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Are the vitamins classified as fat-soluble and water-soluble? How are the vitamins classified?

What is classified as fat-soluble and water-soluble?

Заперечення: The vitamins are not classified as fat-soluble and water-soluble.

1.Vitamin A is formed in the animal body from pigments called carotenoids.

2.The pigments are associated in the plant with the green colouring material chlorophyll.

3.Vitamin D is often called the anti-rachitic factor.

4.Rickets is characterized by a failure of the animal to lay down calcium and phosphorus in its bones.

5.The remaining water-soluble vitamins are all grouped under the name Vitamin B complex.

6.The hands may be contaminated with disease bacteria without being infected.

7.Panting helps lower the dog’s body temperature.

IX. Спростуйте твердження або погодьтеся з ними.

Зразок 1:

-Vitamin A is a coloured substance. Do you agree with me?

-No, that is wrong. Vitamin A is a colourless substance.

Зразок 2:

-The vitamins are classified as fat-soluble and water-soluble. Do you agree with me?

-Yes, that is right (you are (quite) right). The vitamins are classified as fat-soluble and water-soluble.

1.The fat-soluble group includes vitamin C and vitamin B complex.

2.Carotene is slowly destroyed in the presence of oxygen.

3.Vitamin A deficiency in young cattle is usual.

4.In some animals secondary bacterial infections may prolong the life of an animal.

5.Vitamin D is often called the rachitic factor.

6.Rickets can occur as a result of a deficiency of phosphorus.

7.Vitamins E and C are essential and required by all animals.

8.The microorganisms of rumen manufacture the vitamins of B complex in sufficient amounts.

9.When the rumen flora of the young animal is fully established it needs a source of these B complex vitamins in its ration.

10.Horses require some member of the vitamin B complex.

X.Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1.Заражений об’єкт – це такий, що містить бактерії, здатні викликати хворобу.

2.Вітаміни розрізняють на розчинні в жирі та у воді.


3.Вітамін А – безбарвна речовина відомого хімічного складу, що знаходиться у жирі печінки риб та тварин.

4.Можна поповнити нестачу вітаміну D шляхом вживання риб’ячого жиру.

5.Дорослі жуйні тварини не потребують жодного представника комплексу вітаміну В.

6.Нещодавні дослідження показали, що коні потребують деяких вітамінів комплексу В.

7.Бактерії очищують навколишнє середовище шляхом розкладу токсичних відходів, нафти, нечистот.

8.Вітамін D часто називають протирахітним фактором.

XI. Перекажіть текст.


The vitamins are classified as fat-soluble and water-soluble. The fat-soluble group includes vitamins A, D, E and K and the water-soluble group – vitamin C and the numerous members of the vitamin B complex.

Vitamin A is found in the liver oils of fish and animals. It is formed in the animal body from pigments called carotenoids. Dried grass of high quality is the best source of the vitamin. The main signs of vitamin A deficiency in young cattle are failure to thrive, night blindness and, later, total blindness due to damage of the optic nerves. In all animals secondary bacterial infections occur where the deficiency is prolonged, and it may lead to the death of an animal.

Vitamin D is present in cod-liver oil, which was essential to the prevention of rickets. Vitamin D, in fact, is often called the anti-rachitic factor. Rickets, the disease due to vitamin D deficiency, is characterized by a failure of the animal to lay down calcium and phosphorus in its bones. Rickets can occur as a result of a deficiency of calcium or phosphorus in the diet.

Vitamin E is a dietary ingredient essential for the reproduction of rats.

Vitamin C is required only by guinea-pigs, humans, and the higher apes, where a lack causes scurvy. Farm animals and birds manufacture the vitamin in their systems.

The remaining water-soluble vitamins are all grouped into vitamin B complex. Member of the vitamin B complex is required by adult ruminants. Before the rumen of the young animal is fully established it needs a source of these vitamins in its ration.




UNIT 17.




