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Fig.3. The project «Art Center» for Marsanne

All the architectural interventions are connected by the stair system and observation platforms that are created according to the topography of the place. One of the platforms has a facility for the recreation and the union with nature.

The result of the project can be described in 4 points:

1)The project is based on the delicate intervention of small objects which will preserve the existing landscape.

2)A new path opens the place from the other side, brings new sensations from them. The landmark comes to life and becomes accessible to people of all ages.

3)The proposed functionality of the pavilions will contribute to the disclosure of local culture.

4)The space of the pavilions can be used not only for the proposed functions, but also for local activities, festivals, holidays, which may equally be of interest to tourists.


V.A. Koop, E.V. Kartseva

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The first public aquariums appeared in the 19th century. Their form and content differed from modern aquariums [4, P.369]. The first aquarium was created in 1841 by the English scientist H. Ward. Its volume was 100 liters. The first exhibition of aquariums and terrariums appeared at the London Zoo in 1849 [3]. The first public aquarium was opened at the London Zoo in 1853 (Picture 1) [4, P.369].

Pic. 1. The interior of the first public aquarium at the London Zoo, 1853 г. [5]

A public aquarium is a new type of a public building because most of them have been built in the last 3 decades. The appearance of the expositions has changed with the development of new materials and structures. Large reinforced concrete tanks which have an irregular shape imitating the natural habitats of aquatic organisms have replaced the relatively small rectangular aquariums arranged in a row [4].

All modern public aquariums have an exposition which includes large reinforced concrete tanks. The bottom and walls of such tanks are an integral part of the structural system of the building of the aquarium. Walls perceive vertical load. They are also spatial ties of rigidity of frame buildings of public aquariums. The bottom is the part of the foundation plate [1]. Such constructive features also determine reinforced concrete as the main material of the structures.

The development of materials has also expanded the possibilities of demonstrating the underwater world. The active use of acrylic glass allows designers to create structures such as transparent underwater tunnels, allowing them to increase the overview of the aquarium exposition up to 180 degrees and immersing visitors of the exposition in the underwater world of the aquarium literally (Picture 2) [1].


Pic. 2. Schematic section of an acrylic tunnel in a public aquarium [1]

The development of a public aquarium as an architectural object expanded not only its design features and appearance but also its functional purpose. Currently the function of aquariums includes not only entertainment but also research, preservation of the environment, education [4]. A modern public aquarium includes not only an exposition representing aquatic organisms in an imitation of their natural habitat for visitors, but they are also complemented by research buildings, where scientists study the environmental problems of surrounding areas, diseases of aquarium inhabitants, and also adapt the newly arrived aquatic organisms [4, С.369]. Public aquariums also collaborate with universities and schools and help organize excursions and practical classes for students.

Usually public aquariums are located in the city structure so that a large transport highway passes next to them, which will provide quick access not only to local residents but also to guests of the city where the object is located.


1.Виды подводных тоннелей для океанариумов [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.planetaneptuna.ru/podvodnie-tonneli/.

Дата обращения: 17.09.2019.

2.Давыдов, В.Н. Строительно-конструктивная система океанариума [Электронный ресурс]: патент РФ № 2347051 / В.Н. Давыдов,







http://www.freepatent.ru/patents/2347051. - Дата обращения: 30.09.2019.

3.Первые аквариумы. Это только начало! [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://www.aqualogo.ru/Pervye_publichnye_akvariumy_Jeto_tolko_nachalo. –

Дата обращения: 17.09.2019.

4.Karydis, M. Organizing a public aquarium: objectives, design, operation and missions. A review [Текст] / M. Karydis // Global NEST Journal. – 2011. – 4. – С. 369–384.

5.Sylph, A. The Fish House at ZSL London Zoo – the first public

aquarium [Электронный ресурс] / A. Sylph. – Режим доступа:


https://www.zsl.org/blogs/artefact-of-the-month/the-fish-house-at-zsl-london- zoo-the-first-public-aquarium. – Дата обращения: 17.09.2019.

Rakova O., Lysova J.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture, Building and Civil



It is generally agreed that rivers, and especially urban rivers, are not just reservoirs with extremely important biological function but at the same time areas with great cultural potential.

