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buildings. Adaptation to historical museum can help to preserve the memory of the People’s volunteer corps of 1614 in the epicenter of the event. The building laconically fits into the existing historical buildings and may be able to become a new point of attraction for residents and guests of the city.


1.Орельская О.В., Петряев С.В. Улица Рождественская энциклопедия архитектурных стилей. – Н.Новгород: ООО «Бегемот НН», 2016. – 240 с., ил.

2.Филатов Н.Ф. Нижегородское зодчество 17 – начала 20 века. –

Горький: Волго-Вятское кн. Изд-во, 1980.-222 с., ил.

3. Шумилкин, С. М. Торговые центры европейской части России второй половины ХIХ начала ХХ в. [Текст] : типология, география, структура : монография / С. М. Шумилкин ; Нижегор. гос. архитектур.- строит. ун-т.Нижний Новгород : ННГАСУ, 2013. – 240 с. : ил.

E.V. Lyulyukina, D.A. Ukhanova

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Hybrid structures are a new trend in the foreign construction.

Massive wooden structures are often called an alternative to reinforced concrete in the XXI century. However, the combination of these materials can bring more benefit than their competition.

Nowadays the application of hybrid structures is being developed structures (Holz-Hybridbauweise). There are structures made of wood in combination with other materials, especially concrete. The advantage of these structures over massive wooden ones is low cost, as well as improved characteristics of buildings constructed them. Today in Germany, Austria and Switzerland there are a number of firms (such as the German Brüninghoff or the Swiss ERNE) which are so far advanced at the design, manufacture and construction of hybrid structures but they can not be attributed to any particular industry due to the usage of carpentry workshops, concrete plants and Metalworking production. Construction companies obtained the great experience in designing structures and buildings of hybrid structures allowing you to use the advantages of each material.

There are two main types of wood-hybrid construction. In the first type the creation of load-bearing structures with the wooden and concrete parts works like one element. In the second type the construction of buildings with the load-


bearing structures made of reinforced concrete and curtain walls are made of wood and wooden materials.

There are a lot of examples of wood-hybrid structures of the first type in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Floor of wooden beams or massive panels CLT( or brettshtapel) is produced at the construction site as a monolithic concrete slab (the wooden part plays the role of shurrering). At the same time the wooden part works in the stretched zone and concrete part works in compressed zone. It means extremely profitable application of properties of this materials called Holz-Beton-Verbunddecke.

The bearing capacity is increased without increasing the thickness of wooden element.

The savings of replacing a wooden floor to a hybrid one becomes very significant with a free span of more than 6 m. If we have small spans, solid wood panels can be replaced to lumber. This is an important part in reducing cost if massive panels are not manufactured (for example, in Russia). The level of sound insulation and the degree of fire resistance of the structure is increased. In addition, the ceiling below (the ceiling of the lower floor) looks decorative. In a wooden panel, you can cut holes for electrical equipment, sensors and sprinklers of the fire extinguishing system, and hide all wiring and pipes in the concrete part of the ceiling. Thus, the amount of finishing work at the facility is reduced. Ultimately, a wooden-concrete flooring is more economical than both wood and reinforced concrete one. They have the same requirements for bearing capacity and sound insulation, but the quality of construction is higher.

The ceilings are arranged in the famous eight-floor building E3 in Berlin. Reinforcement attached on massive wooden floor panels is made of the Brettstapel technology and then concrete is poured. The wooden part is visible in the interior. The high bearing capacity of the resulting ceilings made it possible to use wide free spans, so the apartments have large open spaces and flexible layout and an individual layout on each floor as well.

The second type in hybrid construction includes buildings and structures where some parts are made of wood and some of them are from other materials.

A bright example of structures built using hybrid construction technology is the seven-story building H7 in the German city of Munster (North RhineWestphalia). In different parts of this office building ( a total area of 4,500 m2) there are load-bearing structures made of reinforced concrete (columns) and floor panels made of glued wood, also there are wooden-concrete floor panels. All exterior walling is wooden.