Повторіть за диктором слова.



ambivalence n




breathe v




cold –blooded a




deer n




exploit v




fear n, v


страх; боятися



fin n


плавник, плавець


flexibility n


еластичність, гнучкість


flourish v



10. frog n



11. fungus (pl fungi) n


гриб, грибок, пліснява

12. haul n,v


перевезення; тягнути, переносити,

13. hence adv




отже, таким чином

14. lack n



15. lizard n



16. manure n



17. message n


послання, лист

18. mouse (pl mice) n



19. pigeon n



20. pity v



21. recreation n



22. reflect v



23. rough a



24. round up v


зганяти (докупи)

25. scaly a


покритий лускою

26. seek v



27. servant n



28. sponge n



29. succeed v


досягати (великого) успіху

30. (the) blind a



31. toad n



32. warm-blooded a



33. worship n,v


культ; обожнювати

Прочитайте текст та перекладіть його українською мовою.


Throughout history there has been an ambivalence in man’s attitude toward animals. He has loved them and feared them; worshipped them and hated them; pitied them and eaten them. And above all, he has exploited them.

Man has sought to make animals his servants and very often he has succeeded. Oxen plough fields; elephants haul timber; pigeons carry messages; dogs lead the blind and round up sheep. Man has also adopted animals as his friends. Petkeeping is flourishing now as never before.

Animals together with plants and fungi make up the world of multicellular organisms. Unlike the other two kingdoms of multicellular organisms, animals have developed muscles and hence mobility, a characteristic that has stimulated the further development of tissues and organ systems.

The border-line between primitive animals and plants is quite indefinite. For example, the sponges which lack muscle tissues were long considered to be plants. Their small movements were noticed in 1765, after that the animal nature of sponges slowly came to be recognized.

Animals represent three-quarters or more of the species on Earth, a diversity that reflects the flexibility in feeding, defense, and reproduction which mobility gives them.


Scientists classify all known animals in twenty large groups. The animals we see most often are vertebrates, or backboned animals. This large group is divided into smaller ones. Five main groups of vertebrates are: amphibians, reptiles, fish, mammals, and birds.

Amphibians are animals such as frogs and toads. Young amphibians live in water. When they become full grown, most amphibians develop lungs and legs and can live on land.

Snakes, lizards, turtles, and other reptiles breathe with lungs during the whole life. They have rough, scaly skins.

Fish breathe with gills, and have fins instead of legs. Amphibians, reptiles, and fish are coldblooded animals. That is, the temperature inside their bodies depends on the temperature outside.

Mammals, such as cats, deer, mice, and monkeys, have hair or fur. Female mammals have milk glands from which they feed milk to their young. Birds are the only animals with feathers. Mammals and birds are warm-blooded animals. That is, the temperature inside their bodies always stays about the same.

Today nearly half of the total food supply of man is contributed by animals. The list of food products of animal origin includes: meat from domestic and wild animals, fowl and eggs from domestic and wild birds, fish of many kinds, milk from cows, goats and sheep.

Animals contribute to clothing for man in the form of wool, leather, hair and fur. Horses, mules, oxen and other animals have been used as sources of power for different purposes. Domestic animals, notably the horse and the dog, are used extensively in sport. The animals in the zoo and circus are a source of recreation for people of different ages.

Manure produced in livestock farming enriches the soil and increases crop yields.

Humans study animals to learn about themselves, who are a very recent product of the evolution of animals.

Notes on the text:

unlike the other two the only animals

the temperature stays about the same were considered to be plants

came to be recognized

на відміну від інших двох єдині тварини

температура залишається без змін вони вважалися рослинами було визнано

Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1.What can you say about man’s attitude toward animals?

2.What do animals together with plants make up?

3.What is the difference between animals and plants?

4.What has stimulated the further development of tissues and organ systems?

5.What do you know about the movement of the sponges?

6.How many species on Earth do animals represent?

7.What animals do you see most often?

8.How many main groups are there among vertebrates?

9.What animals belong to amphibians?


10.What animals belong to reptiles?

11.What differs fish from another animals?

12.What animals are cold-blooded?

13.What are the main characteristics of mammals?

14.What animals are called warm-blooded?

15.What does the list of food products of animal origin include?

