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Project completion

Analysis of the results of

Development of criteria, an


teamwork, analysis of the

evaluation system for


completed project, reporting

analyzing project



implementation experience


and evaluating team





performance in accordance



with the corporate project



management standard

Thus, the application of separate methodologies for the entire process of creating a team is impractical. The best option is to use separate “tools” from different methodologies that are mostly effective at one or another “team building” stage.


1.Adizes, I. K. Managing Corporate Lifecycles—How Organizations Grow, Age and Die/ I. K. Adizes – CA: The Adizes Institute Publications, in conjunction with Embassy Book Distributors, 2012. – p. 204

2.Belbin, R. M. Team roles at work/ R. M. Belbin - UK and New York: Routledge, 2012. – p. 154

3.Вартанян П.В. Проблемы командообразования в российских компаниях // Экономика и менеджмент инновационных технологий. 2014.

3. Ч. 2 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://ekonomika.snauka.ru/2014/03/4780 (дата обращения: 07.03.2019).

4. Pellerin, C. J. How NASA Builds Teams. Mission Critical Soft Skills for Scientists, Engineers, and Project Teams/ C. J. Pellerin – NJ: John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 2009. – p. 288

Shishova M.A.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



In the 21st century, interest in wooden housing construction has significantly increased in Russia. In order to meet the growing demand for wooden building materials and meet the ever-increasing technical requirements for modern construction, developers create new technologies, and manufacturers offer new materials on the market. One of these technological innovations are CLT panels (Fig. 1), the production technology of which was developed in the late 90s of the XX century by specialists from Switzerland and Austria.


Fig. 1. CLT-panel

CLT is a massive wood panel made from multi-layered crosswise laminated solid lamellas, manufactured under high pressure. It consists of several layers, usually three, the thickness varies from 6 to 40 cm, the length is up to 24 m, the width is from 1.25 to 3.5 m.

The production technology of CLT panels is close to the technology of glued beams, already well-known on the Russian market: first of all, the lamellas are dried to a moisture content of 12%, then process on a planer, and then, using a press, they are glued together, after having rotated them 90 degrees relative to each other, in a panel using polyurethane adhesives. Laying layers crosswise is the main feature of the manufacture of cross-laminated wood panels. [2]

CLT panels have many advantages. First of all, it should be noted that cross-bonding provides compensation for internal stresses, and, consequently, a significant reduction in material deformations, increased strength, and excellent characteristics of compressive and tensile strength. In addition, it is distinguished by its solidity and lack of warpage. [2,3,4] Due to the high degree of panels prefabrication, the assembly of houses from this material does not require much time. The risk of shrinkage of boards is eliminated, and in addition, such houses do not require additional thermal insulation. The panels have high fire resistance. During tests at one of the European enterprises, a wall 180 mm thick was heated from the outside by only 10 ° C for an hour, while a burning center, that was located on its inner side, had a temperature of 1200 ° C. CLT panels work well with many other building materials, such as brick, concrete, stone, steel, etc. The cost of erecting structures from CLT panels in comparison with concrete structures is significantly lower due to savings in transportation, lifting equipment and in the construction of the foundation.

Some characteristics of CLT panels are shown in table 1. [3,4]


Table 1. Characteristics of CLT panels



Indicator value








480-500 kg/м3


Shrinkage strain


In the plane of the panel:




negligible. Perpendicular to




the plane




panels: 0.24 mm/m at 1%







12 000 MPa
250 MPa
23 MPa
16,5 Mpa
24 MPa
5,2 MPa















Fire resistance

0.67 mm / min for outer


layers only.


0.76 mm / min for other















Thermal conductivity



























































Specific heat




























Strength properties of panels. Mechanical effects in the transverse direction.