Picture1 Esmarchstraße 3, Berlin

Picture 2. H7 Büround Verwaltungsgebäude, Münster

Architectural company Perkins + Will introduced a new project of a impressively steady hybrid wooden building in Vancouver, Canada. This building may be the tallest in the world.

The building the Canadian Earth Tower will be constructed on the basis of a concrete core, as well as the 18-story Brock Commons skyscraper, also installed in Canada.

Perhaps the same impressive feature of the Earth Tower as the potential height of this structure is its stability. Application of wood as the construction


material will be the advantage from the point of view of ecology. This building will suite the standards of certifications for ecologically clean constructions.

In addition, the skyscraper will partially supply electricity to this building with the help of solar panels installed on the roof.

During the construction the emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere will be reduced. When the building will be put into operation natural gas and other fossil fuels will be not consumed.

So, hybrid building systems are an alternative to the traditional construction, involving the application not only of wooden or concrete structures. Undoubtedly, they will be developed, because a similar technology compared to the use of massive wooden elements reduces the cost of construction. It allows to use more complex technical and architectural solutions if compared with concrete structures.

M.V. Makarova, T.A. Sarkisian

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Some time ago, ecology was considered as a science, which studied the relationship between living organisms and their communities and the environment. But today, ecology has become one of the global problems. Besides that, ecology has overcome its boundaries and works closely with many other disciplines.

The interconnection of environmental and cultural spheres of society is also becoming closer. Their mutual influence is of current interest presently in connection with the low level of ecological culture of the common population. This problem study should begin with an understanding of the essence of this term.

So, ecological culture is an integral part of the culture, covering those aspects of thinking and human activity that are related to the natural environment. D.S. Likhachev considers ecological culture as a derivative of environmental consciousness. Environmental ethics, environmental justice and environmental psychology are its main components. The definition that V.I. Medvedev and Aldasheva A.A. give in their work sounds like that: “Environmental consciousness is a system of a person’s relationships between the outside world, changes in these relations in the interests of man or humanity and the extension of existing concepts and ideas of socio ecological phenomena [3].


In general, researchers share individual and collective environmental consciousness. In this case an environmental education is necessary to form it in people. It should be based on reliable information, as S. N. Begidova and I.V. Makrushina write [1]. An environmental education allows a person to learn about the environmental values of the society in the process of socialization.

Russian philologist and culturologist D.S. Likhachev proposed the concept of “homosphere” - the sphere of human influence on the world around us - both reasonable and unreasonable. He is also an author of the term “cultural ecology”. And this concept is different from the ecological culture of the population discussed above. Ecology of culture is a new branch in ecology as a science, like biological ecology.

D.S. Likhachev says that ecology sees the world as a house created by nature. Although, culture is also a house, only built by the human community. And these concepts cannot be separated from each other [2]. He writes: “Man lives not only in the natural environment, but also in the environment created by the culture of his ancestors and himself. The preservation of the cultural environment is no less important than the preservation of the surrounding nature”.

Based this, we can conclude that it is of great importance to protect and preserve not only the biological environment, but also the environment created by human culture, which is responsible for the moral side of our lives. Of course, the natural environment is a necessary component of our life, but the cultural environment is no less important in the development of the individual, especially its spiritual world. The attitude of people towards natural monuments: nature reserves, lakes, forests, etc. and attitudes towards cultural heritage should not be different.

Institutions of upbringing and education, mass media, humanitarian education can be conductors of ecological culture among the population.

In this way, one of the key factors in the development of personality is environmental culture. If the natural environment provides the physiological development of people, then culture is a spiritual one. Both ecology in its traditional understanding and ecological culture have to acquaint people with the culture of their native land, forming the most important human values in them.


1.Бегидова, С.Н., Макрушина, И.В.: Структура экологического сознания. [Электронный ресурс] / С.Н. Бегидова, И.В. Макрушина. – Режим доступа: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/struktura-ekologicheskogo-soznaniya (дата обращения: 25.09.19)

2.Лихачев, Д.С. Русская культура. – М.: Искусство, 2000. – 440 с:

илл., портр.

3. Медведев, В.И., Алдашева, А.А. Экологическое сознание: Учебное пособие. Изд. второе, доп. – М.: Логос, 2001. – 384 с.


