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3.Пичугин С.В., Сатаева Д.М. Сертификация экологического строительства как фактор повышения конкурентоспособности инвестиционных проектов // В сборнике: Великие реки' 2012 Труды конгресса 14-го Международного научно-промышленного форума: в 2-х томах. Нижегородский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет; Ответственный редактор Е. В. Копосов. 2013. С. 571-573

E.A. Burkova

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


School is a building, which has radius of walkable accessibility, equal 500m, that is why it should be placed in every district of the city.

All around the country there are almost only standardized school buildings. It is explained by economic feasibility. But psychological aspect of architecture is not taken into consideration, that’s why environment around us is boring and cold, what leads to depression.

This reason became the main one for me to create an unusual, remarkable object.

To start with, it is necessary to give some information about location. It will be a new district, designed on the place of the village Olgino in the outskirts of Nizhny Novgorod (fig.1). This area adjoins Gagarina prospect and Okskaya Street.

The location of the school was determined by this district. The school is situated in its center(fig.2) to provide necessary walkable accesibility for all domestic buildings. It is both functional and compositional focus of surrounding. Structure of district is strict, centrally planned, and it is penetrated by bionic forms of landscape design. So, school blends in with the general idea of district, as its form is curved and there is a node in the center, which twists composition stronger around the focus.


Fig.1. The location of the school in the district Fig.2.The location of the school in the district

The recreational zone is represented by the park in the ravine and it adjoins the school. On the other side it is surrounded by high-rise residential houses.

Master plan of the school itself includes different playgrounds (fig. 3), utility zone, sport core according to the Code 42.13330.2011 “Urban Planning”.

One of the important question in design of educational buildings is insolation. Insolation requirements provide comfortable use of the building; it influences the mood of people, their health. (fig.4). Thus, classrooms, laboratories, computer classes are oriented to the south and east points. As a result, there is a convenient location of these premises, because sun light gets into them from the morning till the afternoon.

Fig.3. Master plan

Fig.4. Insolation

Direct sunlight is not necessary in drafting and drawing classrooms during studying process, that is why they have north-facing and west-facing windows.

As for the appearance of the building, there was an idea to design a school with the technical bies. Therefore the concept of the project is a cable with white cover and colorful wires inside. (fig.5) Gable facades, as a wire section, have an elaborate structure that can be seen in a big amount of extruded planes of


different colors, while load-bearing smooth flued walls are white and do not have any decoration, rhythm appears in them just with the help of window openings. A part of the building is raised above the ground, this feature emphasizes an image and marks the entrance. (fig.6).

Fig.5. The main conception

Fig.6. The main elevation

Due to curved outer walls interior space is also developed in flued way. However, configuration of classrooms is almost rectangular and distorted inconspicuously. The main hall is symmetrical, all walls, which organize the hall, have curvature.

Despite the complexity of architectural form functional organization is also elaborated and convenient. The location of all rooms inside the building and plots and paths outside are determined in accordance with the Codes: the Code 118.13330.2012. “The Code. Public buildings and structures”, the Code 42.13330.2011 “Urban Planning”, the Code 113.13330.2012 “Parking”, the Code 251.1325800.2016 “The building of general education establishment. The projecting rules”, the Code 31-115-2006 “ unclad flat sport structures”.

There are four floors in the building: three stories above the ground and a basement. The height of the floor is 3.300 m.

There are work rooms of woodworking, metalworking, cookery, textile processing and pantry in the basement.

On the first floor there is a primary school block, which is isolated from the secondary school and has its own entrance, cloakroom and lavatories. This block consists of six classrooms. Besides, canteen is also situated on the first floor. Dining room occupies 235 m2 and it can accomodate 190 people. As for the gym, the height of the sports hall is 6.600. There are change-rooms, a coach room and a storage near this compartment.

The way to the main entrance goes through the columns, which support two upper floors. The main entrance leads to the hall, where there is a main big stairway.


Then, the second floor. There are classrooms, laboratories, a library, administrative facilties, assembly hall, engineering and utility rooms and storage facilities. Personnel’s lavatories are placed here. The educational rooms have a standard floor spaces 6m to 9 m. Measure of the assembly hall is 180 m2.

There is also passage here, which helps pupils to move across the floor faster and add aesthetic significance to the building. (fig.7.)

Fig. 7.Plan of the 2nd floor.

On the third floor there are laboratories, drafting and drawing classrooms, mechanical and storage facilities. The third floor occupies just a part of the whole building.

