(q)nqs] essential [I'senS(q)l]

She was pleased that they liked her, these smart, idle women, but she laughed at them up her sleeve because they were dazzled by her glamour. She wondered what they would think if they really knew how unromantic the life of a successful actress was, the hard work it entailed, the constant care one had to take of oneself and the regular, monotonous habits which were essential. But she good-naturedly offered them advice on make-up and let them copy her clothes. She was always beautifully dressed.

Even Michael (даже Майкл), fondly thinking she got her clothes for nothing (который доверчиво считал, что она покупала свою одежду за бесценок: «даром, бесплатно») did not know how much she really spent on them (не знал,

насколько много она в действительности тратила на них). Morally she had the best of both worlds (в отношении моральных качеств, она считалась лучшей в обоих /ее/ мирах). Everyone knew (все знали) that her marriage with Michael was exemplary (что ее брак с Майклом был /просто таки/ образцовым; exemplar — образец, пример для подражания). She was a pattern of conjugal fidelity (она сама являлась моделью супружеской верности; pattern —

образец, пример, шаблон). At the same time (в то же самое время) many people in that particular set (многие люди в /том/ определенном кругу; set —

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комплект, набор, зд. компания, круг) were convinced that she was Charles Tamerley's mistress (были убеждены, что она была любовницей Чарльза Тэмерли). It was an affair (это была связь /такого рода/) that was supposed to have been going on so long (что, как предполагали, она продолжалась так долго) that it had acquired respectability (что она уже приобрела респектабельность), and tolerant hostesses (и понимающие: «терпимые» хозяйки) when they were asked to the same house for a week-end (когда их приглашали в один и тот де дом на уик-энд) gave them adjoining rooms (предоставляли им соседние комнаты; adjoining — примыкающий).

exemplary [Ig'zemplqrI] conjugal ['kOndZVg(q)l] fidelity [fI'delItI] respectability [rI"spektq'bIlItI] tolerant ['tOl(q)rqnt] adjoining [q'dZOInIN]

Even Michael, fondly thinking she got her clothes for nothing, did not know how much she really spent on them. Morally she had the best of both worlds. Everyone knew that her marriage with Michael was exemplary. She was a pattern of conjugal fidelity. At the same time many people in that particular set were convinced that she was Charles Tamerley's mistress. It was an affair that was supposed to have been going on so long that it had acquired respectability, and tolerant hostesses when they were asked to the same house for a week-end gave them adjoining rooms.

This belief had been started by Lady Charles (это убеждение начала

/поддерживать сама/ Леди Чарльз; belief — вера, доверие, мнение), from whom Charles Tamerley had been long separated (с которой Чарльз Тэмерли долгое время жил отдельно: «с которой Чарльз Тэмерли давно разошелся»), and in point of fact (и, по правде говоря) there was not a word of truth in it (в этом не было и слова правды). The only foundation for it was (единственным основанием для этого /убеждения/ было то) that Charles had been madly in love with her for twenty years (что Чарльз был безумно влюблен в нее /вот уже/

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двадцать лет), and it was certainly on Julia's account (и, несомненно из-за Джулии /случилось так/) that the Tamerleys (что супруги Тэмерли), who had never got on very well (которые никогда особо не ладили), agreed to separate (согласились разъехаться). It was indeed Lady Charles (на самом деле именно Леди Чарльз была той) who had first brought Julia and Charles together (кто изначально: «впервые» познакомила: «свела вместе» Джулию и Чарльза). They happened, all three, to be lunching at Dolly de Vries's (случилось так, что они, все трое, обедали у Долли де Фриз) when Julia, a young actress (когда Джулия, /тогда/ молодая актриса), had made her first great success in London (добилась своего первого успеха в Лондоне).

belief [bI'li:f] separate ['sepqreIt] foundation [faVn'deIS(q)n]

This belief had been started by Lady Charles, from whom Charles Tamerley had been long separated, and in point of fact there was not a word of truth in it. The only foundation for it was that Charles had been madly in love with her for twenty years, and it was certainly on Julia's account that the Tamerleys, who had never got on very well, agreed to separate. It was indeed Lady Charles who had first brought Julia and Charles together. They happened, all three, to be lunching at Dolly de Vries's when Julia, a young actress, had made her first great success in London.