16.What else do animals supply for man?


I. Здогадайтесь про значення слів, використовуючи аналогію в рідній мові.

Organism, characteristic, stimuli, system, primitive, nature, botanist, classify, group, amphibian, temperature, products, ambivalence, form, reptile.

II. Прочитайте слова, звертаючи увагу на німі приголосні.

Muscles, known, often, when, which, whole, half, who, listen, knife, debt, diaphragm.

III. Згрупуйте слова за частинами мови.









Organism, two, mobility, pigeon, development, primitive, movement, nature, slowly, flexibіlity, ambivalence, has hated, three-quarters, diversity, defense, reproduction, scientist, has exploited, round up, more, twenty, smaller, temperature, capability, nearly, total, different, notably, extensively, recreation, evolution.

IV.Розподіліть слова по групах.





















Frogs, snakes, lizards, toads, turtles, deer, wolves, cows, sheep, elephants, foxes, salmon, racoons, squirrels, lions, skunks, beavers, deer, turkeys, pike, cod, otters, pea-cocks, seals, tigers, rats, trout, oxen, owl, whales, mice, sparrows, moles, hawk, eagles, rabbits, elephants, pigeons, turkeys, monkeys, herring, goats, horses, hens, geese, swine, crocodiles, rats, carp, eagles.

V. Продовжіть рядки, використовуючи слова у рамці.
















a)snakes, frogs, .......

b)birds, cats, deer, ......

c)meat, eggs, .........


VI.Знайдіть зайве слово.

а) cows, monkeys, sheep, horses

b) frog, crocodile, lizard, deer, turtle c) eggs, meat, leather, water, fur, milk

VII. Заповніть таблицю.




warm-blooded / cold-blooded


kinds of product



















































































































































































VIII .Підберіть українські еквіваленти до англійських слів або словосполучень.


1.unlike the other two groups


широко використовувати


2.further development


м’ясо свійських тварин


3.lack muscle tissue


теплокровні тварини


4.breathe with lungs


не мати м’язової тканини


5.female mammals






6.milk glands



подальший розвиток


7.the young



самки ссавців



8.stay about the same


на відміну від інших двох груп


9.food supply



залишатися без змін


10.warm-blooded animals


тваринного походження


11.meat from domestic animals


дихати легенями



12.enrich the soil






13.be used extensively








молочні залози



15.make up



постачання їжі



16.round up sheep



збагачувати грунт


17.animal origin



зганяти худобу



IX.Чи згодні ви із твердженнями?

1.Animals, plants and fungi make up the world of multicellular organisms. 2.The border-line between primitive animals and plants is quite definite.

3.Snakes, lizards, turtles, and other reptiles breathe with lungs during the whole life. 4.Amphibians, reptiles, and fish are warm-blooded animals.

5.Mammals, such as deer, mice, rats, moles and monkeys have no hair or fur.

6.Man gets meat from domestic and wild animals, fowl and eggs from domestic and wild birds, fish of many kinds, milk from cows, goats and sheep.

7.Manure produced in livestock farming doesn’t enrich the soil and increase crop yields. 8.Fish, mammals and birds are not vertebrates or backboned animals.

9.Vertebrates are divided into insects and sponges. 10.Fish breathe with lungs and have legs.

X. Підберіть терміни до визначень.

1.The only animals with feathers .__________

2.Animals with the same temperature inside their bodies._________

3.A group of cells that can do certain things as a group._________

4.The process by which new living things are produced._________

5.Tissues of various kinds often grouped together._________

6.A scientist who studies living things._________

7.Animals with the temperature inside their bodies which depends on the temperature outside.________________

8.Animals which haul timber in India. __________

9.Birds which carry messages. _____________

10.Animals which lead the blind and help shepherds pasture sheep. ___________

XI. Заповніть речення, використовуючи замість крапок:

А - full grown або В - (the) young).

1.All animals and plants can use oxygen, use food, grow, produce ... and respond to stimuli. 2.Usually many changes must take place before the individual becomes ... .

3.Houseflies become ... in about eleven days.

