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I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

I. Within whose competence is the appointment of consuls and consular representatives? 2. What is necessary for the head of a consular post to admitted to the exercise of his functions in the receiving state? 3. What is the name of an instrument certifying a person's capacity and showing lilt full name, category and class, as well as his consular district and the ; of the consular post? 4. In which way is the consul's commission similar instrument transmitted to the government of the receiving state 5. What is the name of the official recognition of a consul by the Head of State? 6. Why is the receiving state which refuses to grant an exequatur not obliged to give reasons for such refusal? 7. In which case can the exequatur be withdrawn from the person concerned?

//. * Fill in each blank with the suitable word or expression from the text.

1. Consuls are ... by the sending state and are admitted to the ... of their functions by the receiving state. 2. The... was revoked on the ground that the consular officer had published a letter that was objectionable to the receiving state. 3. The head of a consular post is provided by the sending state with a document, in the form of a ... or similar..., certifying his…. 4. The right of a receiving state to refuse to... the exequatur or to... it after it has been ... is undisputed. 5. The official recognition of a consul by the

Head of State of the country to which he is assigned is called the «……»

6. A state which refuses to ... an exequatur is not obliged to give the sending

state reasons for such refusal.

III.* Paraphrase the words and expressions in bold type in the sentences below.

I. Upon the assignment of a consular officer, his commission is sent to the diplomatic representative accredited to the government within whose competence the consular office concerned is situated. 2. The diplomatic representative forwards the commission to the foreign office of the receiving Male with a request that the Head of State recognize the consul, and in evidence of which, give him an authorization. 3, When received, the authorization together with the commission is sent by the diplomatic representative to the consulate to which the officer is assigned. 4. Before the authorization is granted - and this takes a few months — the diplomatic representative may request for provisional recognition for the consular office. S. Provisional recognition gives the consul the right to perform his functions to the full extent. 6. The receiving state may either withdraw its authorization from the person concerned or cease to consider him as a member of the consular staff. 7. The exequatur may be refused because of offensive conduct on the part of the consular officer.

V. Define the following terms in English consulting the Glossary of diplomatic Terms if necessary.

exequatur, full powers, laisser-passer, letters of credence, persona non grata, Vice-consul, visa.

V. Study the texts in exhibits 71 and 72, point out words and phrases pertaining to the formal style.

VI * Memorize the phrases below, suggest their Russian equivalents.

I) the appointment of a consular representative; 2) a consular district;3) the head of a consular post; 4) the local authorities; 5) the official recognition of a consul; 6) the seat of a consular post; 7) before arriving in the territory of the receiving state; 8) within one's competence; 9) within a reasonable time; 10) to carry out one's obligations; 11) to cease to consider smb as a member of the consular staff; 12) to declare smb unacceptable.

VII. * Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest their Russian equivalents.


~ agent; ~ archives; ~bag; - charges; ~ commission; ~ corps; ~ corres­pondence; ~ district; ~ employee; ~ establishment; ~ functions; ~ identity card; ~ immunity; ~ officer; ~ post; ~ pouch; ~ premises; ~ relations; ~ service; ~ staff.