The essay divided into three parts, we will take into consideration aspect of symbolism, theoretical part and stage of practice.

Let’s start from the point of general meaning. There are a lot of evidences of symbolic significance of rivers: people had settled mostly near reservoirs, because river was the main source of life and trending (in fact - development); many religions declare river as a peculiar sign of the way between life and death or as a main concept of afterlife. The sacred meaning can be comprehended only through the understanding of connection our perseverance of reservoirs and memory of ancestors about the vital necessity to live near the water and fair of element. People get used to have deal with water nature: bridges (going over the barrier), tunnels (going under or through the river), fortresses (usage of change in elevation between riverside and hill for defensive purposes).

In Russia it was common to construct ancient cities with the reinforced core on a steep bank. The most famous example is a Moscow Kremlin, but also other nine Russian cities have their own ones (Pskov, Zaraisk, Kolomna, Tula, Astrahan, Tobolsk, Kazan, Smolensk, Novgorod and Nizhniy Novgorod). Kremlins in ancient Russia are the first meeting of architecture and water. But what about other bank spaces? They were places to live, trade and establish factories.

Nowadays there is a tendency to “taking away” from industrial hubs the riverside territories and “getting back” them to the locals. For example, New Holland in Saint Petersburg. It is necessary to point out the fact that people need to have public spaces near the water to have rest, communicate and other stuff. At the same time factories don’t manage to prove efficiency of their location (in comparison with people`s comfort, of course).

One of the ways to draw attention to this problem is an architectural competition. In Russia there is an annual contest “Eco – shore”, that comprises problems of ecology, urban planning, aesthetics and identity. This year we took


part in this competition and created a project for Ufa that we would like to present.

To begin with, pre-project analysis is an integral part of the environmental method of designing. In the work based on the principles of the environmental approach, the attitude to the objects of design and architecture changes, they are considered not as valuable forms, but as means to ensure optimal living conditions.

As a base of every architectural project, general review was carried out of the city history and actual situation of the site. We were supposed to solve problems of territory, which includes two rivers: Sutoloka and Belaya ones. It was figured out that Ufa had its own wooden Kremlin from 1574 to 1779 on the provided place... For us it had become the very first step to the main idea.

In the modern Russian cities Kremlins are the symbols of history, but in our design we decided to make an Ufa lost Kremlin the sign of its link with the future. Thereby the objective of the project has been defined as creating the spirit of fortress without copying it.

New “Kremlin” connects the most important points of the site – crosses of streets, exits from living units, traffic junction. Our structure is intended to invite as much visitors as it possible.

It consists from seven vertical pavilions and transitions between them. There are such functions as education, observation, rental, café, child center and club. The conclusion of an ensemble is towers-stakes, raising from the road triangle and serving as a new entry sign of the city.

An important part of the project is an eco-regeneration program for Sutoloka river. We had offered four steps:

1.Creating the artificial reservoir in a place of imprisonment of the river in a sewer;

2.Installation at the beginning of the pond cleaning filter for large


3.Planting coastal plants;

4.Cleaning the river and filling its bottom with small plants and stones


As a result, thanks to these activities, water would accumulate in the river up to 1.2 meters in six months and the reservoir will become a rightful element of the landscape of the park.

It is important to mention that this project had been bestowed with the main award of “Eco-shore” contest. We believe that it proves the relevance of thorough analysis and delicate work with history and context - all these points are integrated into environmental method of design.

It is well-known that good architectural decisions require the right way to look, to feel and to work. Nowadays it could fully meet the requirements of reality, if professionals would pay attention to the historical, functional and spiritual context of the space that they design.


A.S. Kurochkina, N.G. Nadezhdina, N.M. Urtaeva

Nizhniy Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Japanese gardens as a special form of garden art are quite common outside Japan. Specific attitude of the Japanese to nature, harmony of all garden elements and its semantic content arouse interest and admiration among people of other cultures. The Japanese were always sure that philosophy of life lies in nature and humans only need to understand it. This aspiration to be close to nature led the Japanese to creating their own inimitable style [1].

