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Text b Spacecraft Modifications and their Subsystems

There are some modifications of spacecrafts. Human spacecrafts are spacecrafts with a crew aboard. They may be intended both for short-term and long-term flights. Inhabited long-term research laboratories in space are known as space stations. Robotic spacecrafts that remain in closed orbits around the planetary body are artificial satellites or orbital spacecrafts and those that leave the closed orbits and travel into outer space are space probes. Different types of spacecrafts operate either autonomously or use remote control systems and are intended for a great number of different purposes, including communications, earth observation, meteorology, navigation, planetary exploration and space tourism.

A spacecraft system itself comprises various subsystems, dependent upon a mission profile. Spacecraft subsystems may include:

Life support 

Spacecraft being intended for human spaceflight must also include a life support systemfor the crew. The life support system must maintain the correct temperature and pressure during the flight.

GNC (Guidance, Navigation and Control)

These systems are responsible for correct orientation in space. They offer the capacity for determining and adjusting the path of the spacecraft to meet the mission’s requirements.

CDM (Command and Data Manipulation)

This subsystem receives commands from the communications subsystem and distributes them forward to the appropriate spacecraft subsystems and components.


Spacecraft must be equipped with an electrical power generation and distribution system. Near the Sun,solar panelsare frequently used to generate electrical power.

Thermal control 

Spacecraft must withstand transit through the Earth's atmosphereand thespace environment.

IMM (Impulse Management Maneuvers)

The system is intended for impulse management maneuvers and allows the spacecraft’s velocity and direction to change.


The payload is dependent upon the mission of the spacecraft. Usual average payloads could include scientific instruments and equipment, and a human crew.

Ground segment 

Typical components of a ground segment include a data processing and storage equipment, ground stationsto radiate signals to and receive signals from the spacecraft, and a voice and data communications network to connect all mission elements.

Launch vehicle 

The launch vehicleis used to propel the spacecraft from the Earth's surface, through theatmosphere, and into anorbit.

Задания к тексту B:

I. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим русским выражениям:

искусственные спутники; система жизнеобеспечения экипажа; импульсная система; разнообразие целей; система выработки и распределения электрической энергии; ракета-носитель; космические зонды; модификации космических кораблей; система теплообмена; дистанционная система управления; система обработки команд и данных; замкнутая орбита; солнечные панели; команда на борту космического корабля; сеть передачи данных с возможностью голосовой связи; наблюдение за Землей; выдерживать проход сквозь атмосферу Земли и космическую среду; устройства обработки и хранения данных; оставаться на орбите; система управления и аэронавигации; космический туризм; правильная ориентация в космосе.

II. Сформулируйте в нескольких словах содержание каждого абзаца.

III. Напишите резюме к тексту.

IV. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What difference is there between artificial satellites and space probes?

  2. How do different types of spacecrafts operate?

  3. What are they intended for?

  4. What does a spacecraft system comprise?

  5. What is the life support system used for?

  6. What are GNC systems responsible for?

  7. What system receives commands from the communications subsystem and distributes them?

  8. Where can solar panels be used?

  9. What is necessary for a spacecraft to transit through the Earth's atmosphereand thespace environment?

  10. The IMM system is intended for impulse management maneuvers, isn’t it?

  11. Could usual payloads include scientific equipment or a human crew?

  12. Doesn’t a ground segment include a data processing and storage equipment?

  13. Why isn’t the launch vehiclecontinuously used by the spacecraft inorbit?

V. Перескажите текст, используя в качестве плана вопросы предыдущего упражнения.

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