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In the circuit court for baltimore city, maryland




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         CASE NO.:


     Plaintiff, Sandy Jenkins, by and through their undersigned attorneys, Ronald V. Miller, Jr., and Miller & Zois, LLC, bring suit against Defendant Conectiv Energy and states as follows:       1. Plaintiff is a resident of Mt. Carmel, Pennsylvania..       2. Defendant Conectiv Energy carries on regular and substantial business in Baltimore City, Maryland.      3. On July 3, 2004 at 11:05 p.m., at 13601 Philadelphia SB Avenue in Ocean City, Maryland, Plaintiff suffered serious and permanent injuries as the result of an explosion that occurred on Defendant’s electrical pole (Conectiv pole 62496/95862 located on the bay side of 135th Street).       4. The explosion caused a cylinder measuring two inches long and 3/8 inches wide to become imbedded in Plaintiff’s right forearm.

Count I - Strict Liability-Defect in Design - Product Liability

     Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations contained in Paragraph 1 through 4 of this Complaint.       5. Defendant participated in sale and maintenance of a product.      6. Defendant maintained, installed and assembled the product which contained a defective condition because the design was defective and unsafe.       7. This design defect made the product unreasonably dangerous.       8. The system as assembled by Conectiv remained unchanged and was in the same condition at the time of the injury hereafter alleged.       9. As a direct and proximate cause of Defendant’s installation and maintenance of the defectively designed product, Plaintiff sustained permanent injury.

Count II - Negligent Design and/or Maintenance - Product Liability

     Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations contained in Paragraph 1 through 9 of this Complaint.       10. Defendant built and/maintained an electrical system that had a defective design or was defectively maintained. Accordingly, defendant owed a duty to Plaintiff that the system was designed and maintained in such a way that made the system safe for its intended purpose.      11. Defendant knew or should have known when building and maintaining this electrical system that it was designed defectively or maintained, creating a unreasonable risk of injury for to Plaintiff.       12. Plaintiff was negligent in failing to properly design, manufacture, install, maintain, and communicate the defect in the system to Plaintiff, creating a clear and immediate risk of serious injury. As a direct and proximate result, Plaintiff sustained serious injury.

Count III - Strict Liability-Abnormally Dangerous Activity - Products Liability

     Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations contained in Paragraph 1 through 12 of this Complaint.      13. Defendant’s conduct in maintaining an electrical system in a public area constituted an abnormally dangerous activity which exposed Plaintiff to an unreasonable risk of harm.      14. At all relevant times, Defendant had control over the abnormally dangerous activity of maintaining the electrical system.      15. As set forth above, Plaintiff sustained injury as a direct and proximate cause of this unreasonably dangerous activity.       WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against Defendant in the amount of FIVE MILLION DOLLARS ($5,000,000.00), plus interest, costs and any other relief this court deems appropriate.

                                                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                MILLER & ZOIS, LLC

                                                                                Ronald V. Miller, Jr.                                                                                 Laura G. Zois                                                                                 Empire Towers, Suite 615                                                                                 7310 Ritchie Highway                                                                                 Glen Burnie, Maryland 21061                                                                                 (410)553-6000                                                                                 Counsel for Plaintiffs


     Plaintiff pursuant to Maryland Rule 2-325, prays a trial by jury on all issues.

Образец 2.

В Арбитражный суд _____________________________

Истец: ________________________________________


(наименование, место нахождения, если истцом

является гражданин, его место жительства, дата

и место рождения, место работы или дата и место

гос. регистрации в качестве предпринимателя)

Ответчик: _____________________________________


(наименование, место нахождения или место


Цена иска: _______________________________ руб.


В соответствии с договором подряда от "__"__________ ____ г.

No. ________, заключенным между истцом и ответчиком, ответчик выполнил

____________________________________________________________________ и

(перечень работ, выполненных в соответствии с договором)

сдал объект _________________________________________________________.

В процессе эксплуатации объекта были выявлены следующие дефекты:


"___"_____________ ____ г. был составлен двусторонний акт, который

подписали наш представитель и представитель ответчика. В акте

отмечалось, что обнаруженные дефекты явились следствием нарушения


В акте было указано, что допущенные дефекты будут устранены ответчиком

до __________________. Однако фактически работы по устранению дефектов

были выполнены только _________________, т.е. с просрочкой на _______.

Нашу претензию от "__"________ ____ г. No. _____ ответчик оставил без

ответа. Пунктом _____ договора предусмотрено, что в таких случаях

виновная сторона должна уплатить второй стороне по договору пени в

размере __________ за каждый день просрочки.

Учитывая изложенное выше, на основании ст.ст. 330, 331

Гражданского кодекса РФ, а также ст.ст. 125, 126 АПК РФ,


1. Взыскать с ответчика - __________________________ пени в сумме

________________ руб. и расходы по госпошлине в сумме __________ руб.,

всего в сумме ________________________________ руб.


1. Копия договора от "__"__________ ____ г. No. ______________.

2. Копия акта об обнаруженных дефектах от "__"_________ ____ г.

3. Копия претензии от "__"__________ ____ г. No. _____________.

4. Уведомление об отправке копии искового заявления ответчику.

5. Документ об уплате госпошлины.

6. Копия свидетельства о государственной регистрации истца.

7. Копия доверенности или иного документа, подтверждающего право

на подписание иска.

Руководитель (представитель) ________________


"__"______________ ____ г.

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