4.Some kinds of animals give birth to living ..., but most kinds lay eggs. 5.Dogs are not considered to be … until they are about a year old.

6.Cell growth and division do not stop when animals and plants become ...

7.Yet whatever its size may be when it is .... , almost every living thing begins its life as a single cell. 8.If animals and plants did not produce ..., all living things would soon disappear from the Earth.

XII. Зверніть увагу на переклад дієслова “to make” та перекладіть речення. to make – робити, виготовляти

to make up - становити, складати, користуватись косметикою to make up for - компенсувати, надолужувати

to make out – побачити, розгледіти, розрізнити


1.You can just make out the farm in the distance.

2.You can make up for the lack (нестача) of vitamin D by taking fish-liver oil. 3.Water makes up two thirds of your weight.

4.Because an organ is made up of different kinds of tissues, it can do more complicated things for the animal or plant than the cells or tissues can.

5.To make up for part of this loss, white flour and white bread are usually enriched by adding B vitamins and iron.

4.An organ is a main part of an animal or plant made up of several kinds of tissues. 5. Man has sought to make animals his servants and very often he has succeeded.

6.The chemists find that animals, like plants, are mostly made up of such elements as oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen.

7.These 3 articles make up the whole book.

8.Fewer women are making up these days. Many prefer a more natural look. 9.He made a career in politics rather early.

10.They are going to make a claim on that firm.

XIII. Заповніть пропуски у реченнях, використовуючи відповідні дієслова з прийменниками, що наведені у рамці.

to account for, to feed upon, to make up, to divide into,

to classify in, to rely on, to carry on, to deal with, to lag behind

1.The bone cells _______ only 1 to 5 percent of the total bone volume in the adult skeleton.

2.Private households are known ________ small-scale gardening, fruit growing, and livestock raising. 3.Some kinds of plants _______ other living organisms.

4.Reptiles, snakes and turtles _______ the group of cold-blooded animals. 5.Nowadays people __________ milk, meat and eggs as sources of numerous nutrients.

6.Veterinary medicine _______ the study, prevention and treatment of diseases both in domestic and wild animals.

7.Researches ____ mammals ____ three main sub-classes according to the functions performed. 8.Scientists _______ the animal species living on Earth _______ twenty large groups. 9.Ukraine's livestock sector _______ the crop sector of our country.

XIV.Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1.Молочнa худоба розводиться переважно у зоні лісостепу. 2.Cобака завжди відігравав важливу роль у житті людини. 3.Протягом тривалого часу вчені не відрізняли губчастих від рослин. 4.У цьому році з’явилась нова порода свиней. 5.Людина використовує деяких тварин з різною метою протягом багатьох віків. 6.Відомо, що корова дає найбільшу кількість молока протягом 4 місяців після народження теляти. 7.Зараз підготовка фахівців у галузі сільського господарства проводиться у багатьох освітніх закладах України. 8.Ccавці годують своє потомство молоком. 9.З метою отримання шовку у Китаї відбулось одомашнення тутового шовкопряда (silkworm). 10.Губчасті належать до світу примітивних багатоклітинних організмів. 11.Температура тіла


холоднокровних тварин — ящірок, черепах та гадюк — залежить від температури середовища. 12.Свині були завезені до Північної Америки після 1500 року. 13.З часу заснування нашої держави, скотарство відіграє важливу роль у національній економіці нашої країни. 14.Перші ветеринарні школи у Європі з’явилися у 18 столітті. 15.Тварини складають приблизно дві третини істот, що мешкають на Землі.

XV. Утворіть множину іменників. Розкрийте дужки.

1.(Fish) and some other animals keep on growing all their (life).

2.Some animals have a higher percentage of certain elements in their (body), for example, some (sponge) have much silicon in them.

3.As a young frog grows, it changes from a tadpole, with (gill) and a tail for living in water, to a frog, with (lung) and (leg) for living on land.

4.(Cow, sheep, deer, elephant) and many kinds of (fish) feed on plant together in groups.

5.We still get (fur) from some of the wild animals, such as (fox, racoon, squirrel, skunk) and (wolf).

