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labour safety production.doc
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Grammar study: Passive Voice (Indefinite, Perfect)

Страдательный залог – это такая категория глагола, которая показывает, что лицо или предмет, являющийся главным членом предложения – подлежащим не выполняет действия, а испытывает его со стороны другого лица или предмета. Страдательный залог образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени и причастия прошедшего времени смыслового глагола. В зависимости от категории времени – present, past или future или от группы времени меняются только формы вспомогательного глагола.

Sample: Safety engineering is defined as a science dealing with labour and health protection - Техника безопасности определяется как наука, имеющая дело с охраной труда и здоровья (Present Indefinite, Passive). At the advanced enterprise all work environment risks have been eliminated – На передовом предприятии все риски окружающей среды были устранены (Present Perfect, Passive).

Exercise 2. Define the Tense of the verbs in Passive Voice and translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. Each safety engineer should be acquainted with the terms of labour protection.

  2. Labour protection specialist is the person who has been trained in accordance with specified procedures.

  3. Work equipment is any device or machinery that is used at workplace.

  4. Work environment is the sum of factors to which an employee is subject.

  5. In a work environment the likely harm to the safety or health may be caused.

  6. An authority is authorized to some persons to perform supervision of the work environment.

  7. The persons whose competence on labour protection has been evaluated get the right to supervise.

  8. Preventive measures are the actions that are carried out or planned beforehand.

  9. Trusted representative is a person who is trained in accordance with procedures.


Read the text, introducing labour protection terms:

Concepts and terms of Safety Engineering

Safety engineering is the study of the causes and prevention of accidents and injuries. The practitioners of this discipline operate under a wide variety of position titles, job descriptions, responsibilities at various levels in industry and in activities of insurance companies. Each safety engineer should be acquainted with the terms concerning with labour protection law:

  1. labour protection – safety and health of employees at work;

  2. labour protection measures – legal, economic, social, technical and organizational preventive measures the objective of which is to establish a safe and harmless conditions to health work environment, as well as prevent accidents at work and occupational diseases;

  3. labour protection specialist – an employee who has the duty to organize and control labour protection measures and to perform internal supervision of the work environment, and who has been trained in accordance with procedures specified by the Cabinet;

  4. work equipment – any device (machine, mechanism), apparatus, tool or installation that is used at work;

  5. employer – a natural person, a legal person or a partnership with legal capacity, which employs at least one employee;

  6. work environment – the workplace with its physical, chemical, psychological, biological, physiological and other factors to which an employee is subject in the performance of his or her work;

  7. internal supervision of the work environment – the planning, organization, implementation and management of the activities of an undertaking in such a way as to guarantee a safe and harmless to health work environment;

  8. work environment risk – the likely harm to the safety or health of an employee in a work environment that may be caused, and level of possible seriousness of such harm;

  9. workplace – a place in which an employee performs his work, or where the employee works in accordance with the permission or an order of the employer;

  10. complement authority (надзорный орган) – an authority which is authorized to perform internal supervision of the work environment and whose competence on labour protection issues has been evaluated in accordance with procedures specified by the cabinet.

  11. serious and direct danger – threats to the life and health of an employee which may occur unexpectedly, in a short period of time and which irrevocably impact upon the health of the employee;

  12. preventive measures – actions or measures that are carried out or planned in an undertaking for all stages of work in order to prevent or reduce work environment risk;

  13. undertaking – an organizational unit in which an employer employs employee;

  14. trusted representative (уполномоченный по охране труда) – a person elected by employees, who is trained in accordance with procedures specified by the cabinet and who represents the interests of employees regarding labour protection.

Exercise 3. Translate into English the following word combinations:

техника безопасности, охрана труда, правила техники безопасности, страховая компания, мероприятия по охране труда, инженер по охране труда, рабочая зона, объективные причины, профессиональные заболевания, вредные условия, угроза здоровью,. осуществление деятельности, надзорный орган, уполномоченный по охране труда, предотвращение опасности, специальная методика.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences:

  1. Safety engineering studies the causes and prevention of… .

  2. The practical workers operate under a wide variety of… .

  3. Each safety engineer should be acquainted with… .

  4. Labour protection measures are… .

  5. Labour protection specialist is an employee who… .

  6. Work equipment includes… .

  7. Work environment is the workplace with… .

  8. Supervision of the work environment consists of… .

  9. Workplace is the place in which… .

  10. Preventive measures are actions that… .

Exercise 5. Insert the proper words into the sentences:

  1. (Техника безопасности) is the study of (причин) and (предотвращения) of accidents.

  2. Each safety engineer (должен быть знаком) with (законами охраны труда).

  3. Labour protection measures (имеют целью) to establish (безопасные) and (безвредные условия труда).

  4. It is also necessary to prevent (несчастные случаи) and (профессиональные заболевания).

  5. (Инженер по охране труда) has to organize and control (условия труда).

  6. A supervisor (должен быть подготовлен) in accordance with (методикой).

  7. (Работодатель) is the person who (нанимает) the workers.

  8. (Рабочая среда) is the workplace where (работник) performs his work.

  9. Work environment risk is (вредное воздействие) the health of an employee.

  10. Direct danger (может угрожать) to (жизни и здоровью) of (работника).

Exercise 6. Find English equivalents to a Russian word:

  1. понятие a) definition c) notion

b) explanation d) concept

2. причина a) purpose c) cause

b) condition d) reason

3. несчастный a) misfortune c) disaster

случай b) accident d) crash

4. повреждение a) wound c) injury

(рана) b) trauma d) break

5. ответственность a) duty c) charge

b) responsibility d) debt

6. опасность, a) menace c) danger

угроза b) threat d) risk

7. болезнь a) illness c) disease

b) sickness d) disorder

8. руководство a) guidance c) direction

b) supervision d) leadership

9. выполнять a)to fulfill c) to execute

(работу) b) to perform d) to realize

10. предприятие a) plant c) undertaking

b) enterprise d) production

Exercise 7. Translate into English:

  1. Термины техники безопасности отражают основные понятия этой науки.

  2. Техника безопасности изучает причины и предотвращение несчастных случаев на производстве.

  3. Компенсировать ущерб здоровью помогают страховые компании.

  4. Инженер по технике безопасности должен знать законы и правила охраны труда.

  5. Охрана труда – это безопасное рабочее место.

  6. Задачей охраны труда является устранение вредного воздействия на здоровье работника.

  7. Безопасность на производстве должна предотвращать несчастные случаи и профессиональные заболевания.

  8. Инженеры по технике безопасности должны быть специально подготовлены.

  9. Рабочее место должно быть свободно от физических, химических, шумовых и других неблагоприятных (adverse) факторов.

  10. Руководство предприятий должно планировать меры по организации безопасной работы.


Exercise 8. Give the summary of the text, using key vocabulary and tell about:

  1. the aims of safety engineering;

  2. main terms of this activity;

  3. the duties of labour protection specialists;

  4. labour protection measures;

  5. the workplace of an employee;

  6. the dangers and threats of the work environment;

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