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heaven..." Alexander describes a sense of sadness and loss. He is distressed that Mendeleev's Love has rejected his advances. But the poet does not need empathy. Block is determined to survive the heartache. He forces himself to stop "longing for the cold moon" and taste real life. She's wonderful!

Block believed that humanity, mired in vulgarity and sin, could still be saved by "Eternal Femininity." The poet found its embodiment in the image of a Beautiful Lady. It is imbued with sublimity, embodies goodness and beauty. It smells of light illuminating the dark souls of people. To achieve the highest harmony with the surrounding world is possible through love for the earthly woman. Sincere feeling changes us for the better: new horizons open, the world becomes beautiful. We begin to feel the beauty of every moment, to hear the pulse of life.

Many poets depicted the image of a Beautiful Lady, but Blok has his own: the merger of the blessed virgin and earthly woman. The image resembles the shining reflection of a lighted candle and the image of an icon in a gold robe.

The poem "I Enter the dark temples" merges into a single sound with the previous one. The quiet and solemn atmosphere of the Church conveys the state of love and bliss, the expectations of a Beautiful Lady. The image of the unearthly gives rise to a sense of beauty, which is typical of an ordinary person.

To sum up, it is necessary to emphasize that A.A. Blok’s creative work is very interesting for philological analysis.







R.V. Koreeva1, E.A. Aleshugina2

1Boarding school “Centre of gifted children”, Nizhny Novgorod, 2Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



The research work is devoted to ancient Russian town Murom which is a truly amazing city. It is one of the oldest cities in Russia. Its past is shrouded in various epics, legends and tales.


The relevance of the research lies in the fact that it is very significant to study glorious past of our country and especially of the place of one’s birth.

Thus, the object of the research is religious brick constructions erected during Ivan the terrible reign in Murom.

Here's one of those legends that tells us about the foundation of the church of Cosmas and Damian.

According to one version, the church was built on the place where in 1552 was a Royal tent from which Ivan the terrible watched the crossing of his troops across the Oka during the Kazan campaign. A strong wind blew, and the king caught a cold, and on recovery ordered to lay the Church in the name of the Holy brothers Cosmas and Damian-doctors who were martyred in Rome.

There are other legends associated with this temple.

To find the truth, the research began to look for information about the stay of Ivan the Terrible in Murom and noticed one fact: the flowering of religious construction in Murom and the appearance of stone temples in it is connected with the third campaign of Tsar Ivan to Kazan in 1552. The chronicle says that the king made a vow, if he takes Kazan, to put a stone temple in Murom. He kept his word. In 1552, by his decree, the Annunciation Cathedral and several churches were erected in the city.

What were these churches? Is there among them Kozmodemyanskaya, so interested us with their legends? Actually, these questions prompted us to do this research.

The purpose of our work is to study the history of religious buildings of stone architecture built in Murom after Ivan the Terrible visited the city during the third trip to Kazan and to determine the list of architectural structures built in Murom at the behest of the king.

The tasks are the following:

-to study information about the time of Ivan the Terrible stay in Murom;

-to identify religious buildings erected in stone in Murom and related to the XVI century;

-to study the history of their foundation;

-to determine the degree of involvement of Tsar Ivan the terrible in the construction of the proposed facilities;

The novelty of my work is: the creation of a systematic list of religious buildings of stone architecture, the construction of which is associated with the stay of Ivan the terrible in Murom during the third campaign to Kazan (1552).

According to various sources, until the XVI century Murom was wooden, including the Kremlin and cathedrals. The construction of the first stone churches is associated with the reign of Ivan the terrible.

Taking as basic information from interview with the head of militaryhistorical club “Varezh” Rodin Valery Viktorovich, and also the Historian-the statistical description of churches and parishes of the Vladimir diocese and local


Lore articles about Murom, I made the list of the cult constructions constructed in Murom during Board of Ivan the terrible.

Buildings related to the stone architecture of the 16th century in Murom are the Annunciation Cathedral and the Annunciation monastery itself, Kozmodemyanskaya Church, St. Nicholas-Mozhaisk Church, the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the Spassky monastery and the virgin-Christmas Cathedral.

In 1552, during a campaign against Kazan, Tsar Ivan IV the terrible stopped in Murom. He served a service to the Murom saints and promised to build several churches in the city in case of victory over Kazan. In 1553, in fulfillment of this vow, a magnificent stone Annunciation Cathedral was built on the site of the old wooden Church. Thus was founded the Annunciation monastery, which enjoyed the highest patronage of the king. Due to the fact that it was often rebuilt, only the Foundation has remained original to this day.

