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labour safety production.doc
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Vocabulary development: word building

С помощью суффикса -age от глаголов образуются существительные со значением результата действия, названного глаголом: drainage – дренаж, сток воды; bandage – связь, соединение, стык (в строительстве); carriage – вагон.

Exercise 1. Translate the original and derivative words with the suffix -age from the text:

package, breakage, spillage, storage, beverage, voltage.

Exercise 2. Translate the original and derivative words, using a dictionary and create some new words by adding suffixes:







to provide





to comply



to dispose




to break





to spill


to negotiate




to ignite



to fit

fitting fitness

fitment fittage


Grammar study: Participle I as an adverbial modifier of time

Одной из функций причастия I является обстоятельство времени. Причастие в этой функции употребляется с союзами «when» – когда?, «while» – в то время как; пока. При переводе союзы опускаются, а причастие переводится на русский язык фразой со словом «при», «будучи» или деепричастием.

Sample from the text: when testing samples … – при испытании образцов …; when working in the lab – работая в лаборатории … .


Read the text describing threats and precautions while working in chemical laboratories

Chemical Safety Provisions

By working in chemical laboratories one should comply with the various environmental regulations relating to infectious waste, define a hazardous waste, package it and deal with waste requiring special handling or disposal procedures. Care should be taken to see that chemicals are not only stored, transported and handled safely, but also that they are disposed in a way that harms neither equipment and plumbing, nor other people. When chemicals are carried by hand, they should be placed in a carrying container or acid-carrying bucket to protect against breakage and spillage. When chemicals are transported on a wheeled cart, the cart should be stable under the load and have wheels large enough to negotiate uneven surfaces without tipping or stopping suddenly. Provisions for the safe transport of small quantities of flammable liquids include: the use of rugged pressure-resistant, non-venting containers; storage during transport in a well-ventilated vehicle and elimination of potential ignition sources.

Every chemical should have a specific storage space. They should not be stored on counter tops where they can be knocked over or in hoods where they interfere with proper air flow. Flammable liquids should be stored in ventilated storage cabinets and far from ignition sources. All containers must be labeled (including such harmless items as distilled water). The label should contain the proper name of the chemical and, if appropriate, a statement of hazards, precautions, date of purchase or synthesis, and the name of the user. Do not use chemicals from unlabeled containers. Proper labeling is extremely important as it is impossible to dispose unlabeled chemicals. Do not pipe it by mouth and never taste or smell any chemical. Clean spills immediately with precautions for that material. Avoid direct contact with any chemical, what might be considered safe today may eventually be found to be unsafe. Pay specific attention to the potential hazards and safety equipment required for working with the material. Be familiar with the proper emergency procedures recommended for the chemical in case of accidental exposure.

As for equipment, all waterlines connecting apparatus to water outlets must be copper tubing with proper metal fittings or high pressure water hoses fitted with proper clamps. The bursting pressure of the hose must safely exceed the highest pressure attainable in the water mains (100 psig). Mechanical vacuum pumps used in laboratories pose common hazards. These are the mechanical hazards associated with any moving parts and the chemical hazards of contaminating the pump oil with volatile substances and subsequently releasing them into the lab. If a vacuum pump is required for lower pressures, the pump must be fitted with a cold trap to condense the volatiles.

For removing solvents or water from samples and to dry laboratory glassware electric ovens are often used in laboratories. These ovens if not properly vented or used in a hood, discharge the volatile substances into the laboratory atmosphere which can accumulate in toxic concentration. Small amounts of vapour can accumulate inside the oven and mix with the air to form explosive mixtures. That is why ovens should not be used to dry any chemical known to possess toxic vapours in order to avoid an explosion hazard.

In all laboratories where chemicals are used there is the hazard of splashes of dust particles entering the eyes. Pressurized or vacuum vessels may explode or implode sending shrapnel through the lab. When testing samples on some equipment, pieces can chip and enter the eye. All of these activities, and many others, require the use of either safety glasses, chemical goggles or face shields.

In order to protect the lungs it is necessary to use respirators. There are many shapes and sizes of respirators and in order to be effective it must be properly fitted. In situations where splashing or spills may occur it is wise to protect the body with lab coats. Goggles and face shields, splash aprons, and gloves may be needed for chemicals that are corrosive or easily absorbed through the skin. Open-toed shoes and sandals are prohibited when working in the lab. Do not work in a laboratory wearing loose hair, loose clothing or dangling jewelry. For hand protection the use of gloves made of a material suitable for the operation, is required. Prior to leaving the laboratory it is necessary to wash hands and arms. Consumption of food and beverages in laboratories where chemicals are being stored or used is not permitted.

All electrical wiring and construction must conform to standard safety practice. High voltage equipment must be labeled: Danger, High Voltage. Switches to turn off all electrical power to the equipment in case of emergency.

Exercise 3. Define functions of infinitive in the sentences:

    1. Care should be taken to see that chemicals are disposed under harmless conditions.

    2. By carrying chemicals should be placed in the special bucket to protect against breakage and spillage.

    3. The cart transporting chemicals should be stable to negotiate uneven surfaces.

    4. Proper labeling is extremely important as it is impossible to dispose unlabeled chemicals.

    5. Any unlabeled chemical may eventually be found to be unsafe.

    6. The vacuum pump must be fitted with a cold trap to condense the volatiles.

    7. Electric ovens are used in laboratories to dry glassware.

    8. Glassware exposed to chemical toxic vapours should not be used to avoid an explosion hazard.

    9. To protect the lungs it is necessary to use respirators.

    10. In splashing or spilling situations it is wise to protect the body with lab coats.

    11. Before leaving the laboratory it is necessary to wash hand and arms.

    12. High voltage equipment must be labeled to turn off electrical power in the case of emergency.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences:

  1. By working in a chemical laboratory one should comply with …

  2. Chemicals stored in the laboratory should not harm neither equipment, nor …

  3. The cart transporting chemicals should be stable to negotiate …

  4. Every chemical should have a specific storage …

  5. Flammable liquids should be stored in …

  6. The marking label on the glassware should contain …

  7. Proper labeling is extremely important as …

  8. Some amounts of vapour can accumulate and mix with air to form …

  9. Eyes protection requires the use of …

  10. In order to protect the lungs it is necessary …

  11. Consumption of food in laboratories where chemicals are being stored or used is …

  12. High voltage equipment must be labeled …

Exercise 5. Match the words in the left column with those in the right and

translate them:

1. chemical

a) vapours

2. to comply with

b) waste

3. infectious

c) liquid

4. flammable

d) substance

5. corrosive

e) mixture

6. rugged

f) regulations

7. storage

g) laboratory

8. metal

h) container

9. water

i) fitting

10. explosive

j) space

11. toxic

k) outlet / main

Exercise 6. Translate into Russian:

  1. Работая в химической лаборатории следует соблюдать правила безопасности

  2. Работа с химическими веществами требует осторожного (careful) обращения с ними.

  3. Следует соблюдать осторожность при переноске и транспортировке химических материалов.

  4. Разлитый химикат может дать (generate) опасные испарения.

  5. Летучие химические вещества могут повредить (to do harm) легким.

  6. Особое внимание следует уделять хранению химических веществ.

  7. Химикаты должны храниться в прочных контейнерах, вытяжных шкафах и вдали от источников воспламенения.

  8. Каждый контейнер или посуда должны иметь наклейку с названиями вещества.

  9. Для защиты глаз нужно носить защитные очки или щиток.

  10. В целях безопасности следует использовать респираторы и носить защитную одежду – фартуки, халаты, перчатки.

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