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Unit 6

Тема: Ракетостроение


  1. Страдательный залог (the Passive Voice).

  2. Страдательное причастие (Participle I Passive).

  3. Слова-заместители.

  4. Вопросительно-отрицательные предложения.

  5. Усилительные местоимения.

  6. Префикс повторности действия “re-. Префикс обратного действия “de-“.


  1. Глаголы to be, to have во временах Indefinite.

  2. Причастия Participle I, Participle II.

  3. Модальные глаголы can,must.

  4. Инфинитив в действительном и страдательном залогах.

  5. Выражение to be going to


  1. Space Stations

  2. Spacecraft Modifications and their Subsystems



также, тоже


на части






способность; мощность


закрытый, замкнутый




в течение


вход, вхождение


окружающая среда






земля; основание



launch vehicle 


long- term / short-term

долгосрочный / краткосрочный





Pacific Ocean,the

Тихий океан




в, за


предыдущий, предшествующий






ответственный; несущий ответственность

to adjust

регулировать, корректировать

to arrive


to assemble


to break(broke, broken)


to carry out


to comprise

включать в себя, заключать в себе

to depend




to distribute


to equip

оснащать, оборудовать

to hold (held, held)


to inhabit


to intend


to maintain

содержать, поддерживать

to offer


to record



запись; рекорд

to remain


to support 


to travel


to want






I. Вспомните, как переводятся следующие слова:

life; lesson; long; right; left; to give (gave, given); to take (took, taken); to meet (met, met); about; again; after.

II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, не пользуясь словарем. Обратите внимание на их произношение:

abstract; adaptation; astrobiology; astronaut; atmosphere; biology; camera; composition; cooperation; correct; cycle; detector; de-orbited; disc; expedition; football; geology; image; impulse; instrument; management; manipulation; maneuver; meteorology; microgravity; minimum; modular; nations; multi-national; NASA; navigation; ocean; orbital; panel; passenger; planetary; presence; profile; resident; Russian; segment; series; solar; state; station; sub -; subsystem; Sun; telescope; thermal; to combine; to occupy; to propel; to radiate; to visit; ton; total; tourism; transit; visit; vertically; horizontally; permanently.

III. Прочитайте, переведите и запомните следующие слова:

  • существительные

capacity; direction; entry; environment; ground; height; launch vehicle;  observation; observer; path; record; requirement;  velocity;

  • прилагательные

appropriate; average; closed; dependent; manned; naked; previous; long-term; short-term; reflective responsible;

  • глаголы

to adjust; to arrive; to assemble; to break; to carry out; to comprise; to depend; to distribute; to equip; to generate; to hold; to inhabit; to intend; to maintain; to offer; to record; to remain; to support;  to travel; to want;

  • наречия, предлоги

also; apart; during; forward; frequently; per; until.

IV. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

a) long-term periods of microgravity; a great number of different purposes; any kind of information; observable facts of natural or social phenomena; the first images of the far side of the Moon; a great amount of information resources and services; a series of robotic spacecraft missions; on-orbit construction of the station; the crew of Expedition 22; a minimum height of 278 km; an average velocity of 27,724 kilometres per hour; ground based observation of the station;

b) hard disc drives; common I/O devices; the lunar surface; earth observation; more abstract high-level programming languages; an auxiliary storage device; the first digitally operated and programmable robot; temperature and pressure data; general purpose computers; cathode-ray tube and liquid-crystal display monitors; an internationally developed space research laboratory; a modular design; the longest continuous manned presence; the International Space Station (ISS); long-duration Expedition crews; the 100-ton space station;

c) today's electronics engineers; a computer's memory; the astronauts' adaptation; the Earth's atmosphere; the world’s most advanced computers; the Soviet Union’s “Luna 3” probe; the artificial satellite’s flight; the spacecraft’s crew; the world's first continuously inhabited long-term research station; the United States' first space station; in the Earth's orbit; the station's microgravity environment; humans’ long-term presence in space;

d) to break apart during atmospheric re-entry; to hold the record; for a total of twelve and a half years of its fifteen-year life cycle; a resident crew of three; to meet requirements; with the naked eye; 15.7 orbits per day;


V. Вместо пропусков вставьте нужную форму глаголов “to be” или “to have” во времени Present Indefinite. Замените время Present Indefinite на Past, а затем на Future Indefinite:

1. The space station … the capacity to support a resident crew of three men. 2. The input devices and the output devices … peripherals. 3. In fact every branch of mathematics … applications in science, including such areas as number theory and topology. 4. The transistor … the main active component in practically all modern electronics. 5. Silicon transistors … much more reliable than electron tubes to an electromagnetic impulse. 6. Today's electronics engineers … the ability to designcircuitswith use of building blocks such aspower sources,semiconductors(e.g.transistors), andintegrated circuits. 7. The physical characteristics of Personal Computers and low cost … essential and useful for their users.