This is the main Orthodox Church of the city of Murom, standing on top of the Voivodeship mountain above the Oka. It has not survived to this day.

In the XVI Century, the first Russian Tsar, Ivan the terrible, prayed several times in the Church. On the occasion of the capture of Kazan in 1552, he allocated funds for the construction of four stone churches in Murom, among which was the city Cathedral.

It stood at the intersection of modern Pervomayskaya and Komsomolskaya streets (Belyakov square) and was built in the middle of 16th century in account of Ivan the terrible.

From the description of the property lost in a fire, you can find mention of that in the Church there were "local images and butts gold and silver and books and vestments and bells and all Church buildings, of blessed memory, the king and the sovereign and Grand Prince Ivan Vasilyevich of all Russia", which indicates the involvement of the king to the arrangement of St. Nicholas Mozhaiskogo Church. Erected in the middle of XVIII at the expense of Tsar Ivan the Terrible it is a characteristic example of the monastery cathedrals of the XVI Century.

By the decree of Ivan the terrible in 1565 in the city was erected the Transfiguration Cathedral of the monastery. In a new the Yasukuni sovereign granted Church utensils, vestments, as icons of and books.

The exact date of construction of the Church is not installed (presumably in 1541 – 1556 gg.). During the dismantling of the throne of the Church in 1901, ancient anti-minuses were found, which indicate that the first Kosmodemyanskaya Church was consecrated in 1541 and again on December 5, 1565.

The construction of the temple was started after the capture of Kazan. Originally it was a wooden Church of Elijah the Prophet, built in 1534, in

1540 burned down. In stone it was built in 1564 on "worldly money". It is a unique monument of architecture of the XVI century.


Thus, from the analysis of various information sources, scientific literature, Internet resources, I identified five stone religious buildings built in Murom after the visit of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, relating to the buildings of the XVI Century.

A more detailed study of the history of the Foundation of these religious buildings can be concluded that only four of them were built with the direct participation of the Tsar Ivan the terrible. These are the Cathedral of the Transfiguration, the Annunciation Cathedral and monastery, St. NicholasMozhaisk Church (Kazan) and the virgin-Christmas Cathedral. Cosmas and Damian Church was not included in this list, as it was built on "the money of the world".

The degree of involvement of the king himself in the construction of these temples and cathedrals, on the basis of the studied literature, we can say the following. First, it is known that three objects of stone architecture were laid by direct order of Ivan the terrible. These are the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the Spassky monastery, the Annunciation Cathedral and the monastery itself, as well as the virgin-Nativity Cathedral, as evidenced by various sources. Secondly, despite the fact that I did not find detailed information about the involvement of the Tsar in the construction of the Nikolo-Mozhaisk Church, it is safe to say that Ivan the terrible was directly related to its improvement.

In continuation of this research work, it is planned to compare the iconic stone structures of Murom region with Nizhny Novgorod buildings.

A.I. Deryabina1, E.A. Belous2

1MBOU Gymnasium 13 of Nizhny Novgorod,

2 Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The research work entitled “Psychophysiological differences between school children according to their second language studies” is devoted to the study of psychophysiological differences. The object of the research is school children. The subject of the research is psychophysiological differences.

The relevance of the work lies in the fact that learning foreign languages is the most useful real skill in today’s world. But the impact of their study on humans has not been fully explored. Also it is children’s first experience in learning foreign languages at school and then much time is spend on drilling them. If the studied language really affects the psyche, memory and the development of teenagers, then it will allow finding a more effective approach to their study in the future.


The core objective of the research is to identify the psychophysiological characteristics of schoolchildren’s thinking depending on the foreign language they are studying.

In this respect the tasks of the research are to:

create a test sample based on students;

develop an experiment model;

conduct trial tests and make a preliminary assessment of them;

test 20 schoolchildren (10 people who are learning German and 10 people who are learning French) using the Stroop test;

identify psychophysiological differences among students studying various foreign languages.

The suggested hypothesis is that students studying various languages have differences in neurodynamic properties and psychophysiological characteristics of thinking.