O. A. Lapina O. A. Yudina

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The Light transmitting concrete or “litrocon” was created by Aron Lokonshy in 2001.( Aron Lokonshy was born in Hungary.)

The Light transmitting concrete consists of:


-fine sand

-optic fibers. Diameter is 0.5- 2.5 millimeters

-specialized additives

The properties of this concrete are similar to those of normal concrete, but “Litrocon” concrete is a transparent substance and it is the only difference from normal concrete

These properties are the following:

-compressive strength

It is the one of the most important properties of the concrete mix and it determines the maximum of the weight holding the material.

-frost resistance

The test is determined by alternating freezing and thawing of concrete.

-durability and chemical resistance

High density and low porosity of the material play an important role in this


-density of concrete building materials

The structure of the mortar used affects the density of the concrete structure.

-fire resistance

It is sustainability to fire

-heat produced in the process of hardening

When water and clinker minerals interact, heat is generated.

-Water resistance

It depends on the quantity of pores in concrete

-workability of concrete mix

Volume of water, which is needed to get mortar a normal consistency.

-uniformity and viscosity

It depends on the process of mixing, coarse and fine aggregate, being in the


-deforming properties

It is determined by the growing pressure in concrete.


The main Advantage of the concrete is transparent. It means, this material let light through and thanks to it, people can save electricity in the dark time of the day

The Light transmitting concrete is safe in application because it is fire resistant.

Ultraviolet rays don’t change the composition of the material

In theory, the “Litrocon” may be of difference thickness nevertheless it will be transparent. In practice, the maximum thickness is 20 centimeters, because the quantity of fiberglass is limited

Moreover, it has beautiful appearance and it has different application properties: for example, décor items or floor finish and others.

Unfortunately, there are some disadvantages. For example:

The Optical fiber is very expensive. It means, that the concrete will have high price.

There is a risk of alkaline silicate reactions between fiberglass and cement, especially in rain weather. But the will be minimal, if the concrete section is small.

Now, let as look at the building made of light transmitting concrete. It is Perelman Performing Arts Center. It is a part of the overall plan of the World trade center. This building will be opened in 2020 year in New York.

The Façade will consist of thin panels, having glass coating. Panels size will be 1x1.5 meters and will give the façade a very elegant look at especially night, when golden light will illuminate silhouettes of people. All construction will be fixed by steel profiles.

Perelman Performing Arts Center will have three levels:

The first level is for showing films, concerts and various performances. It will have three halls: the first will accommodate 499 persons, the second 250 and the third 99 persons. This level will have mobile partitions. It means, that configuration of rooms will be changed.

The second floor will have technical rooms and in the center some other spacious premises, which have a lot of natural light.

The third level being the lowest one includes: a bar-restaurant, dance floor or waiting hall, where people can relax. This floor has a large and wide exit staircase leading to the street.

All structure will be wrapped up in the light transmitting concrete. Eventually, Perelman Performing Arts Center will cost 246 million dollars. The climate in New York is in temperate zone. Here the temperature

doesn’t fall below ten degrees oC in the winter. Moreover, temperature doesn’t rise above thirty degrees oC in the summer. Relative humidity of air can be up to 80 percent. The quantity of rainfall during year is 1144 millimeters. As the humiding is very high the weather becomes two times colder.

Now let’s look at the climate in Russia. The main part of Russia is in moderate zone. There are four subtypes of climate: the first zone is moderate


continental, the second is highly continental and continental and the last zone is monsoon continental. Our country is very large and lies in two zones: the artic belt and the subtropical belt.

We consider the quantity of rainfall and relative humidity of air in Russia: The rainfall in the arctic belt is about 300 millimeters a year. The the

quantity of rainfall in Chukchi Highlands is enlarged two times.

As for the subarctic climate, the average of rainfall is between 300 and 400 millimeters a year.

In the Continental zone there are about 600 millimeters of rainfall in the north and less than 400 millimeters in the south.

The excess of humidity is seen in the moderate continental zone. But the other part of the zone lacks in moisture.

Also, the highly continental belt has the bigger quantity of rainfall in the summer and small quantity of rainfall in the winter.

