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labour safety production.doc
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Exercise 6. Give the summary of the text using key vocabulary and tell about:

  1. the reasons of burns by welding;

  2. benefits of safe and healthy workplace;

  3. the role of a plant manager or shop foreman;

  4. the risk of fire and explosion by welding;

  5. the reasons of blasts;

  6. means of elimination of hazardous situations.

Checklist for Section VII:

  1. How is Continuous Tense (Active and Passive) formed?

  2. What parts of speech are formed with the help of the suffix –ive?

  3. Why are welding processes potentially hazardous?

  4. What are preventive measures in welding activity?

Section VIII

Safety and Health Protection on the job

Grammar: Functions of infinitive (repetition).

Word-formation: suffix –tion (repetition).

Speaking: Duties of employers at manufacture.

Practise the reading of the words:

design [dɪ'zaɪn]

occur [ə'kə:]

monetary ['mʌnɪtərɪ]

injury ['ɪndʒərɪ]

hazardous ['hæzədəs]

employee [\emplɔɪ'ɪ:]

employer [ɪm'plɔɪə]

emergency [ɪ'mə:dʒənsɪ]

trauma ['trɔ:mə]

disease [dɪ'zɪ:z]

Learn the pronunciation and meaning of the words:

statute ['stætju:t] закон, акт, устав

to promulgate ['prɔməlgeɪt] объявлять, провозглашать, опубликовать

failure ['feɪljə] неуспех, неудача, провал

substantial [səb'stænʃəl] существенный, значительный

penalty штраф

adequate ['ædɪkwɪt] соответствующий

to file составлять, представлять, регистрировать (документ)

to request [rɪ'kwest] просить

to advise советовать, консультировать

appropriate [ə'prouprɪɪt] подходящий, соответствующий

apparent [ə'pærənt] явный, очевидный, несомненный

overall всеобщий, всеобъемлющий

essential [ɪ'senʃəl] существенный, важный

majority [mə'dʒɔrɪtɪ] большинство

Vocabulary development: word building

Функцию и значение суффикса –tion см. в разделе III.

Exercise 1 Translate the words with the suffix –tion to the given text:

protection, regulation, occupation, condition, inspection, violation, reduction, organization.

Exercise 2 Translate the original and derivative words, using a dictionary and create some new words by adding suffixes:







to promulgate




to regulate





to fail




to assist




to violate










Grammar study: functions of infinitive (repetition)

Описание функций инфинитива см. в разделе IV.


Read the text telling about the duties of employers on manufacture

Safety and Health Protection on the job

Workplace safety and health laws establish regulations designed to eliminate personal injuries and illnesses from occurring in the workplace. The main statute protecting the health and safety of workers in the workplace is the Occupational and Safety Health Act (OSHA). OSHA requires the Secretary of Labour to promulgate regulations and safety and health standards to protect employees and their families. All employers must follow state laws governing job safety and health and provide work and workplaces that are safe and healthful. Failure to do so can result in a threat to the life or health of workers, and substantial monetary penalties. To avoid all these an employer must:

  1. be aware of hazards your employees face on the job and keep records showing that each employee has been trained in the case of hazards;

  2. correct any hazardous condition that may result in serious injury to employees;

  3. call for emergency help to assist the injured employee.

What an employer must never do:

  1. never permit an employee to do work that violates OSHA law;

  2. never permit an employee to be exposed to harmful substances without providing adequate protection;

  3. never allow an untrained employee to perform hazardous work.

By this employees have certain rights in workplace safety and health protection, for example to file a complaint and to request an inspection of their workplace if conditions there are unsafe or unhealthful. In general practice an individual is advised to work only under conditions in which appropriate emergency aid is available when needed. Try to work when others are around to provide you help if it is needed.

Any employee has the right to refuse to perform work that would violate any occupational safety or health standard and where such violation would create a real and apparent hazard to him or other employees.

Labour safety overall objective is the safety of workers during their labour activity. Despite annual reduction of the number suffered from traumas on manufacture and relative density working in harmful conditions, the level of industrial traumatism and professional disease is essential. All these lead to the increase in the sizes of insurance payments for accidents on manufacture.

The majority of accidents occurs in the absence of the due organization of work, low labour and industrial discipline, non-fulfillment by officials and workers of their direct duties on observance of safe working conditions. However, safety precaution is the complex of actions of the technical and organizational character directed on creation of safe working conditions and prevention of accidents. At factories there is the special security service developing actions which should provide to the workers the safe working conditions. The actions providing decrease of traumatism and elimination of accidents should be regularly carried out. These actions are based on the following:

–improvement of a design of the operative equipment;

–improvement of working conditions: sufficient light expose, good ventilation, discharge of dust, timely waste disposal, normal temperature in shops, proper heating.

Exercise 3. Define functions of infinitive in the sentences:

  1. Labour regulations are designed to eliminate personal injuries.

  2. OSHA requires the employers to promulgate regulations.

  3. OSHA establishes safety standards to protect employees.

  4. Failure to do safe workplaces can result in a threat to life or health of workers.

  5. To avoid all dangerous situations an employer must be aware of hazards.

  6. In some situations the employer must call for emergency help to assist the injured employee.

  7. The employer should not permit an employee to do work that violates OSHA law.

  8. The employer should not permit an employee to be exposed to harmful substances without protection.

  9. The employer should prohibit an employee to perform hazardous work.

  10. In inadequate environment the workers have the right to file a complaint.

  11. In general practice the workers are advised to work under appropriate conditions.

  12. Try to work when the people are around to provide you help if it is needed.

  13. Any employee has the right to refuse to perform work that would violate occupational safety.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences:

  1. Safety and health laws establish regulations to eliminate… .

  2. OSHA requires all the employers to promulgate… .

  3. Failure to observe safety regulations can result in… .

  4. Never permit an employee to do work that violates… .

  5. Do not expose the employees to harmful substances without… .

  6. The employee has the right to refuse … .

  7. Despite the reduction of the number of injured people, the level of industrial traumatism is… .

  8. The majority of accidents occurs in the case of… .

  9. Safety precaution is directed on creation of…

  10. The actions providing decrease of traumatism are based on …

Exercise 5. Match the words in the left column with those in the right and translate them:

1. monetary a) service

2. health b) conditions

3. workplace c) discipline

4. to promulgate d) help

5. to face e) a complaint

6. to call for f) threat

7. adequate g) safety

8. to file h) regulations

9. low i) penalties

10.security j) protection

Exercise 6. Translate into Russian:

  1. Правила безопасности труда и здоровья устанавливаются, чтобы исключить повреждения и болезни.

  2. Основным документом по защите работников является закон о профессиональной защите и охране здоровья.

  3. Неисполнение (failure) закона может стать результатом угрозы жизни и здоровью.

  4. Чтобы избежать нарушения (disorder) здоровья работодатель должен осознавать потенциальные опасности.

  5. Следует учитывать (to take into account) опасные условия работы.

  6. Необходимо принимать меры по устранению неблагоприятных (unfavourable) условий труда.

  7. Рабочие не должны подвергаться воздействию вредных веществ.

  8. Только обученные работники должны выполнять опасную работу.

  9. Большинство несчастных случаев на производстве случаются из-за небрежного (negligent) выполнения своих обязанностей.

  10. На каждом предприятии должен быть отдел охраны труда.

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