VI. Образуйте причастия Participle I, Participle II от следующих глаголов:

to adjust; to assemble; to break*; to carry out; to comprise; to distribute; to equip; to generate; to inhabit; to maintain; to meet*; to offer; to propel; to radiate; to remain; to represent; to support; to take*; to travel.

VII. Прочитайте предложения, найдите в них причастия. Предложения переведите:

1. Hard disc drives are common I/O devices used with computers. 2. Astrobiology is the study of life in space, combining aspects of astronomy, biology and geology. 3. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products. 4. Knowledge based on scientific method and acquired through such research and experience is science. 5. The dog Laika became the first living being on Earth sent in space aboard “Sputnik 2” on November 3, 1957. 6. The spacecraft “Vostok 1” with Yuri Gagarin aboard completed one orbit around the globe, lasting about 1 hour and 48 minutes. 7. Many of the experiments conducted investigated the astronauts' adaptation to long-term periods of microgravity. 8. In the 1970s, computer engineers at research institutions began to join their computers together using telecommunications technology.

VIII. Образуйте от инфинитива в скобках Participle I или Participle II. Предложения прочитайте, определите время сказуемого и переведите:

1. Power can be distributed between the two segments of the station (to use) auxiliary devices. 2. The crew of “Apollo 17”, by comparison, spent over 21 hours (to explore) the lunar surface. 3. We will use spacecrafts for a great number of different purposes, (to include) communications, earth observation, meteorology and others. 4. The Soviet space program produced the Space Shuttle Buran(to base) on theEnergialauncher. 5. The ISS travels at an average speed of 27,724 kilometres per hour, (to complete) 15.7 orbits per day. 6. Modern computers (to base) on (to integrate) circuits will be millions of times more powerful than the first machines.

IX. Вместо пропусков вставьте модальные глаголы can или must во времени Present Indefinite. Определите залог сказуемого и переведите предложения. Задайте к каждому предложению общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:

1. A computer's memory … be viewed as a set of cells into which numbers … be placed or read. 2. Typical payloads … include scientific instruments (e.g. cameras,telescopes, orparticle detectors). 3. A computer … store any kind of information in memory if it … be represented numerically. 4. Spacecraft intended for human spaceflight … also include alife support systemfor the crew. 5. Spacecraft … transit through theEarth's atmosphereand thespace environment. 6. Since the computer's memory … store numbers, it … also store the instruction codes. 7. A computer … also be determined as an electronic machine that … take input (data), process it and give out results (information).

X. В предложениях из упражнения X замените время Present Indefinite на Past, а затем на Future Indefinite.

XI. Прочитайте предложения, определите залог сказуемого и измените его на противоположный:

1. GNC system must continuously control motion, orientation and velocity. 2. The Internet can now be accessed almost anywhere 3. Circuits and components can be categorized into two groups: analog and digital. 4. Everybody can see the station from the Earth with the naked eye. 5. Technology can be viewed as an activity that forms or changes our everyday’s life. 6. The experience of the ISS can be taken forward into future multi-national missions.

XII. Сделайте грамматический разбор предложений, определите время и залог сказуемых. Предложения переведите:

а) 1. Using controlled methods, scientists collect observable facts of natural or social phenomena, record these data about the observations, and analyze this information to construct theoretical aspects of how things work.

б)1. It was also the only space station NASA launched alone. 2. The main characteristic of modern computers which differs them from all other machines is that they can be programmed.

XIII. Дополните предложение выражениями из скобок, прочитайте и переведите. Поставьте предложения в прошедшее время:

Wearegoingtomeet… (24.09.27; в субботу; вечером; в воскресенье утром; в апреле; летом; в 17.15; через 20 минут; в метро; в институте; на автобусной остановке).

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