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1.Dal, V.I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language / V.I. Dahl. - T. 4.– M .: Education, 1980.

2.Superanskaya A.V. Dictionary of Russian Names - M., 1998;

3.Lakshin, V. Wisdom of Ostrovsky / V. Lakshin // A.N. Ostrovsky Pieces. - M .: World of books, Literature, 2006. - 384 p.

4.Fedosyuk, Yu.A. Russian surnames. Popular etymological dictionary

/Yu.A. Fedosyuk. - M.: Children's literature, 1972. - 556p.

5.Белова, Е.Е. О легких и трудных языках/Е. Е. Белова, В. А.

Минасян//В сборнике: Теоретические и практические аспекты лингвистики, литературоведения, методики преподавания иностранных языков. НГПУ им. К. Минина. 2015. С.11-18.

6.Vasilieva S.P., Voroshilova E.V. Literary onomastics.

7.Ostrovsky A.N. Plays. - M., 1985.

8.Ostrovsky A.N. Dowerless: Plays. - M .: Eksmo, 2008 .-- 624s.

9.A.I. Revyakin "Ostrovsky dramaturgy." M., 1973 manual for students of filolo Tugarina N.S.

Uskov E.M., Smirnova E.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Lobachevsky


Sport in Russia has always been popular. Perhaps more than a half of Russians have tried some kind of sport in their childhood. Some of them even in several types

A healthy way of life is again coming into fashion in Russia today. That is why people have started to take an interest in sport. Even those who perceived it only as something that they could watch on TV, now come to gyms and swimming pools. That is why Russians are beginning to open to new kinds of sport. Let’s hope that this will reflect in results of different level competitions.

Ice-hockey is one most popular sport in the country. The Russian team takes worthy places in the world competitions. The traditions of Soviet school are kept here too. Unfortunately it isn’t as strong as in the past. In the USSR there was a period when our national hockey team won 9 world championships in a row. Furthermore, there are only 2 hockey players which became championship winners 10 times. These are the Russian sportsmen Alexander Rogulin and of course Vladislav Tretyak. Nowadays there are also good players in Russian hockey. Many of them train in NHL.


Another sport which is widespread in the country is football. It’s strange but in Russia there are still many football amateurs. But unfortunately there are only few professionals. Russians have already made a lot of jokes about their football teams. The fact is that Russia hasn’t been getting any prizes in this kind of sport for a long time. Some people even think it is remediless. Although football matches are always broadcasted on central TV and find their spectators. An interesting peculiarity of Russian football is its multinational compound. Spartak, CSKA, Zenit, Locomotive are names of best known football clubs. But if you are aware of information about the team compound in the start of the match it’s not very likely that there will be a half of Russian players there. Maybe that is one of the problems of Russian football. Perhaps it’s difficult for players just to understand each other. And football needs playing in a command.

When you watch the competitions of the international level on TV then you’ll here through the voice of commentator the tribunes scanning “Russia! Russia!” Russians are ready to fly long distances to see the performance of their sportsmen. Maybe that is hard to believe but cheerleading in Russia is absent. Only for the last few years this idea has started to appear under the influence of American culture.





Gadzhyev F.H., Smirnova E.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Lobachevsky


The term "telekinesis" was originally used in 1890 by the Russian researcher of paranormal phenomena A. N. Aksakov. The author of the term "psychokinesis" is the American author and publisher Henry Holt ("On the Cosmic Relations", 1914); popularized by his American parapsychologist J. Rein in 1934. Telekinesis (other Greek. Τῆλε - “far” and κίνησις - “movement”), or psychokinesis (other Greek. Ψυχή - “soul”) is a term that is used in parapsychology to designate a person’s ability to exert influence only by the effort of thought to physical objects. Both concepts were described at different times as “distant influencing”, “remote mental influence,” “direct conscious intention,” “thought, controlling matter ”(English mind over matter), etc. Initially, the terms « tele» and «psychokinesis» were considered synonyms, but gradually some data appeared that the effect of human consciousness on material objects may not be limited to the kinetic component, a separation occurred. Psychokinesis is a more general term and combines any (macro and micro) phenomena that are somehow related to the effect of thought on matter, including: telekinesis, pyro and cryokinesis, aero and hydrokinesis, biohealing, teleportation, “thought-printing” (thoughtography), levitation, etc. In his report on the study of the phenomenon of teleportation (Teleportation Physics Study, 2003), commissioned by the command of the US Air Force (and conducted at the Air Force laboratory), physicist Eric Davis describes telekinesis as a “special case of psychokinesis.” The term telekinesis is more widely used in public.