The Japanese garden consists of five components: spiritual – an idea, and material – stones, water, plants and architectural elements that indicate the connection between a human and nature. Concepts of eastern religion and philosophy were put into the idea of creating the Japanese garden. This idea is expressed in different compositional solutions – a garden with islands, ponds and hills, a place for enacting a tea ceremony, a place for strolls, a philosophy garden, etc. [1].

Few Japanese gardens were created in Russia and now they are available for visiting in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi and the Crimea. Every garden is unique and presents authentically an image of the Japanese garden.

The Japanese garden in the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow was open on the 14th of July in 1987. Famous Japanese landscape architect Ken Nakadzime supervised a construction process of the garden. The territory is full of architectural elements: a bamboo gate, a 13level pagoda, pavilions, bridges, stone lanterns and a tsukubai. The relief was shaped thoroughly, existing outlines of ponds were changed. About 100 species of trees and bushes from different parts of the continent were collected on the territory of 2,7 hectares. Deciduous and coniferous species, as well as perennial herbaceous plants create an image of the Japanese garden and take visitors to the Land of the Rising Sun [2].

An exposition of the Japanese garden in the Peter the Great Botanical garden was created in Saint Petersburg. An important aspect of the garden creation was plant selection since majority of subtropical plants cannot survive in conditions of temperate continental climate. Moreover, it was significant to provide a year-round decorative effect of the site. A small path network, a pond with a bridge and pavilions form composition of the Japanese garden. Competently selected plant assortment, which includes species that are decorative in different seasons, underlines the beauty of small architectural elements and creates amazing view points [3].


The Garden of Russian-Japanese friendship in Sochi is famous for its originality and Japanese atmosphere. Well-known Sochi landscape architect S.I. Venchagov was a designer of the garden. The construction and accomplishment were conducted from 1981 until 1986 [4]. The style of the Japanese garden was kept: winding stone paths go through the garden, a small decorative pond with a bridge was made in the Japanese style and an incredibly beautiful rock garden was created. Elegant Japanese lanterns illuminate the garden. Plants, brought from Japan, bonsai trees create incomparable atmosphere of Japan [5].

There is a small Japanese garden (about 1 hectare) in the very heart of Aivazovskiy park in the Crimea. It was created during few years under considerate direction of renowned landscape architect A.A. Annenkov. The project of creating a traditional Japanese garden with a tea house and authentic architectural elements was designed by Nakane Garden Research and Landscape Concultant Corporation (Japan) [6]. Famous Japanese architect Shiro Nakane was a supervisor of the project. All the works on the territory were made manually because of the specific relief. The garden is situated on the slope. Steps and paths were made, trees and bushes were planted. To create the garden many plants, brought from Japan, were used together with local species. Deciduous trees and bushes, evergreen and coniferous plants and flowering species make the garden decorative all the year-round [7].

Main species that were used in Japanese gardens created in Russia are: among coniferous – pinus mugo, juniperus horizontalis, chamaecyparis; among deciduous – rhododendron, hydrangea, chaenomeles japonica, mahonia aquifolium, prunus tenella, louiseania triloba, cotoneaster, buxus, spiraea japonica, prunus mandshurica, etc. Iris, astilbe, paeonia and nymphaea were used for creating season emphasis. Different species of moss such as genuses polytrichum, brachythecium, leucobryum, dicranum, etc. were used for making smooth green surface [8].

We can only create an image of the Japanese garden in our country because of the distinctions between climatic conditions of Russia and Japan. Subtropical monsoon climate prevails in Japan. There are four seasons and rainy periods that can be distinguished in the country. Winter lasts 3-3,5 months. Temperature in the central areas of Japan along the Pacific ocean coast seldom falls below 0°С. Winters in the south are warm, about +18°С, and dry. Summer is humid and hot like in tropics (till 40°С). An average temperature is +27°С. Raining season starts in the middle of May and ends in the middle of July [9].

Sochi and the Crimea are similar enough to the climatic characteristics of Japan. Sochi climate is subtropical wet. Climate of south coast of the Crimea is Mediterranean. This allows to use a lot of plants from Japan for creating gardens. Moscow and Saint Petersburg, conversely, have very big climatic distinguishes comparing to Japan. They have cold and long winters, that restricts possible plant assortment. In this case Japanese endemic plants, that are able to grow in this


climate, were used with plants-analogs, which can replace them, for creating the Japanese garden.