It was a large party (это был большой прием) and she was being made much of (и ей уделяли много внимания; to make much of smth., of smb. — высоко ценить кого-либо, быть высокого мнения о ком-либо). Lady Charles, a woman of over thirty then (леди Чарльз, в то время женщина чуть за тридцать), who had the reputation of being a beauty (у которой была репутация красавицы), though except for her eyes she had not a good feature (хотя, за исключением

/разве что ее/ глаз, у нее не было не одной красивой: «хорошей» черты

/лица/), but by a sort of brazen audacity (только благодаря некой наглой

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дерзости) managed to produce an effective appearance (/ей/ удавалось производить эффектное впечатление: «создавать эффектный внешний вид»), leant across the table with a gracious smile (перегнулась через стол с любезной улыбкой /на лице/).

"Oh, Miss Lambert (о, мисс Лэмберт), I think I used to know your father in Jersey (я думаю, что знавала вашего отца на Джерси). He was a doctor, wasn't he (он был врачом, не так ли)? He used to come to our house quite often (он, бывало,

приходил к нам в дом очень часто)."

reputation ["repjV'teIS(q)n] brazen ['breIz(q)n] audacity [O:'dxsItI] appearance [q'pI(q)rqns] gracious ['greISqs]

It was a large party and she was being made much of Lady Charles, a woman of over thirty then, who had the reputation of being a beauty, though except for her eyes she had not a good feature, but by a sort of brazen audacity managed to produce an effective appearance, leant across the table with a gracious smile.

"Oh, Miss Lambert, I think I used to know your father in Jersey. He was a doctor, wasn't he? He used to come to our house quite often."

Julia felt a slight sickness in the pit of her stomach (Джулия почувствовала, как у нее засосало под ложечкой; pit — ямка, выемка, тж. анат. pit of her stomach

— подложечная ямка); she remembered now (теперь она вспомнила) who Lady Charles was before she married (кем была леди Чарльз до того, как она вышла замуж), and she saw the trap that was being set for her (и увидела ловушку,

расставленную для нее; to set a trap — поставить капкан, силки). She gave a rippling laugh (она залилась смехом: «покатилась со смеху»).

"Not at all (совсем и нет)," she answered (ответила она). "He was a vet (он был ветеринаром). He used to go to your house (он хаживал в ваш дом) to deliver the bitches (чтобы принимать роды у сук; to deliver — зд. рожать, разрешиться

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от бремени, принимать роды). The house was full of them (дом был полон ими)."

Lady Charles for a moment did not quite know what to say (какое-то мгновение леди Чарльз даже не знала, что ответить: «что сказать»).

"My mother was very fond of dogs (моя мать очень любила собак; to be fond of smb., smth. — любить, быть поклонником)," she answered (ответила она).

stomach ['stAmqk] laugh [lQ:f] deliver [dI'lIvq]

Julia felt a slight sickness in the pit of her stomach; she remembered now who Lady Charles was before she married, and she saw the trap that was being set for her. She gave a rippling laugh.

"Not at all," she answered. "He was a vet. He used to go to your house to deliver the bitches. The house was full of them."

Lady Charles for a moment did not quite know what to say. "My mother was very fond of dogs," she answered.

Julia was glad that Michael was not there (Джулия радовалась тому, что Майкла не было рядом: «там»). Poor lamb (бедный ягненок), he would have been terribly mortified (он был бы ужасно унижен). He always referred to her father as Dr. Lambert (он всегда упоминал об ее отце как о докторе Лэмберте; to refer to — называть, отсылать, давать ссылку), pronouncing it as though it were a French name (произнося /его/ так, как будто это было французское имя), and when soon after the war he died (и когда, вскоре после войны, он умер) and her mother went to live with her widowed sister at St. Malo (и ее мать отправилась к своей овдовевшей сестре, чтобы жить вместе в Сен-Мало) he began to speak of her as Madame de Lambert (он начал говорить о ней как о мадам де Лэмберт).

lamb [lxm] pronounce [prq'naVns] widowed ['wIdqVd]

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Julia was glad that Michael was not there. Poor lamb, he would have been terribly mortified. He always referred to her father as Dr. Lambert, pronouncing it as though it were a French name, and when soon after the war he died and her mother went to live with her widowed sister at St. Malo he began to speak of her as Madame de Lambert.