In psychology, the Stroop effect is a demonstration of cognitive interference where a delay in the reaction time of a task occurs due to a mismatch in stimuli. The effect has been used to create a psychological test (Stroop test) that is widely used in clinical practice and investigation. A basic task that demonstrates this effect occurs when there is a mismatch between the name of a color (e.g., "blue", "green", or "red") and the color it is printed on (i.e., the word "red" printed in blue ink instead of red ink). When asked to name the color of the word it takes longer and is more prone to errors than when the color of the ink matches the name of the color. The effect is named after John Ridley Stroop, who first published the effect in English in 1935. The test is designed to diagnose cognitive flexibility. Cognitive style characterizes the degree of subjective difficulty in changing methods of processing information in a situation of cognitive conflict. Interference, in this case, is the result of a conflict of verbal and sensory-perceptual functions: a test person must ignore (suppress) the meaning of the word and name the color that he sees. Low interference indicates the ability to inhibit verbal functions that are by nature stronger to perceive the color. High interference proves that a test person has difficulties in getting rid of the influence of the word meaning when it does not match the visual impression.

The following tasks were offered to the test group:

read the names of the colors printed in black ink;

name the color;

read the color names where the font color is different from the meaning of the word;

name the word color where the font color differs from the meaning of the


The main difference between the computer version of the test and the initial one is that the test person does not need to name the color. The usage of the


mouse or keyboard to select the correct color from the set of color samples is suggested.

The indicator of rigidity/flexibility control is the difference in the execution time of the third (color words) and second (color) cards. The larger the difference, the more evident the effect of interference and, consequently, the more evident the rigidity (narrowness, rigidity) of cognitive control is. This test is considered to measure selective attention, cognitive flexibility and processing speed and it is used as a tool in the evaluation of executive functions.

The experimental sample consisted of 20 people of the age of 14-15 (the students of the 8th grade MBOU "Gymnasium 13"). They were divided in two groups. The first group included 10 pupils, who were studying German; the second one consisted of 10 people whose second foreign language was French. The test was unfamiliar for both groups.

The groups were asked to get tested in electronic form (on the site platform.apway.ru). The procedure took from 30 to 40 minutes. Detailed instructions were given before the test.

The purpose of the experiment was to determine the level of the test people's flexibility of cognitive control and compare the results in groups.

A computer version of the Stroop test was used for the experiment. Then the program displayed the data. The following results were obtained after data analysis [Table 1].



Table 1.Experiment data


Test language


Percent completion, %

















Thus, it is necessary to emphasize that the core objective of the study was achieved. The psychophysiological characteristics of schoolchildren’s thinking depending on their foreign language were identified.

The following conclusions can be drawn from data analysis:

there are psychophysiological differences in thinking between school children who are studying different languages;

people who are learning French possess a better quality of memorization because they made fewer mistakes in the test (in the language they are learning and in an unknown language);

it can be concluded that children studying French have better memory and sensorimotor skills.

The methods used in the study for determining the flexibility of thinking can be employed in working with students for more objective recommendations in choosing a language for future study.


Y.O. Tsakoev1, E.A. Belous2

1MBOU School 7of Nizhny Novgorod,

2 Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil




The research work entitled “School children’s financial literacy as a key element for successful future” is devoted to the study of children’s financial literacy.

The relevance of the work lies in the fact that financial literacy is a set of skills that allow people to manage their money wisely. The financially astute recognize the wisdom of sound financial planning from an early age and, by doing so, improve their chances of achieving their financial goals. The costs of financial illiteracy are equally apparent. Those who go through life making poor financial decisions will inevitably end up with a far lower standard of living than was otherwise achievable.

People live in a material, commodity-money world, and that is why children see how everything works, how adults manage their funds, what basic economic concepts are. Thus, in today's world, every child should acquire the basics of financial literacy and it is the same thing as gaining self-survival skills. Financial literacy is very much about empowering individuals.

But unfortunately, such an extremely important skill as financial literacy is not taught at school, though such knowledge leads to well-being and enhancing the quality of life. It is especially important and relevant when a person starts an independent life. Without getting correct knowledge about money in childhood, a person might form his own view on it based on external data. But they are often erroneous. For example, classmates might say that the only way to become rich is to steal. Besides, it is possible to meet somebody at the sports club who may mention that only the lucky ones will become successful. Now imagine what the impact to the school children will be if they believe these statements. Therefore, it is essential to promote parental involvement and governmental support and explain that it is possible to earn an honest livelihood.

In many prosperous countries, children are taught financial literacy from early childhood. For example, in the USA and Western European countries even primary school students have charge cards, while high school students pay for purchases via the Internet and, in the same way, monitor their financial flows.

In Russia, a person learns to handle money when he receives his first salary or becomes financially independent from his parents.

So, what is financial literacy? Financial literacy is the confluence of financial, credit and debt management and the knowledge that is necessary to


make financially responsible decisions – decisions that are integral to our everyday lives. Financial literacy includes understanding how a checking account works, what using a credit card really means, and how to avoid debt. Financial literacy enhances self-esteem and increases self-confidence.