The monsoon continental belt has dry air and small quantity of rainfall in the winter, but there are heavy rains in the summer.

In the subtropical zone the quantity of rainfall reaches 2500 millimeters.

It is obviously that the climate of Russia is a very favorable territory for application of this material. Nevertheless, the subtropical territory is not suitable for application of “Litrocon”. The temperature was not taken into account because the light transmitting concrete is factory made of high temperature. The temperature won’t influence the concrete after it has already hardened.


1.Popov K. N. Building materials and products/ Popov K. N., Kaddo M. B. – Moscow: Higher school, 2001 – 367 p

2.Light transmitting concrete/ [Internet source]: https://yandex.ru/turbo?text=https%3A%2F%2Fbeton-house.com% 2Fvid y%2Fdekorativnye %2 Fsvetoprovodyashhij-beton-1062&d=1 /2018

3.Nature of the world/ [Internet source]:https://yandex.ru/turb o?text=https%3A%2F%2Fnatworld.info%2 Fraznoe-o-prirode%2Fklimat-rossii- osobennosti-tipy-oblasti-zony-i-regiony&d=1 /2019

4.New York information resource [Internet source]: https://v newy orke.com/klimat-v-nyu-yorke/ / 2019

5.Concrete / [Internet source]: https://zamesbetona.ru/pod.goto vka/prozra chnyj-beton.html / 2018


Koen A. A., Nadezhdina N. G., Kislitsyn D. I.

Nizhniy Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



On the earth surface there are a lot of water-soluble earth’s formations. The total area of these formations is approximately 50 million sq. km. By comparison the area of the USSR was about 22 million sq. km. Consequently, the karst problem is urgent in some areas. Nizhniy Novgorod region is not exception.

Karst is a geological problem. It appears when underground waters wash out soft layers of soil. The general scheme of karst is shown on pic. 1.

Pic. 1. Karst scheme

Karst is dangerous because it can be a reason of damage and even a fall of constructions above it. Different objects, for example, entire buildings, cars or trees located near constructions may fall into the sinkhole. It creates a risk for health and life of people in these buildings and financial issues too.

Moreover, karsts are unpredictable. You can build a construction and karst can appear there later.

The proposed research will concentrate on making a software which calculates parameters of karst below construction if it exists – its location and size. The software will include a computer model of the construction under study and shifts in its nodes.

The aim of this research is to create an algorithm of calculations which will help to answer the question if there is a karst problem under the construction in question and, if yes, to describe its parameters.

Look at the example of model of the studied construction. It is placed above the karst. The model is created by software package SCAD. SCAD is a


graphical environment for making design schemes, execution of calculations and analysis of results. It provides wide opportunities for modeling simple constructions, unique buildings, buildings with a lot of structural elements. This system allows to solve high-dimensional tasks with hundred thousand degrees of freedom under static and dynamic loads.

Package SCAD Office includes: modern finite elements library for modeling of pivotal, laminated, solid-state and combined constructions; modules of stability analysis, formation of efforts design combinations, check of stress state by different strength theories, definition of interaction forces between structural elements, calculation of forces and shifts under different load combinations.

The considered model of the building is shown on pic. 2. It includes 16562 nodes and 16312 elements. It is the model of an industrial building (e.g. a warehouse). We also have a model of the ground under the studied construction which consists of sand, clay, sandy loam along the edges and soft sandy loam in the center. The construction is deformed under the loads, and shifts appear in its nodes (pic. 3).

Pic. 2. Experimental model

Pic. 3. Deformed model

We have to make an experiment. First, let’s set the karst size and its location in the considered model. Second, we run the linear calculation using SCAD software and check the results. We get the values of shifts in nodes of our construction. It is necessary to make a sequence of such experiments.

However, we need to solve the inverse problem. We have data about the construction, ground and shifts in nodes. It is necessary to find the dependence between changes in the building structural elements and size and location of the karst if it exists. To do this, it is planned to create a software which will make a sequence of similar experiments automatically and try to handle the results. Practice shows that the 4th degree polynomial is enough to get the admissible precision.


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