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УМК Иностранный язык бакалавриат.doc
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Урок 4.

1. Грамматика.

Задание 1. Выполните тест.

1. Do you have____work to do?

a) some b) any

2. Give me the newspaper, please. I’ve got ____time to read it now.

a) some b) any

3. My son has_____French books at home.

a) some b) any

4. I haven’t got___questions.

a) some b) any

5. It is so dark here. I can’t see______.

a) anything b) nothing c) something

6. I am going to tell you______interesting.

a) anything b) nothing c) something

7. If____happens let me know.

a) anything b) nothing c) something

8. They want to spend their summer holidays____in the South.

a) anywhere b) somewhere c) nowhere

9. We had_____to eat the whole day and got hungry.

a) anything b) nothing c) something

10. ____milk is there in the bottle?

a) how much b) how many

11. ____plates are there in the cupboard?

a) how much b) how many

12. _____places of interest have you visited?

a) how much b) how many

2. Лексический минимум.

Текст А.

Customer: Excuse me, can I try this jacket on? (jeans, shirt, trousers)

Assistant: Yes, of course.

( a few minutes later)

Any good?

C: Yes, it’s fine. How much is it? C: No, I’m afraid it’s not

quite what I want. I think

I’ll leave it, thank you.

A: It’s $79.99.

C: Yes, I think I’ll have it, please. A: O.K.

A: Fine, I’ll out it in a bag.

Receptionist: Could you take this to the Computor Centre in Allington Street, please?

Angie: Where’s that?

R: It’s off Buckingam Palace Road.

A: Right. That’ll be $12.50... Thanks. That’s $2.50 change.

R: Could I have a receipt?

A: Yes, sure.

R: Thank you. Do you think you could hurry? It is rather urgent.

A: Yes, I’ll do my best, but it is the rush hour.

R: By the way, would you mind asking them to call me as soon as they get it?

A: O.K.

R: Thanks very much.

Задание 2. Придумайте диалог в соответствии с данными указаниями.

You Taxi driver

Ask the taxi driver to take you to your

destination. Ask where it is.

Say which street it is in. Say that you know this street.

Ask the driver to hurry because you

are late for an appointment. Say it’s rush hour but you’ll try.

Ask the cost of the journey Say the amount.

Pay the driver and ask for a receipt. Give the receipt

Ask the driver to help you with your suitcase. Agree to do so.

Thank the taxi driver.

Задание 3. Придумайте диалог в соответствии с данными ниже указаниями.


Ask if B likes classical music. Say yes. Say which composers

you like best.

Agree or disagree and say who Ask if A has ever been to a concert.

you like.

If yes, say when you went and Ask if A would like to go to

who you saw. a Kirkorov concert.

Ask when and where the concert is. Give details.

Say if you would like to go or not. Explain why. If the answer

is yes, arrange

a time and place

to meet.

Текст Б.


Some say he is genius, others call him arrogant. What is certainly true is that Ayrton Senna is the fastest man in motor racing. He won the World Championship in 1988 and 1990 and he has won more than twenty Grand Prix altogether.

Ayrton Senna was born on 21st March 1960, in Brazil. At 5ft 9in (1 m 76 cm) Ayrton is a little taller than most other racing drivers. He is good-looking, with short, wavy, dark hair and dark brown eyes.

Senna does not like to talk about his private life. His marriage in the early 1980s lasted a uear. “To be married to a Formula One driver”he says, “is an impossible lifestyle for a wife. But I will get married again”.

He has an older sister and a younger brother. His parents live in a large house in the north of Sao Paulo but Senna himself lives in Monaco, in Europe.

As far as hobbies go, he likes flying model planes. He also enjoys jet-skiing on water and flying with his father over the cattle country which his family owns in Brazil.

What motivates him to win? :Driving doesn’t seem like a job. I started driving when I was four. I love feeling the power of the engine and the wind in my face. When I drive, I wxperience new sensations and I always want more. That is my motivation”.

The Brazilian is not very popular with his fellow drivers. Alain Prost, the French driver, says: “Ayrton has a small problem. He thinks he can’t kill himself because he believes in God.In the world of Formula One racing, that is very dangerous”.

Упражнение 1. Угадайте какие слова записаны ниже.


Упражнение 2. Расскажите о различных видах спорта, используя следующие слова и выражения.

boring to watch dangerous expensive exciting to watch excellent for keeping fit

A: I think football is boring to watch.

B: So do I./ I don’t think it’s boring at all! I think it’s exciting.

Задание 4. Напишите сочинение о выдающемся российском спортсмене. (Write a short description of a famous sports personality in your country.)