6.We also get (fur) from water animals, such as (beaver, muskrat, otter) and (seal).

7)(Fish) and (whale) supply valuable oils.

8)(Bird, mouse, mole, skunk) and (snake) eat harmful insects. So do (frog, toad) and (fish).

9)All animals can act when (stimulus) comes to them from the surroundings.

10.(Hawk, owl, fox) and (snake) kill (mouse, rat, rabbit), and similar animals that damage crops.

11.Many people believe that we should take steps to preserve the (species) that are left, even those that are of no immediate use to us, and even those that compete with us for territory or food supply.

12.Light, odor, and sound are all different kinds of (stimulus).

XVI .Заповніть пропуски відповідними прийменниками.

1.Every year, billions ______ new animals and plants are produced.

2.The number of each kind _____ living things in a community tends to stay _____the same.

3.In almost every community, each kind of living things depends ____ many other kinds in various ways.

4.We can prevent further damage and make better use _____ the wildlife we still have. 5.Biologists tested the air that animals breathe ___ and ___.

6.A tiny animal known as an amoeba surrounds the food ____ its whole body. 7.Water makes _____ about two thirds of the weight of most animals and plants.

8.Rats are mammals, so many of their physical reactions are similar ____ those of the people. 9.Nearly one fifth _____ your body is carbon.

10.Animals and plants depend _____ each other, _____ food and materials.

11.Grass provides food for millions of cattle and sheep _____ which we get meat and materials _____


12.The animals grow until they are _______ the same size as their parents. 13.A stimulus is whatever makes a living thing act and respond ___it.

14.About two thirds _______ most animals and plants is a single compound ____ water.


VII. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслово у необхідній граматичній формі.

1.Many years ago cattle (to produce) a small amount of milk.

2.Our farm (to produce) quite a great amount of milk by the next year.

3.The dogs (to be) the animals of major importance to humans for many centuries.

4.The representatives of the animal kingdom (to belong) to the world of multicellular organisms. 5.People (to use) such animals as horses, mules, oxen as sources of power for a long time. 6.Zoos (to save) many disappearing animal species lately.

7.Workers (to develop) livestock and poultry operations on farms for the last years.

8.At the present stage of development the number of animal species in danger (to increase) rapidly. 9.French agriculturalists (to carry out) the domestication of the rabbit from the 6th to the 10th centuries AD.

10.Fish catches in the rivers of Ukraine (to decline) because of heavy pollution.

XVIII.Розподіліть дані дієслівні форми за станом.

Активний стан

Пасивний стан




are kept



Have been used, will decide, is improving, has been achieved, was founded, became, is being conducted, has stimulated, are kept, is flourishing, came, has succeeded, have developed, represent, gives, will be increased, to be rounded up, was contaminated, depend upon.

XIX.Поставте присудки в пасивному стані та перекладіть речення.

Зразок: Early views of religion and magic reflected the human concern with animal diseases. (Active Voice)

The human concern with animal diseases was reflected in early views of religion and magic. (Passive Voice)

1.Early views of religion and magic reflected the human concern with animal diseases. 2.People domesticated the great majority of animals in prehistoric times.

3.Strict seasonal reproduction characterizes the wild ancestors of domesticated animals. 4.Scientists dіvide the class of vertebrates into several groups.

5.People used the first domesticated horses for meat and skin.

6.Nowadays humans employ dogs as guides for the blinds or for the police work. 7.Botanists classify all the animals in twenty different groups.

8.Today animals contribute nearly half of the total food supply of man.

9.Human beings have used horses, mules, oxen and other animals as sources of power for a long time. 10.Humans exhibit wild and domesticated animals in zoological gardens.

11.People keep marine invertebrates, fishes, and marine mammals in aquariums. 12.The livestock experts have done a great deal of work in improving our cattle breeds. 13.People raise some breeds of sheep generally for wool production.

XX. Перекладіть речення за зразком, звертаючи увагу на переклад інфінітива. A.Зразок: To produce work animals is the main goal of animal husbandry.

Розведення робочих тварин є головною метою тваринництва.


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