Elastic modulus parallel to fiber direction (Е0, mean)

12 000 MPa













The modulus of elasticity is perpendicular to the direction of

370 MPa

the fibers (E90, mean)














Flexural strength parallel to the direction of the fibers (fm, k)

24 MPa



Tensile strength perpendicular to fiber direction (ft, 90, k)

0,12 MPa













The compressive strength perpendicular to the direction of the

2,7 MPa

fibers (fc, 90, k)














Shear strength parallel to fiber direction (fv, k)

2,7 MPa













Strength properties of panels. Mechanical effects in the longitudinal direction

The modulus of elasticity parallel to the direction of the fibers

(E0, mean)

Shear modulus parallel to fiber direction (Gmean)

Flexural strength parallel to the direction of the fibers (fm, k)

Tensile strength parallel to fiber direction (ft,0,k)

The compressive strength parallel to the direction of the fibers

(f c,0,k)

Shear strength parallel to fiber direction (fv, k)

Construction using CLT technology has become widespread in Europe and the USA. Economy class housing is being built there, as well as various social facilities: schools, hospitals, stadiums, shopping centers, etc. In addition, multistorey building from CLT-panels is practiced quite often . For example, in Milan, the residential complex Via Cenni was built (Fig. 2), consisting of four 9-story houses. Today, the highest building made of CLT panels is considered to be the 14-storey “Treet” house, 49 meters high in Norway (Fig. 3).


Fig. 2. Residential complex Via Cenni, Milan Fig.

Fig 3. House “Treet”, Bergen

Despite the fact that in Europe the CLT technology is widely applicated, in Russia it is not popular. There are many reasons for this. The first of them lies in the psychology of people. In our country, there is a traditional opinion that wooden housing construction is not particularly strong and fire resistant. In addition, a significant drawback is the expensive equipment for the production of CLT panels, which makes investments in the development of this direction quite risky. This innovation is also hampered by the lack of a certification system and building codes in the field of building design from CLT panels. Today in Russia there are only three enterprises using CLT-technology: Volosovsky Timber Processing Plant ("INOK"), the company "Promstroyles", Ladoga DSK. [1]

However, there is still hope for the development of this technology, as many experts see only advantages in expanding the scale and growth of wooden housing construction, including ones with the use of new technologies. To develop the production of CLT-panels, it is necessary to develop own standards in accordance with domestic regulation. Also, at the first stage, federal support for production is required, which means that, for the first time, the state should provide orders for the construction of houses from CLT panels. It is necessary to generate demand by informing the end consumer about new products.

Thus, CLT panels can be called a promising technology of the future. In Europe, they are actively used in low-rise and high-rise construction as an alternative to reinforced concrete structures, glued beams and logs. The volumes of their production and use are steadily growing. As for Russia, the CLT technology is still a novelty and it is now unclear how popular the new material will be in our country. However, the hope that this innovation will be spread in our state is still due to the fact that Russian legislation has been amended to restrict the construction of wooden multy-storey buildings.


1. Бударина Р. Завоюют ли CLT-панели российский рынок?//ЛесПромИнформ – 2012 - 1(83) – с. 166


2.Brander, R. Cross laminated timber (CLT): overview and development/ R. Brander: European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, v. 74, n. 3, pp. 331351, Jan. 2016.

3.Santoni, A. Determination of the elastic and stiffness characteristics of crosslaminated timber plates from flexural wave velocity measurements/ A. Santoni: Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 400, pp. 387-401, 2017.

4.Christovasilis, I. Evaluation of the mechanical properties of cross laminated timber with elementary beam theories/ I. Christovasilis – “Construction and Building Materials”, v.122, pp. 202-213, 2016.

Novikov N.D., Smirnova E.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Lobachevsky


Motivation is the reason for people's actions, willingness and goals. Motivation is derived from the word motive which is defined as a need that requires satisfaction. These needs could be wants or desires that are acquired through influence of culture, society, lifestyle, etc. or generally innate. Motivation is one's direction to behavior, or what makes a person to repeat a behavior, a set of force that acts behind the motives. An individual's motivation may be inspired by other people or events (extrinsic motivation) or it may come from within the individual (intrinsic motivation). By many scientists motivation has been considered as one of the most important reasons that push a person to move forward in life. Motivation results from the interaction of both conscious and unconscious factors. Mastering motivation to allow sustained and deliberate practice is central to high levels of achievement e.g. in the worlds of elite sport, medicine or music. Motivation governs choices among alternative forms of voluntary activity. It is the process of encouraging someone to engage in activities aimed at achieving a specific goal.