In sum, financial literacy impacts the daily issues an average family makes


trying to balance a budget;

buying a home;

funding the children’s education;

ensuring an income at retirement;

creating sources of passive income.

There are the most important laws that schoolchildren must learn before starting a financially independent life from their parents.

Firstly, people get money for labor. There is a proverb “A cat in gloves catches no mice”. It is relevant in our time. Children do not see how their parents work, but they notice that a special machine spits out cash if a magic card is inserted into it. Also it is possible to buy everything with the help of a magic card and a POS machine. They don’t get the true reason why money is given out and products are paid. Therefore, it is important to make it obvious for children that it happens because mom and dad are constantly working. Secondly, total costs should never exceed revenues. A penny saved is a penny earned. It is absolutely essential to teach any child to budget and spend wisely (when the pocket money period begins). So he gets a clear picture of where the money goes and where it comes from. This information will make children sensible. Thirdly, it is critical to make savings as everyone has dreams. Nowadays a lot of parents buy everything for their children. As a result, they do not have wishes and desires and have not got the slightest idea of value for money. Therefore, it is important not to shower children with presents but to leave some room for desires and teach them to save for fulfilling dreams. Finally, one can deposit some money in a bank and receive interest.

In conclusion it is important to emphasize that financial literacy will have a profound impact on school children and their ability to provide for their future. Learning how to read financially is not easy, but once mastered, it can ease life's burdens tremendously.


A.S. Tsoi, T. A. Sarkisian

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


One of the important things in modern building construction is blending in new structures into the environment. It means that today architects must know how to combine new buildings with the historic development, and with alreadyexisting situation. It is significant, because it influences the overall look of a street or even a city. People need not only harmonic places where they can live, but also new and unique structures.

The relevance of this work is an architect’s need for combination of new and old buildings. This problem is topical nowadays because it is often difficult to fit contemporary buildings into the historic development.

In the making of architectural styles and technologies there has always been tension between contemporary and historical buildings, and the people that have advocated for them. Conservationists believe that it is important to prolong the lives of old buildings through carefully planned preservation practices to preserve the history that the buildings represent. On the other hand, contemporary architects and their supporters are in favour of technological and architectural change.

Change, however, is inevitable. And if we want to construct new buildings we should follow the rules that are called "the three Cs":

certainty in the planning system about which the appropriate development is constituted;

consistency in government decision making;

communication and consultation between government decision makers and the development sector on creating successful outcomes.

For proper fitting of new architecture into the historic development there are some methods.

The first one is balance of the new and old in architecture, integration of a new structure into the historic development. This method is often used by architects and for this there are a few rules:

a)not recommended - imitating a historic style or period of architecture in a new addition;

b)designing a new addition in a manner that makes clear what is historic and what is new;

c)new work should be compatible with the historic character of the setting in terms of size, scale, design, material, colour, and texture;

d)using materials in kind that they match in composition, texture, color, strength to the material to be replaced in a historic building. Don’t use stronger


materials as they may change dynamics between existing and new material (e.g.: stronger Portland cement with existing masonry);

e) new additions should be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the original form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired.

Architects also often use the second method when they create contrast between the old and new. The last method supposes using simple forms when a building is dissolved in the overall look.

However, most of all, we combine new architecture with already existing situation and this is also important. We must correctly select a site and use materials properly. Fortunately, in my district there is only one example of the wrong choice of a site. This is a church located in Sormovo. It is placed between a bus stop and high-rise apartment buildings. In fact, this site was a playground and now this playground is just placed near the church. I think that is very strange and make the overall look worse. Now I can analyze such a situation as a future architect and this fact makes me upset.

In conclusion, the researches of architecture blendment with the environment are going on in the 21st century. Due to this we can find the perfect balance between contemporary and historical architecture. It is important to understand what distinguishes successful examples from the rest, and explore the potentials of this artwork of balancing the old and the new. Do the old and the new have to be in visual harmony, conceptual harmony, or both? In any case, there must be a dialogue between the old and the new that help their coexistence.


1.http://www.getty.edu/conservation/publications_resources/newsletter s/26_2/contemporary.html

2.http://www.mkthink.com/2014/08/01/old-new-can-contemporary-and- historical-architecture-exist/


4.https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/bitstream/handle/10919/78392/Stavreva_B_ T_2017.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (New vs Old: New Architecture of Purpose in Old Settings Brigita Stavreva)


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