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Text c3“the problem of cap misapplication”


misapplication – неправильное пользование

finish – конец

capper – укупорочная машина для колпачков

liner – вкладыш, прокладка, подкладка

Replacing apple juice and cider packaging from glass to plastic can be more complex than it might appear on the surface. Just ask Tree Top Company.

When the company decided to make the change, it soon learned that not just any plastic cap and liner will do. Required was the “right” closure that would let it avoid product spoilage, and attain the capping speeds that maximize productivity.

Since it opened for business in the 1940s, Tree Top has traditionally packaged its gallon apple juice and cider products in glass bottles. In recent years, customers began requesting a lighter weight package. Being sensitive to customers’ desires, Tree Top researched alternative package options to its heavy glass gallon bottles.

The closure and liner problem caused extensive downtime (простой) on the capping line to make adjustments, as well as cap misapplications, which meant a potential product spoilage problem. The only modification made was to redesign the bottle’s neck finish.

The new closure combination system allows to increase productivity through its capper by reducing the downtime previously needed to make adjustments. At the same time, it reduces misapplications and virtually eliminates any spoilage problems.

Грамматический материал Обзорные упражнения для закрепления грамматической темы «Неличные формы глагола – причастие и герундий».

Примечание: - теоретический материал представлен в "Методических указаниях", предназначенных для 3 - его семестра обучения.

Раздел 1. Причастие и причастные обороты

  1. Переведите на русский язык данные словосочетания, обращая внимание на причастие в функции определения.

A. wrapping and sealing machines; food processing plants employing a great variety of processes; each department maintaining responsibility for its own operations; control system giving all the information; computers performing various functions; operations varying from manual to fully automatic; machines filling bottles and cans

B. increased equipment uptime; fully automated production cycles; equipment employed in this plant; computerized machines widely applied in food industry; support systems involved in different processes; productivity increased by automation; material resources planned by the support system; labour and downtime costs avoided through overall management control

  1. Назовите соответствующие формы причастия; переведите данные словосочетания на русский язык.

equipment commonly (to employ) in confection production; products (to wrap and seal) automatically; information (to allow) to make decisions; machines (to label and code) products; savings (to realize) through better manpower scheduling; various functions (to perform) by computers; support systems (to include) different operations; automation (to cause) great changes in food manufacturing; robots (to apply) as part of packaging and handling line; automation (to promote) to integrate the activities of the pant

  1. Следуя модели, переведите на русский язык данные предложения с причастным оборотом в функции обстоятельства.

(When/while) introducing electronic equipment food manufacturers greatly increase the efficiency of production.

Внедряя электронное оборудование, пищевики значительно повышают эффективность производства.

When controlled by computers product quality can be much higher.

Когда качество продукта регулируется с помощью компьютера, оно может быть значительно выше.

1. When employed properly control system gives managers all the necessary information. 2. When deprived of proper control system each department cannоt effectively respond to overall management control. 3. Having been equipped with modern computerized machines the plant began steadily increasing its output. 4. Having automated varied processes and operations our plant achieved great results. 5. When computerized packaging and handling line is operated only by a few workers. 6. When controlled automatically food processing provides products of higher quality. 7. While maintaining the equipment regularly they could greatly increase its uptime. 8. When scheduled properly manpower gives considerable savings. 9. When labeled and coded products are ready for shipping. 10. Having been measured stock inventory was utilized more economically.

  1. Следуя модели, переведите на русский язык следующие предложения с независимым причастным оборотом.

  1. независимый причастный оборот выполняет функцию обстоятельства

  2. имеет свое подлежащее и выделяется запятой

  3. переводится придаточным или самостоятельным предложением

Various processes can be automated, packaging being one of them.

Различные процессы могут быть автоматизированы, и (причем)упаковка является одним из них.

Most of production cycles having been automated, the plant became able to avoid labour and downtime costs.

Так как(когда) большинство производственных циклов автоматизировали, предприятие смогло избежать издержек на оплату рабочей силы и простоя.

1. There are many problems in food manufacturing, automation being the problem of top priority. 2. Production processes varying from manual to fully automatic, it is necessary to provide a structural approach to unite them. 3. Due to control system each department of the plant maintains responsibility for its own operation, the ability of responding to overall management control being its another advantage. 4. Electronic equipment being used for direct control of production processes, managers get the information to improve their ability of decision-making. 5. Computers being extremely helpful for product processing, various branches of food industry are widely automated. 6. Support systems promote the integration of the plant operations, its productivity and the quality of produce being increased to a great extent. 7. Robots are designed for the performance of complex operations, packaging and handling line being one of the spheres of their application. 8. Computerized maintenance management systems are quickly becoming the order of the day, their advantages being hardly overestimated. 9. A food enterprise being automated, labour and downtime costs considerably decrease. 10. Better manpower scheduling, better stock inventory control and increased equipment uptime result in great savings, the advantages of computerized maintenance management systems being evident.

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