Types of motivation:





Internal motivation is the motivation that has arisen within a person is characterized by the words: want, like, pleasure. And external motivation: must and work. Internal motivation is the force that leads you to achieve a goal because of the personal satisfaction or desire. In extrinsic motivation, rewards or other incentives like praise, fame or money are used as motivation for the specific activities. Unlike intrinsic motivation, external factors drive this form of motivation. Being paid to do a job is an example of the extrinsic motivation. For example, a neighbor bought a new car, you are motivated to earn enough money and also buy a new car. Positive motivation is the type of motivation when a person feels he expects a certain reward. An example of positive motivation is when a father tells his son, "If you study well and get high grades I will buy you the new toy". Positive motivation is based on positive stimuli. This motivation carries a charge of energy and positivity. In another way, positive motivation can be called the motivation to achieve success. It makes us active and ready to take an action.

It should noted that negative motivation is exactly the opposite concept. Behavior is motivated by anticipation or fear that an undesirable outcome will result from not performing. Fear is a powerful motivator, especially when that fear relates to your survival or, in the case of employees, their income. Negative motivation is based on negative stimuli. It is the complete opposite of positive motivation. In another way, negative motivation is called failure avoidance motivation.

Today, sport has become a popular phenomenon. There are many sports YouTube channels with a large audience. People are increasingly starting to do


sports, but do not always reach the goal. Motivation is necessary both in sports activities and in our daily lives. Everyone can get as much as they want, the main thing is to work hard and believe in yourself. In sports and physical activity, motivation plays an especially important part due to the fact that, to millions of people worldwide, staying fit and active is not an obligation or a professional prerequisite, but rather a personal goal. Block chain technology, together with elements of gamification, may actually help people to achieve this goal. Since most of us are not actually pressured by external circumstances to work out regularly, strong motivation becomes key to staying persistent and achieving results. In order to understand the underlying psychological factors pushing people to continuously pursue physical activity, we must first take a look at how motivation is theorized to function.

The authors associate the story of Arnold Schwarzenegger's life with motivation. According to the biography he went to college, he went and worked out 5 hours a day and he was working in construction, because in those days in bodybuilding there was no money , so he had to go to work . He went to college and worked out in a gym and at night from 8 at night to 12 midnight he went to acting calls 4 times a week. He did all that and there was no a single minute he wasted. At the age of 20 he went to London and he won the Mr. Universe contest as the youngest Mr. Universe ever and it was because he had a goal. After this speech, many people began to devote more time to self-development. Someone completely changed their lives and decided to start with a clean slate.

Speaking about the sport centers, one of the authors is a member of the “Road to The Dream» club. It is a community of more than 2,000,000 people who move to their dream every day. Its founder is a fitness blogger number one in the


CIS Igor Voitenko. The task of this movement is to motivate people to achieve their goals. Sport is very popular among people in all the countries of the world. It makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities.





Zlytkina O.K., Smirnova E.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Lobachevsky



This paper deals with the use of names in A.N. Ostrovsky`s novels. His main naming strategy was to choose names that tell us something about the characters, names that correspond to their personalities, their occupations or the roles they play in the stories. This is often achieved by providing them with allusive names that hint at several meanings, using polysemy, etymology, or lexical or even phonological associations. Many of these names are given an explanation in the novels, but underneath this explanation there are always others. Special attention has been paid to the cases where the heroes do not have allusive names Surname is a generic name. However, for communicating with another family, it was necessary to identify yourself not only by your name, as an individual person, but also by the name of your kind. That is, as the population that communicated with each other increased, personal names ceased to be


enough and these additional names became surname. A work of art is a special area of the functioning of proper names. Proper names in the art test have their own specifics. As an element of the language, the name of the literary hero is subject to the "law of semantic transformation, the result of which is the generation of artistic meaning." Often a proper name as an element of an artwork is one of the important means of creating an image. The purpose of the work is to determine the role of proper names in the work of A.N. Ostrovsky. The relevance of the chosen theme is due to the very great interest in speaking names in the Russian literature. Proper names in fiction have a certain functional load and are a style-forming element; therefore, the study of a work of art is impossible without the study of proper names in a particular text.

