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Unit 6.doc
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Изменение формы глагола

Active Passive

XVIII. Прочитайте предложения, сделайте грамматический разбор, замените: а) Active Voice на Passive Voice; б) Passive Voice на Active Voice:

а) 1. The first computers used large vacuum tubes. 2. In 1959 the Soviets obtained the first images of the far side of the Moon, never previously seen by humans. 3. A typical modern computer makes billions of instructions per second and seldom makes a mistake over many years of operation.

б) 1. In 1960s vacuum tubes were largely replaced by transistor. 2. The word robot was first mentioned by Czech writer Karel Čapek. 3. All these actions are determined by special programmed routines. 4. Skylab was visited by crews three times in 1973 and 1974.

XIX. Прочитайте предложения, найдите в них сказуемое и определите его время и залог:

1. The Internet carries a great amount of information resources and services. 2. Some robots will be programmed to carry out specific actions over and over again. 3. Software engineering concentrated specifically on producing software with high reliability. 4. Sputnik 2 was launched on November 3, 1957 and carried the first living passenger into orbit, a dognamedLaika. 5. Large computer programs will consist of several million instructions. 6. Robots are widely used in manufacturing, assembly, transport and space exploration. 7. Data comes through Input and the CPU processes the data. 8. “Sputnik 1”, the first artificial satellite, orbited the Earth in 1957, and became the first artificial bode in space. 9. Supercomputers in particular will have highly unique architectures and differ significantly from general purpose computers. 10. Output devices include printers and cathode-ray tube and liquid-crystal display monitors.

The Participle I Passive

Помимо ParticipleIиParticipleII, которые являются простыми формами причастий, существуют и сложные формы причастий, одним из которых являетсяParticiple I Passive. Это причастие образуется сочетаниемParticipleIот глагола “tobe” иParticipleIIот смыслового глагола, т.е.:

being + Participle II

ParticipleIPassive, так же как иParticipleII, - страдательное причастие, которое в отличие отParticipleIIпоказывает действие в процессе развития. Сравним:




to adjust

to distribute

to equip

to leave









being adjusted

being distributed

being equipped

being left





- нный

- мый

XX. Образуйте от следующих глаголов Participle I Passive:

to assemble; to break*; to carry out; to comprise; to generate; to inhabit; to maintain; to meet*; to offer; to propel; to radiate; to remain; to represent; to support; to take*; to occupy; to visit; to achieve; to collect; to complete; to conduct; to emit; to explore; to land; to launch; to open; to see*; to spend*; to transmit; to unveil; to weigh.

XXI. Прочитайте предложения, найдите в них причастия, определите их тип и функцию, которую они выполняют. Предложения переведите:

1. In its general sense, science may refer to a highly skilled technique or practice. 2. There are thousands of different programming languages—some intended for general purpose, others useful only for applications being developed. 3. In 2008 there were close to 600 million computers in the world wide web, being connected together by a number of communication lines and devices. 4. The International Space Station (ISS) is an internationally developed space research laboratory currently being assembled in the Earth’s orbit.

XXII. В следующих предложениях замените Participle II на Participle I Passive и посмотрите, как изменится смысл предложения:

1. The Space program is a series of robotic spacecraft missions launched by Russia. 2. The spacecraft’s crew will be able to correct broken satellites. 3. Computers, electronicclocks, andprogrammable logic controllersused to control industrial processes are constructed ofdigitalcircuits. 4. Spacecraft intended for human spaceflight must also include alife support systemfor the crew.

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