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8. Найдите в тексте “Chapter 1. Civil Legislation” соответствующие английские предложения.

1. Граждане (физические лица) и юридические лица осуществляют свои гражданские права своей волей и в своих интересах.

2. Гражданские права могут быть ограничены на основании федерального закона.

3. Ограничения перемещения товаров и услуг могут вводиться в соответствии с федеральными законами.

4. Участниками регулируемых гражданских законодательных отношений являются граждане и юридические лица.

5. Правила, установленные гражданским законодательством, применяются к отношениям с участием иностранных граждан, лиц без гражданства и иностранных физических лиц.

6. Неотчуждаемые права и свободы человека и другие нематериальные блага защищаются гражданским законодательством.

9. Самостоятельная работа.

Изучите раздел Гражданского кодекса РФ об основных положениях гражданского законодательства и отношениях, регулируемых им. Найдите ответы на вопросы.

1. Does Article 2 “Relations regulated by civil legislation” embrace the whole sphere of individualized creativity and nonmaterial relations? (Yes\No? Why?)

2. What does Civil legislation consist of and how are its provisions implemented?

3. What is the effect of Civil legislation in time?

4. How do you understand the notion “Business Custom”?

5. What is meant by “Application of Civil legislation by analogy”?

6. How does Civil legislation correlate with International Law?

10. На основе текста “Chapter 1. Civil Legislation” подготовьте презентацию на темуGeneral provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation”. При подготовке презентации используйте следующие выражения.

Introducing the topic:

  • This morning I’m going to …. (talk about)

  • Today I’d like to …….. (describe……)

  • The aim of my presentation this morning is to …….(explain…..)

  • I’ve divided my presentation into\My talk will be in….. (three parts)

  • First, I’d like to …..( give you an overview of the project)

  • Second, I’ll move on to …….

  • Then I’ll focus on …….

  • After that we’ll deal with…….

  • Finally, we’ll consider …….

Referring to questions:

  • Feel free to/Do interrupt me if there’s anything you don’t understand

  • If you don’t mind, we’ll leave questions till the end

Introducing each section:

  • So, let’s start with……(the objectives)

  • Now let’s move on to…… (the next part)

  • Let’s turn our attention to …….

  • This leads me to …..(my third point)

  • Finally, ….. (let’s consider)

Summarizing a section:

  • That completes my …. (description of….)

  • So, to summarize …… (there are five key points….)


  • I mentioned earlier

  • I’ll say more about this later

  • We`ll come back to this point later

  • As you know…..

Checking understanding:

  • Is that clear / Are there any questions?


  • That concludes my talk. / That brings me to the end of my presentation.

  • If you have any questions, I’d be pleased / I’ll do my best to answer them.

  • Thank you for your attention.

Dealing with questions:

  • That’s a good point. / I’m glad you asked that question.

  • Can I get back to you on that later?

  • I’m afraid, I don’t have…… (the information at present).

  • I’m afraid, I’m not the right person to answer that.


1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What branch of law would you like to choose as your future profession – civil law or criminal law?

2. What do you know about civil procedure?

3. What is procedural law? How is it distinguished from substantive law?

4. Are there any stages of judicial proceedings that are common to all kinds of hearings?

2. Переведите определение понятия «Гражданский процесс».

Civil procedure is the body of lawthat sets out the rules and standards thatcourtsfollow whenadjudicatingcivillawsuits(as opposed toproceduresincriminal lawmatters). These rules govern how alawsuitorcasemay be commenced, what kind ofservice of process(if any) is required, the types ofpleadingsorstatements of case,motionsor applications, andordersallowed in civil cases, the timing and manner ofdepositionsanddiscoveryor disclosure, the conduct oftrials, the process forjudgment, various availableremedies, and how the courts and clerks must function.

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