An existence of broad recreational space, represented by the wide corridors, halls and lobby, gives an opportunity to spend time out of classroom during breaks.

There are also lavatories for pupils on each floor.

The Codes also have some fire regulations which should be provided. Safety is the most important thing that architect should think about during designing, especially if it is necessary to project an object for a lot of children.

First of all, safety is provided with an enough amount of the emergency ladders. It is less than 40 m between them. There is one dead-end corridor and the distance between farthest door and the nearest to it ladder is 19 meters that is less than 20 meters, according to the Code.

The smallest width of the flight of stairway in the buildings of the same functional fire-hazard class is 1,35m. Here, it equals 1,5m for convenience.

Secondly, insolation of escape routes can save people’s lives. Corridors and halls have an active daylighting system, because there are many window openings. Besides the lighted area (“light pockets”) are used in the situation, where the corridors are very long and have premises in the both sides.

Thirdly, the height and width of emergency exit is normalized.

And finally, there are exits to the both levels on the roof. Ramparts has a height of 1,2 meters.


Structural system of the building is combined, because load-bearing elements are walls and columns. Thickness of outer load-bearing walls is 640 mm, inner load-bearing walls – 380. Partition walls have a thickness equal 250 and 120 mm. A radius of column section is 400mm.

Building material of the outer walls is concrete. Inner walls are made of brick. The material of columns is steel.

Taking into consideration all the mentioned information about project, some results can be emphasized:

1.As far as functions are concerned school meets all the requirements. All the premises which design task contained are placed inside the building in adequate and convenient order. There are all conditions for comfortable implementation of educational process.

2.Aesthetical uniqueness and conception are found. Architecture of the school impresses and makes people look at it. It causes different emotions and does not leave them indifferent.

3.Project is harmoniously fitted to the site. The whole structure and appearence of the district are taken into consideration. The school is in the contex with the environment.

4.People’s safety is provided. Fire regulations are considered more than enough because of height degree of functional responsibility of the structure.

M.S. Durasova, E.V.Kiseleva

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil



The problem of the formation of the roadside architecture in Russia has acquired particular importance with the coming of so called "mass" automobile.

Over the last 25 years, road transportation capability has increased over six-fold but the architecture and level of the roadside service remained unchanged.

Roadside architecture in Russia is developing slowly and chaotically, and while the level of service does not satisfy the needs of all involved groups – passengers and drivers.

In the rush for the profit, people have forgotten about the primary function of the roadside infrastructure. The inadequacy of existing transport infrastructure in the sense of safety and comfort accounts for the constant growth in the road accident rate.


Dig.1 Statistics of number of cars


.2 The dyn ami cs of den sity and len gth of


Pic.1 Statistics of roadside service objects

High road traffic density creates corresponding requirements for the roadside infrastructure. It must ensure maximum comfort for road users and optimal level of vehicle maintenance.A modern road is a complex structure that has to provide safe, well-timed, high-level services for drivers, passengers and cars on the road. Therefore, currently there is a tendency to develop a customer-focused full-service roadside sector.


Pic.2 Roadside complex

Multifunctional roadside complexes are special areas containing all types of road service facilities providing a wide range of customer services such as repair and maintenance of motor vehicles, services connected with accommodation, dining, relaxation etc.

It should be noted, however, that in the recent years, objects of roadside clusters in scientific publications have not been seen as independent architectural objects. Specific relevant studies are absent. In addition, there are no special mechanisms or tools for finding universal architectural and planning solutions applicable to the objects. There is not any methodology for comprehensive assessment of objects. There is also no RA development strategy.

The aim of the research is to analyze the formation of the roadside architecture, to develop typological and methodological models based on the generalization of foreign and domestic experience.

Tasks of the research:

-to study the formation and evolution of the RA environment

-to develop the system of type-forming factors with regard to spaceplanning solutions

-to classify the RA structures according to their typological characteristics.

It should be noted, however, that in the recent years, objects of roadside clusters in scientific publications have not been seen as independent architectural objects. Specific relevant studies are absent. In addition, there are no special mechanisms or tools for finding universal architectural and planning solutions applicable to the objects. There is not any methodology for comprehensive assessment of objects. There is also no RA development strategy.

The formation of the RA environment is one of the key national objectives in the 20th century.



1.Amosova, D.V. Roadside service of Russia and world experience / D.V. Amosova, M.I. Balls // Modern technologies and scientific and technological progress. - 2014.- T.1, No 1 - p. 38

2.Valiev, V.Kh. Strategic view on the development of roadside service in the regions of Russia / V.Kh. Valiev, N.M. Blazhenkova // Modern problems of science and education. -: 2015.- No 1 - S. 821.

