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Gerund - Методическое пособие.doc
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Exercise 21. The Fountain of Youth

DIRECTIONS: Try to imagine what it would be like if we all could drink from a fountain of youth so that we would never age. Using one expression from each group in the chart beginning on page 335, write six advantages of drinking from the fountain of youth. If you can think of any disadvantages, add those.


People wouldn't be preoccupied with getting old and losing their youthful appearance.

Gerund as attribute

astonishment at

disappointment at

surprise at

apology for

plan for

preparation for

reason for

experience in

interest in


advantage of method of

art of mistake of

chance of necessity of

difficulty of opportunity of

fear of plan of

good of pleasure of

habit of point of

harm of possibility of

hope of problem of

idea of process of

importance of purpose of

intention of right of

means of sense of

way of

objection to

She had no intention of staying. - Она не собиралась оставаться.

I don’t like his habit of making people wait .- Мне не нравится его привычка заставлять людей ждать.

I like his way of doing it - Мне нравится, как он это делает.

He had the sense of saying nothing. У него хватило ума не вмешиваться.

Sentence patterns with gerund as attribute

There is no (little)

Smb sees no






in (smb’s) doing smth

There is no harm in asking her again - Ничего не случится (плохого), если мы ее еще раз спросим.

There is little point in refusing. - Мало смысла отказываться.

Exercise 22. Write the correct preposition and to put the verb into the correct form. Use the verb in brackets at the end of each sentence.

  1. As a result ____________ (listen) at keyholes he learnt many facts which he had no hesitation _________(use) to his own advantage.

  2. He has a scheme _________ (make) grass grow in winter.

  3. I have no intention __________ (go) to that film; I couldn't bear (see) my favorite actress in such a dreadful part.

  4. There was no way ________ (get) out of the building except by climbing down a rope.

  5. What is the point ________ (argue)? Let’s discuss it.

  6. Did you have any difficulty ________ (get) here?

Exercise 23. Complete the sentences using gerunds.

1. He takes every opportunity of

приобрести знания

заказать билеты в театр

подбодрить своего друга

2. He had no chance of

быстро исправить положение

быть представленным

обменяться предложениями

3. What is your reason for

отменить встречу?

не поддерживать связи с фирмой?

предпринять этот шаг?

4. What’s her idea of

обучать молодых специалистов?

обменяться информацией?

связаться с зарубежными партнерами?

5. I have no hope of

что мне дадут эту роль.

заказать билет на поезд сегодня.

что меня примет врач.

6. There are a lot of ways of

выучить что-то как следует.

помочь другу в беде.

заказать комнаты в гостинице.

7. I realize the importance of

учить иностранные языки.

рассмотреть вопрос немедленно.

отправить телеграмму немедленно.

8. She has no experience in

воспитывать детей.

ухаживать за больными.

заниматься такими вопросами.

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