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3. В тексте “Chapter 1. Civil Legislation” найдите соответствия следующим словам и словосочетаниям.

1. inviolability of property

2. restoration of violated rights

3. to contradict legislation

4. legal status of participants

5. entrepreneurial activities

6. making of profit

7. stateless persons

8. inalienable human rights and freedoms

9. tax and other administrative relations

10. proprietary independence

11. foundations of constitutional order

4. Найдите в тексте соответствия следующим словосочетаниям.

1. недопустимость произвольного вмешательства

2. осуществление права собственности

3. обеспечение обороны страны

4. вещные права

5. договорные отношения

6. выполнение работ

7. процесс, предусмотренный законом

8. законные интересы

9. интеллектуальные права

10. неимущественные отношения

5. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. What comprises the foundation of Civil Legislation?

2. How do physical persons and legal persons acquire and exercise Law rights?

3. In what cases may civil rights be limited?

4. What provision is analogous to the interstate commerce clause in American constitutional law?

5. What does civil legislation determine?

6. Who are the participants in relations regulated by civil legislation?

7. What does civil legislation regulate?

8. How are rules established by civil legislation applied?

9. How are inalienable human rights and freedoms protected?

6. Соотнесите слова и словосочетания из колонки а с их значениями из колонки в.


1. equality

a. to decide smth. officially

2. to interfere with

b. having or deserving the same rights and opportunities as other people

3. defenсe

c. set of laws

4. to contradict

d. to make smth. start to exist of start to happen

5. to impose on

e. smth. that you must do for legal or moral reasons

6. legislation

f. to be owned by a person or company and sold under a trademark or patent

7. obligations

g. to introduce smth. such as a new law for a new system and force people to accept it

8. proprietary

h. to prevent smth. from happening or developing in correct way

9. to establish

i. actions that you take to protect someone or something that is being attacked

10. to determine

j. to say that the opposite of what someone has said is true

7. Замените русские выражения в скобках на соответствующие английские эквиваленты из текста.

1. Civil legislation (основывается на) the recognition of the equality of participants in the definite kinds of relations.

2. They are free in establishing (своих прав и обязанностей) on the basis of a contract and (в определении условий договора) to the extent that such conditions (не противоречат законодательству).

3. Goods and services (свободно перемещаются на всей территории Российской Федерации).

4. The Russian Federation (субъекты Российской Федерации и муниципальные образования) may also participate in relations which are regulated by civil legislation.

5. Rules established by civil legislation (применяются к отношениям с участием) foreign citizens, stateless persons and foreign legal persons.

6. (Неотчуждаемые права и свободы человека) and other nonmaterial values are protected by civil legislation.

7. Civil legislation is not applicable to property relations (основанных на административном или ином властном подчинении) of one party to another.

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