The problem of creating the Japanese garden in Nizhniy Novgorod is distinctions in climatic and nature conditions between two countries. Due to this, there is lack of opportunity to use authentic Japanese plants. Moreover, creating Japanese gardens in the central part of Russia is an expensive and complicated process.

So, an issue about plant assortment selection for creating an image of the Japanese garden has arisen. The proposed research will concentrate on the analysis of plant assortment that is used for creating the Japanese garden. For this purpose practical aspects of implementing Japanese gardens in Japan and experience of implementing Japanese gardens in Russia are considered.

This research aims to create a model of the Japanese garden in Nizhniy Novgorod by using plants that are suitable for Nizhegorodskiy region climatic conditions. Botanical Garden NNGU was chosen as a place for implementing the model because it has extensive plant collection, suitable for creating an image of the Japanese garden.

As a result of this research plant assortment for creating the Japanese garden in the central part of Russia will be justified. To add to this a list of analogs for plants which are not able to winter in Russia and practical recommendations about plant caring will be given.


1.Философия японского сада [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://zagorodnaya-life.ru/filosofiya-yaponskogo-sada/ Дата доступа: 05.10.2019

2.Голосова Е.В. Сад в японском стиле. – М.: ЗАО «Фитон+», 2003. – 176 с.,ил. Дата доступа 05.10.2019

3.Японский садик Ботанического сада [Электронный ресурс]. –

Режим доступа: http://fotokto.ru/photo/view/2014554.html Дата доступа 05.10.2019

4.Японский стиль в центре Сочи [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://arch-sochi.ru/2015/03/yaponskiy-stil-v-tsentre-sochi/ Дата доступа: 06.10.2019

5.Сад русско-японской дружбы [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://крым-сочи.рф/sights/sochi/sad-russko-yaponskoy-druzhby/

Дата доступа 06.10.2019

6.Романтический парк на берегах Тавриды [Электронный ресурс]. –

Режим доступа: http://www.archjournal.ru/rus/2012read/201267-11.htm Дата доступа 08.10.2019

7.Как выглядит в декабре парк Айвазовское в Крыму [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://ftkimmeriya.ru/yaponskiy-sad-novaya- dostoprimechatelnost-v-parke-ayvazovskoe/ Дата доступа 08.10.2019


8.Использование листостебельных мхов в японском саду в средней полосе России. Курочкина А. С. Юртаева Н.М. УДК 712.3

9.Климатические условия Японии [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://spravochnick.ru/geografiya/prirodnoklimaticheskie_usloviya/klimaticheskie_usloviya_yaponii/ Дата доступа 08.10.2019

A.A. Salnikov, E.V. Kartseva

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



The state railway is a particularly important object for the Russian Federation and it acts as a link between Asia and Europe.

Currently, due to the changes in certain provisions of building codes, physical deterioration of the building, increasing passenger traffic, dense construction of the city, as well as the past event of the World Cup 2018 leads to the need for restructuring and expansion of the Nizhny Novgorod railway station. [1,2]

At the moment, the station has several buildings located on both sides of the railway, transitions to island platforms is under ground. The land for the station is limited by urban highway along the Moscow highway (there is a metro bridge) from the North – West; Revolution square and Chkalov street from the South-East; administrative and technical buildings of the Gorky Railway from the South-West, and the Royal pavilion from the North – East.

The main objective of the reconstruction project is to place the main station building on the railway tracks with the help of columns, in order to save space and to create a new station square with parks and alleys (Pic. 1). According to the project, a new bus stop is provided on the territory of the Moscow railway station from the side of the metro bridge. (Pic. 2) [1]

The facade of the new restructured building will be a curved mirrored shell of metal, glass and transparent plastic, which will harmonize with the urban environment. (Pic. 3)


Pic. 1 The location on the new station

Pic. 2 The view of the new station building


and bus stop from the side of the metro






Pic. 3 The new station building from the side of the Revolution square:


a) the view from the top; b) bottom view

Special attention is paid to citizens with a limited mobility; a convenient system of movement with the help of stairs, escalators and elevators is planned in the new station. [3,4] In case of emergency, there are designed evacuation exits to the stairs, facing the street and the platforms in this building (Pic. 4). [5]


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