Speaking about the history of this phenomenon it is necessary to note that proponents of the reality of telekinesis claim that this phenomenon has been known since ancient times and is mentioned in the Bible, in particular in the Acts of the Apostles (the liberation of St. Paul and Silas, 16: 19-40). Subsequently, in parapsychology, there were suggestions that elements of psychokinesis could somehow be present in methods of cursing, casting magic spells and predicting the weather. The mass character of the demonstration of the alleged psychokinesis was acquired at the shows in the second part of the 19th century, when in the presence of mediums, according to eyewitnesses, phenomena of levitation and (de) materialization were observed. At the same time so-called charged mediums (“electric people”) appeared, who made metal utensils stick to the skin, bent spoons with the help of their gaze, etc. The medium Rudy


Schneider gained great fame at the beginning of the 20th century. He practiced in demonstrating phenomena by eyewitnesses as psychokinesis.

Some academical researches about telekinesis occured after Rain’s experiments. Over 150 reports of independent studies of the phenomenon have been published for half a century. In the vast majority of cases the authors claimed that they actually observed an effect that could be interpreted as psychokinesis, but quantitatively the deviations from the norm looked extremely insignificant. The idea arose to apply to the study of psychokinesis the same method of statistical data processing that is used when testing new drugs. In 1989 a famous psychologists Diane Ferrari and Dean Radin from Princeton University developed a method for applying a meta-analysis to the results of experiments, which eliminates the element of randomness and reveals a trend common to all cases. According to Radin and Ferrari, the results of the total processing of data obtained after 2.5 million face-offs of dice (with the participation of 2500 people) indicated a slight (not more than 1%), but statistically confirmed deviation as a result of the impact on the object with thought. This result, according to researchers, pointed to the reality of the phenomenon of psychokinesis. A metaanalysis of 380 studies published in 2006, in which a small positive effect of the influence of thought on random number generators was discovered, concludes that the existence of this effect is not proven and can be explained by distortion of publications (English publication bias) - the type of distortion that arises in academic research when the result of an experiment affects the decision to publish it or not. One million dollar prize announced by the James Randi Foundation for demonstrating any paranormal effect has not yet been awarded to anyone (2019).

In 1998, a group of parapsychologists privately funded by the Institute of Noetic Sciences created the Global Consciousness Project (GCP), which monitored sixty GSS (random event generators) located in different points of the globe and producing a massive and continuous stream (at least theoretically) of absolutely random signals. As of September 2006, about 200 cases of abnormal flow deviations were recorded, as a rule, also by no more than 1%. There is a feeling that the electronic system is at such moments in the grip of a certain external force. We affirm that, over the course of many years of observation, a phenomenon was recorded that has no materialistic explanation and can be interpreted as a manifestation of psychokinesis. The organizers of the Global Consciousness project claim that this is observed during the hours when massive disasters occur on the planet. Deviations in the GSS system were recorded during those 8 hours, while the destructive earthquake on the island of Java continued in 2006, during the tragic events in Beslan in 2004, and also on September 11, 2001. Anomalies of the GSS occurred before the significant events, for example, in 2001 before the tragedy of September 11, and in 2004 before the tsunami in the Indian Ocean. However, for example, in 1999, there was an earthquake in Turkey, which claimed the lives of about 40,000 people, had no effect on the


GSS. One of the critics of the Global Consciousness research project, Professor Stanley Jeffers of York University in Toronto, conducted his own research in collaboration with Princeton Engeneering Anomalies Research (PEAR) and made a statement that the results of the project were inconclusive. He suggested that the problem is somewhere inside the random event generators themselves; in other words, that the events they produce are not really completely random. Critics argue that the anomalies recorded in the project do not actually exist and are the result of cognitive distortion by researchers is a tendency to confirm their point of view.


1)ru.wikipedia.org › wiki/Телекинез


3)sunhome.ru › magic/12752


Mkrtchyan A.G., Smirnova E.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Lobachevsky


Mental disorder (mental illness) is the state of the psyche, which is different from normal health. Mental disorders should not be taken as manifesting negative aspects of personality or character traits.

If you ask a person “What do you think about mentally disordered people?” you will be told that they are unhappy and need help. However, when somebody knows about a person with mental illness, who visits a psychiatrist, he or she prefers to stay away from this person. Nowadays due to the films and social networks, we consider mentally ill persons to be schizophrenics, who prevent other people to live in a safe environment.


How can we help these people? First of all, we should not consider mentally disabled people as bad or unreliable. It can lead to the depression, which causes a rejection.

Are the insane people always dangerous for the society? The most popular myth about mentally ill people is that they want to kill people or to make them scarred.

It should be noted that schizophrenia symptoms are divided into two categories: productive and negative. The first one is when patient hears voices in his head and his thoughts are captured by delirium. Negative symptoms are the complete paralysis of the mind. Any doctor can confirm, the most dangerous thing in schizophrenia is the progressive negative symptom, when the patients mind is atrophied. That is why they are unable to perform essential hygiene procedures.

Attitudes towards people with mental disorders refer to individual beliefs about what people with mental illness are like and how they should be treated. The authors believe that it is worth creating posters that show kids helping and including other kids and hang the posters around school. Our society should be more tolerant to the mentally disabled people.