At the beginning of her career (в самом начале своей карьеры) Julia had been somewhat sensitive on the point (Джулия была немного чувствительна: «слегка обижалась» в отношении этого /момента/), but when once she was established as a great actress (но когда ее положение как великой актрисы укрепилось) she changed her mind (она изменила свою точку зрения). She was inclined, especially among the great (она имела склонность, особенно среди знати; the great — собират. сильные мира сего), to insist on the fact that her father had been a vet (настаивать на том факте, что ее отец был ветеринаром). She could not quite have explained why (она не могла точно объяснить почему), but she felt (но /она/ чувствовала) that by so doing (что поступая так) she put them in their place (она ставила их на место; to put smb. in his place — осадить кого-


career [kq'rIq] sensitive ['sensItIv] especially [I'speS(q)lI]

At the beginning of her career Julia had been somewhat sensitive on the point, but when once she was established as a great actress she changed her mind. She was inclined, especially among the great, to insist on the fact that her father had been a vet. She could not quite have explained why, but she felt that by so doing she put them in their place.

But Charles Tamerley knew (но Чарльз Тэмерли знал) that his wife had deliberately tried to humiliate the young woman (что его жена намеренно

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пыталась унизить молодую актрису), and angered (и рассердившись), went out of his way to be nice to her (изо всех сил старался быть милым с ней

/Джулией/; to go out of one's way to do smth. — прилагать все усилия, чтобы сделать что-либо). He asked her (он спросил у нее) if he might be allowed to call (можно ли ему навестить ее; to be allowed to do smth. — иметь разрешение сделать что-либо) and brought her some beautiful flowers

преподнес ей прекрасные цветы).

He was then a man of nearly forty (ему тогда было почти сорок: «он был тогда мужчиной около сорока лет»), with a small head on an elegant body

небольшой головой на элегантном теле), not very good-looking (не очень красивый) but of distinguished appearance (но с аристократической внешностью; distinguished — известный, выдающийся, изысканный). He looked very well-bred (он выглядел исключительно хорошо воспитанным), which indeed he was (каковым он и был на самом деле), and he had exquisite manners (и обладал уточненными манерами).

deliberately [dI'lIb(q)rItlI] elegant ['elIgqnt] exquisite [Ik'skwIzIt, 'ekskwIzIt]

But Charles Tamerley knew that his wife had deliberately tried to humiliate the young woman, and angered, went out of his way to be nice to her. He asked her if he might be allowed to call and brought her some beautiful flowers.

He was then a man of nearly forty, with a small head on an elegant body, not very good-looking but of distinguished appearance. He looked very well-bred, which indeed he was, and he had exquisite manners.

He was an amateur of the arts (он был поклонником искусства: «всех искусств»; amateur — любитель). He bought modern pictures (он покупал современные картины) and collected old furniture (и коллекционировал старую мебель). He was a lover of music (он был любителем музыки) and exceedingly

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well read (и был исключительно начитанным) At first it amused him (поначалу его это забавляло) to go to the tiny flat off the Buckingham Palace Road (идти в крошечную квартирку за пределами Бэкингем-палас-роуд) in which these two young actors lived (в которой жили /эти/ двое молодых актера). He saw that they were poor (он видел, что они были бедны) and it excited him (и его возбуждало) to get into touch with what he fondly thought was Bohemia (прикосновение к тому, что он наивно считал, богемой; to get into touch —

устанавливать контакты, связаться с кем-либо). He came several times (он приходил несколько раз) and he thought it quite an adventure (и он считал это настоящим приключением) when they asked him to have a luncheon with them (когда они просили его с ними отобедать) which was cooked and served (который готовила и подавала) by a scarecrow of a woman whom they called Evie (пугало, а не женщина, которую они называли Эви; scarecrow — пугало на огород, scare — испуг, паника, crow — ворона).

amateur ['xmqt(S)q, 'xmqtq:] exceedingly [Ik'si:dINlI] Bohemia [bqV'hi:mIq] scarecrow ['skeqkrqV]

He was an amateur of the arts. He bought modern pictures and collected old furniture. He was a lover of music and exceedingly well read. At first it amused him to go to the tiny flat off the Buckingham Palace Road in which these two young actors lived. He saw that they were poor and it excited him to get into touch with what he fondly thought was Bohemia. He came several times and he thought it quite an adventure when they asked him to have a luncheon with them which was cooked and served by a scarecrow of a woman whom they called Evie.