Nowadays, interest in reading is dying out. The authors study the example of analysis of individual works that reading is not only an important cognitive, but also a fascinating process where the readership is manifested, because the reader is involved in unraveling the secrets and mysteries of the writer's intention. Thus, a competent reader becomes in some way a co-author of a writer. Proper names provide the richest material for this, because the character’s name is his “calling card”. Obviously, the study of a work of art is impossible without the study of proper names in a particular text.

Here the authors consider the following:

1.The image of the hero in a literary work begins with a name, i.e. perception of the name of the image contributes to the understanding of its ideological load in the work and the author’s relationship to it.

2.The character’s name is a style-forming element; therefore, his choice is determined by the kind and type of literary work, the writer's artistic method, the characteristics of the genre, the correspondence to the content of the text, the aesthetic load of the name.

Talking surnames and their role in the stylistic image of a work of art. Onomastic names introduced into the structure of a work of art are

organically linked to the content of the work. In this structure all the elements are subordinated to one goal - the most successful expression of the artistic content of the work. Fictional names, nicknames, titles of titles provide invaluable assistance to the writers. They use names as the most significant means of typing. For example, satire masters, trying to brand negative images, select such names that from the very beginning expose the low essence, low public "rating" of these characters.

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky (1823 - 1886) is a famous Russian writer and a talented playwright, the founder of the modern Russian theater, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and winner of the Uvarov Prize.The playwright created about 50 plays (Profitable Place, 1856; Thunderstorm, 1859; Crazy Money, 1869; Forest, 1870; Snegurochka, 1873; Bride). ", 1878, and many others). A whole era in the development of Russian theater is associated with the name of Ostrovsky. The authors consider the use of


this technique on the example of Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky works. The names and surnames in the play “Dowry” have a symbolic meaning. Larisa translated from Greek gull. The surname Knurov comes from their dialect word "knur" wild boar. Paratov is etymologically associated with the adjective "praty" - brisk, strong, hefty, and zealous. Vozhevatov comes from the phrase "cheated people", meaning cheeky, shameless. Everything is significant in the name, patronymic and last name of the mother of Larisa, Kharita Ignatyevna Ogudalova. As Kharity (from the Greek "haris" - grace, charm, beauty) were called gypsies from the choir, and Ignatians called every gypsy in Moscow. The surname comes from the word "scream" - to deceive, to seduce, to swindle. Yuliy Kapitonovich Karandyshev. (Julius is the name of the noble Roman emperor Caesar), «Capiton» - from the Latin "capitol" - head, Karandyshev - from the word «pencil» - short, shorty, a man with unreasonable claims.

Ostrovsky often uses “distorted foreign words” as a “building material” for forming character names: Paratov (“Dowry”) from the French “parade” (does everything for show, likes to show off, splurge. In the theater, A.N. Ostrovsky’s speaking names are so precise and significant that it’s just right to talk about the masterly, phenomenal possession of a playwright by this technique. Thus, psychologically multisound human characters emerge from the first pages of the play. It should be noted that the proper names perform not only a nominative identification function: being related to the subject of the work, genre, general composition and character of images, they carry a certain stylistic load and have a stylistic coloring.

Art world A.N. Ostrovsky is quite diverse. Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky paid great attention to his “speaking” surnames, through which the emphasis was placed on the individual fate of the person, reading the surname we can already imagine the person who will be discussed in the play. Many “speaking” names and surnames in the Ostrovsky’s plays have become common nouns. For the plots of his plays, Ostrovsky chose not the most minor everyday facts and events, but the most significant, typical, and generally interesting ones, so he carefully considered what names he could and should include in the text of his composition, especially the names of the characters, through which he necessarily expressed subjective attitude to the created character, portrayed characters, personality types. In the theater A.N. Ostrovsky’s speaking names are so precise and significant that it’s just right to talk about the masterly, phenomenal possession of a playwright by this technique.

The expressive use of proper names is common to many writers. The names in the Russian literature go through a series of stages in their development. They transform, become more complicated, but do not disappear from the Russian drama, as they directly or indirectly characterize the heroes of the literary works.


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