1.Angermeyer MC, Holzinger A, Carta MG, Schomerus G. Biogenetic explanations and public acceptance of mental illness: systematic review of population studies. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 2011;





Napylova T. D., Smirnova E.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Lobachevsky


Modern world faces a great number of ecological issues and one of them is deforestation. It has been a permanent process of forests destruction to make the land plots available for the other users. Population growth and rapid technological development damage the nature dramatically. People are aware of it but continue to destroy the rainforests every day. The logging companies cut down the trees to sell the wood, the farmers clear the land to grow food crops, the people build towns and roads where the forests used to be. Moreover, vast forests are being cut and burnt in fire. It affects the oxygen balance and as a result, the huge number of rivers and lakes dry up, some rare species of animals, fish, birds and plants become extinct.

Nowadays people use wood for:


raw materials

building material


fertilizer industry

The Earth loses 18.7 million acres of forests per year, which is equal to 27 soccer fields every minute, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Deforestation is a problem for the whole humanity which is relevant not only for Russia, but also for a big number of other countries. According to the statistics, approximately 200 thousand km of forests are felled throughout the world every year. Here the authors show the statistic of deforestation in different countries:

Russia - 4.139 hectares

Canada - 2.45 hectares

Brazil - 2.15 hectares

USA - 1.73 hectares

Indonesia - 1.6 hectares


Our planet suffers from deforestation and trees cutting turn into a real ecological problem. In spite of the fact that trees can be planted again, cutting speed is too high, and the trees have no time to grow. The authors stress that when experiencing an unseasonably warm winter, some fears of climate change come to mind. Deforestation is considered to be one of the contributing factors to global climate change. The World Resources Institute estimates that most of the world's remaining indigenous forest is located in Canada, Alaska, Russia and the Northwestern Amazon basin.

Trees are the lungs of our planet, that’s why it is necessary to treat them carefully. It’s very important to decrease the level of damage from the trees cutting around the planet so the ecologists suggest some actions to take:

increase territories for planting new trees

prevent forest fires

fight poachers and crooked businessmen

enlarge and create new green reservations

Deforestation has decreased global vapor flows from land by 4 percent, according to an article published by the journal National Academy of Sciences. Even this slight change in vapor flows can disrupt natural weather patterns and change current climate models. Humankind must save the planet until it`s too late.




3.https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/15-current-environmental- problems.php



Ibragimova F.R., Fedotova E.M.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



High-rise construction is a phenomenon that is gaining pace of development throughout the world. The construction of high-rise buildings in a highly urbanized environment of the city is justified both economically and functionally. The increase in land prices and the requirements for compact construction stimulate the development of high-rise construction.

The structure of the city is a reflection of urban events. It is sensitive to new vertical large-scale elements, the appearance of which can have a negative impact on urban landscapes and living conditions. An effective way of placing high-rise buildings in the city, its compliance with the environment, is required.

The positive and negative effects of high-rise buildings can be evaluated within a number of factors, including: visual, functional, social, environmental, economic, aesthetic, as well as a group of safety factors. Taking into account the interaction of these factors is necessary to determine the characteristics of places that affect the architectural organization and the placement of the building itself.

Currently, much attention is paid to the influence of high-rise buildings on the structure of the city. In order to establish harmony between buildings in both urban and environmental contexts, as well as improve the quality of life of people living in supporting ecosystems. Thus, the synergy of sustainable design with efficient use of energy and the latest construction technologies is currently the main development factor. After all, construction as an industry as a whole uses more energy and material resources of the world than any other activity.

The term “high-rise building” is not contained in the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. There is the concept of “unique building” in article 481. “Particularly dangerous, technically complex and unique objects” (pursuant to Federal Act No.232 of 18 December 2006) In paragraph 2, capital construction objects are referred to as “unique objects”, in the design documentation of which a height of more than 100 m is provided

So, the Federation Tower, located in the center of Moscow City and numbering 374 meters, remains the tallest building in Europe. Its total area is 450 thousand square meters, while the building is located on an area of only 10 thousand square meters. This house is famous for very tight control during construction, its technical part was controlled by numerous construction and scientific organizations. The main designer of the tower was a company engaged in the construction of a skyscraper called “Burj al Mamlyaka” in Saudi Arabia, whose height will be more than a thousand meters.


Fig.1. The Federation Tower

Experts have identified the pros and cons of skyscrapers. So, among the pluses were impressive views from the windows and the high quality of building construction, and among the minuses - the relatively rapid wear of engineering systems. All the rest can be attributed more to the concerns of buyers than to real problems.

Given the pros and cons of high-rise buildings, we will establish ourselves in the concept of sustainable development of the city while preserving and, at times, restoring the most valuable assets left to us by our ancestors. This is the wisdom of power, business and architect.


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электронный научно-практический журнал.2017. 5(23). URL: https://regrazvitie.ru/ekspluatatsiya-i-perspektivy-stroitelstva-vysotnyh-zdanij-v- sovremennom-mire/

2.Смирнова И.Н., Шилкин Н.В. Высотный комплекс «Башня Федерация» // АВОК.2015. No 4.



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