This was life (это была жизнь). He did not pay much attention to Michael (он не обращал особого внимания на Майкла) who seemed to him, notwithstanding his too obvious beauty (который казался ему, несмотря на его слишком очевидную красоту), a somewhat ordinary young man (немного

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посредственным молодым человеком), but he was taken by Julia (но он был очарован Джулией: «Джулия увлекла его»). She had a warmth (она обладала теплотой), a force of character (силой характера), and a bubbling vitality

бьющей ключом жизненной энергией; bubble — пузырек воздуха, бульканье), which were outside his experience (/с этими качествами/ ему не приходилось раньше сталкиваться: «которые были за пределами его «жизненного» опыта»). He went to see her act several times (он несколько раз ходил /в театр/,

чтобы посмотреть, как она играет) and compared her performance (и сравнил ее игру) with his recollections of the great foreign actresses (с его воспоминаниям о великих иностранных актрисах). It seemed to him (ему казалось) that she had in her something quite individual (что она обладала чем-то совершенно индивидуальным). Her magnetism was incontestable (ее личное обаяние: «магнетизм» было бесспорным). It gave him quite a thrill (он затрепетал) to realize on a sudden (когда понял внезапно) that she had genius (что она была гениальна: «обладала талантом»).

warmth [wO:mT] vitality [vaI'txlItI] incontestable ["Inkqn'testqb(q)l]

This was life. He did not pay much attention to Michael who seemed to him, notwithstanding his too obvious beauty, a somewhat ordinary young man, but he was taken by Julia. She had a warmth, a force of character, and a bubbling vitality which were outside his experience. He went to see her act several times and compared her performance with his recollections of the great foreign actresses. It seemed to him that she had in her something quite individual. Her magnetism was incontestable. It gave him quite a thrill to realize on a sudden that she had genius.

"Another Siddons perhaps (возможно, вторая (другая) Сиддонс). A greater Ellen Terry (более великая /чем/ Эллен Терри)." In those days (в то время: «в те дни») Julia did not think it necessary (не считала необходимым) to go to bed in

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the afternoons (отдыхать /в постели/ днем), she was as strong as a horse (она была сильна как лошадь) and never tired (и никогда не уставала), so he used often to take her for walks in the Park (и тогда он частенько брал ее с собой на прогулки в Гайд-парк). She felt (она чувствовала) that he wanted her to be a child of nature (что ему хотелось видеть ее ребенком природы: «хотел, чтобы она была как дитя природы»). That suited her very well (ее это вполне устраивало). It was no effort for her (ей не требовалось усилий) to be ingenuous (чтобы быть простодушной), frank (искренней) and girlishly delighted with everything по-девичьи радующейся всему). He took her to the National Gallery (он брал ее с собой в Национальную галерею), and the Tate (и в

/галерею/ Тейт), and the British Museum (и в Британский музей), and she really enjoyed it (и она в действительности наслаждалась /этими прогулками/) almost as much as she said (почти также сильно, как она говорила).

necessary ['nesIs(q)rI] nature ['neItSq] girlishly ['gq:lISlI]

"Another Siddons perhaps. A greater Ellen Terry." In those days Julia did not think it necessary to go to bed in the afternoons, she was as strong as a horse and never tired, so he used often to take her for walks in the Park. She felt that he wanted her to be a child of nature. That suited her very well. It was no effort for her to be ingenuous, frank and girlishly delighted with everything. He took her to the National Gallery, and the Tate, and the British Museum, and she really enjoyed it almost as much as she said.

He liked to impart information (ему нравилось делиться знаниями) and she was glad to receive it (и она с радостью воспринимала их). She had a retentive memory (она обладала цепкой памятью) and learnt a great deal from him (и многому научилась у него). If later she was able to talk about Proust and Cézanne (если позднее она смогла говорить о Прусте и Сезанне) with the best of them (в самом избранном обществе: «с самыми лучшими из них»), so that

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