3.Evseeva, A.A., Buntina D.K. The strategic aspect of the development of roadside service in Russia // Scientific and methodological electronic journal "Concept". - 2013. - T. 3. - p. 2816-2820;

4.Lazarev, Yu.G. Transport infrastructure (Highways). Monograph - LAP LAMBERT, Germany: 2015.S. 173

5.Transport strategy of the Russian Federation. Approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2008 N 1734-r (as amended on May 12, 2018) / Ros. gas. - 2008. - N 893-p

5.Shuvalov, V.M. The architecture of recreational facilities in a roadside and inter-settlement environment. Part II: Methods of architectural design of objects. - M .: RUDN, 2015 .-- 348 p.

6.The effectiveness of the road safety system. [Electronic resource]. —— Access mode: http://www.znaytovar.ru / gost / 2 / Federalnaya_ celevaya _programma.html.

L.S. Mandziuk, E.V. Kartseva

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The development of the territory on the site of today’s Rozhdestvenskaya street began since the founding of Nizhny Novgorod. Since the beginning of the 19th century the street was closely connected with trade, after the opening the Nizhny Novgorod fair, which eventually influenced its construction. By the mid XIX century the street had got a finished architectural appearance of stone buildings.

The main functional and compositional center was located on the site of the ancient trade. In 1780s, two buildings of Gostiny Dvor were built here, which completed the classic appearance of the street. These buildings were the best examples of provincial classicism and the main merchant center of the city. At first it was as one-story, but after a fire in 1819 it received ionic colonnade on the second level. Both buildings included 24 trading sections grouped in two lines. One building received the ground floor due to the difference in relief,


resulting in an unusual three-tiered composition. None of the buildings has survived. Probably, they were destroyed in the early 20th century.

The question of recreation is quite complicated because of the changed town-planning situation, the broken historical environment, the features of the site, the modern norms and requirements for exploitation of buildings change of function of the building.

Pic.1 The National Unity square, 2019

Pic.2 Gostiny Dvor, 1896

The National Unity square is a cultural landmark of the city. Here was located the Eastern building of Gostiny Dvor. Therefore, the reconstruction of this building is impossible at this place. So, I decided to recreate the Western building in its old place. However, there were many difficulties, because of which it was necessary to intervene in the historical appearance of the building. On this site there is a modern cafe building, which must be demolished because it has no architectural value. The project involves shortening the length of the building. This decision is due to the borders of the site: the width of the road Zelensky ramp is much larger than it was in the 19th century. The building in its past size is not suitable to the site. It is also designed to increase the height of the first floor according to the rules of construction. All the decorative elements were restored according to the historic photographs, based on classical examples of the architectural order.

In my project I decided to adapt the building for the historical museum of People’s volunteer corps led by Minin and Pozharsky. Because of this, the structure of the plans has changed radically: there is a new large internal space, which is divided into functional zones instead of the old trading sections. The structure of the building includes various groups of rooms, a front spiral staircase, two escape stairs and two elevators for visitors and for exhibits. New vertical and horizontal communications provide the normal functioning of the building, comfortable movement of visitors and exhibits of the museum.

The main feature of the recreated building is that the open colonnade of the third floor has solid glazing behind the columns. Structural glazing with the support of glass ribs forms a completely smooth glass surface, which allows you to make the glazing as transparent and invisible as possible, thereby preserving the lightweight of the colonnade. Such intervention in the appearance is


necessary for functional reasons, and the choice of glazing design is due to the aesthetics of sense of the colonnade.

Pic.3 Functional zones

Landscaping has a feature - the site is divided diagonally into two parts. One part contains a three-level landscaping, a ramp for the disabled, and the entrance to the underground parking lot. The second part is a zone for walking and relaxing. Such division promotes the best organization of the flow of people through the territory, convenient and effective gardening of the site with a relief difference, and promotes formation of an interesting composition of public space.

Pic.4 Recreation project

The recreation of the Gostiny Dvor building would be significant for the city, as there are many cultural heritage and tourist routes on Rozhdestvenskaya Street. This half-empty site now brakes the unity of the composition of the street on one of the most picturesque parts of it. The recreated building can complete the perimeter of the quarter of Ilyinskaya and Rozhdestvenskaya streets, recreate the front of the street and can harmoniously interact with the existing historical


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