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Gerund - Методическое пособие.doc
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Gerund as object of a preposition

Any time a verb follows a preposition, the verb must be in gerund form. The chart below lists some common idiomatic expressions with prepositions that are always followed by gerunds.




be excited about

be surprised about

complain about

worry about

talk about

think about

I'm thinking about moving to London.

We're talking about going on strike.

She complained about getting sick.

I'm worried about paying my bills.

Lenny's surprised about getting fired.


be clever at

be disappointed at

be good at

be surprised at

She is so good at making cakes!

We are disappointed at your making so many mistakes.


apologize for

be grateful for

be responsible for

blame smb for

forgive for

make an excuse for

make up for

thank someone for

I thanked the nurse for helping me.

I made an excuse for being sarcastic.

My date made up for being late by buying me roses.

He apologized for coming late.


prevent smb from

stop from

The rain prevented us from completing the work.

Nothing can stop me from going there.


be engaged in

be interested in

depend on

insist on

persist in

succeed in

take part in

result in

count on (upon)

plan on

count on

I'm interested in improving my French.

We took part in helping the poor.

You should plan on leaving at 6: 00.

You can count on my being early.

Has Tom succeeded in finding a job yet?


accuse of

approve of

be afraid of

be capable of

be proud of

be tired of

dream of

fond of

suspect of

think of

Are you afraid of getting bored?

She's tired of explaining the directions.

Jan's proud of having so many friends.

We don't approve of cheating.

I’ve always dreamed of being reach.

I was accused of telling lies.


be accustomed to

be used to

look forward to

object to

to feel up to

I look forward to telling you about my trip.

I'm not accustomed to sleeping late.

I don't feel up to playing basketball oday.


be fed up with

be preoccupied with

be satisfied with

put up with

I'll be satisfied with getting a raise.

They're fed up with being broke.

I won't put up with your misbehaving.

She's preoccupied with dieting.


be against

decide against

warn against

We decided against moving to London.

We were warned against buying it.


give up

Don’t you think you should give up smoking?


Smb is used to doing----- is in the habit of doing smth

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