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Exercise 77. All Work and No Play

Brian Hansen is constantly tired and isn't satisfied with his life. He has gone to a doctor to see if there is anything physically wrong with him. Fill in the blanks in the conversation with gerunds or gerund phrases. Use a possessive before a gerund where indicated.

Doctor:Well, Brian, what seems to be the problem?

Brian:Well, it's the rat race, I guess. I feel like I'm on a treadmill. Some nights when I come home from work I'm so exhausted I don't feel like 1.(do)______doing______ anything but 2. (collapse) _______________ on the sofa and 3. (vegetate) _______________ in front of the TV. Is there anything physically wrong with me?

Doctor: No, I've looked at the test results, and you're healthy. How long have you been feeling like this?

Brian: Oh, two or three months, I guess. Long enough so that I've started 4. (worry) ____________ about 5. (I / never/have) _______________any energy. Basically I'm not doing anything besides 6. (punch)___________a time clock.

Doctor How much are you working?

Brian: Well, I'm putting in a lot of overtime—all in all at least sixty hours a week, I'd say.

Doctor: Why are you doing this? Are you trying to kill yourself?

Brian: Well, 7. (work) ________________overtime gives me the chance to pay off my bills. The other thing is that I only recently moved here, and I hardly know anyone, so I figured I'd concentrate on 8. (make) _____________ money for a while. I like 9.(socialize) ________________, but I don't know quite how to go about 10.(meet) ______________ new people.

Doctor: You're not married, then?

Brian: No, I'm not.

Doctor: Well, 11. (pay off) ________________bills is one thing, but 12.(kill) _______________ yourself is another. I. think you need to stop 13. (work) ________________so much and start 14. (play)_______________a little—to put things in balance. Have you considered 15. (join) _______________a singles group? There are lots of them around.

Brian: Well, I've actually thought about 16. (do) ________________ that, but I just haven't gotten around to it.

Doctor: I'd recommend 17. (you/try)_____________one out. A very good friend of mine was depressed and unhappy until several months ago. She joined a group and has been having a lot of fun. In fact, I think 18.(she/join) _________________ that group is the best thing she's done in a long time.

Brian: What kinds of things do they do?

Doctor: Oh, I think they do a lot of 19. (dance) ______________, 20. (play cards)_____________, 21. (go) ________________to the theater and movies—that sort of thing. Her name is Jane Travanti.. I'll give you her number. You can call her and find out about 22. (become) _______________a member. Forgive me for 23.(say) ________________so, but all work and no play makes Brian a dull boy.

Brian: OK, thanks a lot. I guess I needed to hear that.

Exercise 78. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word in bold and other words. Use between two and live words.

1. I will send you out of the classroom if you continue to make so much noise. (keep)

If _______________ so much noise, I will send you out of the classroom.

2.'Would you like to go fishing?' Tom asked me. (felt)

Tom asked me if __________ fishing.

3. I wish I had not spent so much money last night. (regret)

I _____________ so much money last night.

4. He found it impossible to keep his good news secret from her. (resist)

He could _________ his good news.

  1. I will always remember the first time I met Martha. (never)

I ________________ Martha for the first time.

  1. 'No, I did not shoot Mr. Fordham', said Robby. (denied)

Robby ____________ Mr. Fordham.

  1. Could you open the window, please? (mind)

Would _____________ , please?

  1. We tried not to laugh at his new haircut, but it was impossible. (help)

We _________________ at his new haircut.

Exercise 79. Discuss the following pairs of proverbs. Each pair contains two statements with somewhat opposing meanings. First talk about what the proverbs mean using Gerund. Give an example of each proverb. Then discuss the extent to which you believe it.

  1. Haste makes waste. - Strike while the iron is hot.

  2. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. - Out of sight out of mind.

  3. Pride goeth before a fall. - You’ve got to toot your own horn because nobody else is going to do it for you.

  4. A stitch in time saves nine. - He who hesitates is lost.

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