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the city, but at the same time takes into account the needs and requirements of modern people and time.

The solution of these problems is a complex task and should be based on the study of constructive, legal, architectural and historical aspects. The development of the city is impossible without improving its architecture and social infrastructure, which requires the construction of new facilities that satisfy modern times. But the need to preserve the historical architectural heritage of cities is also obvious. Therefore, today it is very important to find the optimal solution to the problem of preserving and using historical buildings in the modern architecture of the city.

Osipova N.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



Orthophotoplan is a photographic plan of the area on an accurate geodetic basis, obtained by aerial photography or space photography, followed by the conversion of aerial images into an orthogonal projection [1].

Digital photogrammetric system Photomod, allows to obtain metrically accurate spatial data on the basis of all commercially available shooting systems, such as digital frame and film cameras, high-resolution space scanning systems, radars with synthesized equipment[2].

Creation of orthophotos begins with the internal orientation of the images, that is, the establishment of the internal coordinate system of the image [1]. Internal orientation of digital images is performed as a setting of camera parameters.

After internal orientation is carried out mutual orientation of images. Mutual orientation of images - combining images so that any pair of corresponding rays intersect. Mutual orientation can be carried out automatically and manually[1].

Automatic mutual orientation is performed by the computer, which itself puts the connecting points in the pictures. Points are placed in specific areas of the image, and are displayed on all images that fall into the overlap area. The automatic mode is effective, but only for a flat, flat surface, and the setting of points in the automatic mode should be carefully monitored, thinning and removing the wrong points.

When you manually position the orientation points, the route images must be linked so that there are at least three links between the two adjacent images in the


route, from the bottom, top, and middle. We make connections between routes in three places, at the beginning, at the end and in the middle.

After the mutual orientation of the images, the external orientation of the images is performed. External orientation is necessary to bind the image block to the coordinate system.

After orienting the block of images, it is necessary to bind it to the coordinate system, this binding is carried out by placing the control points. Reference points are placed in an amount of not less than 5 on the territory, the so-called "envelope": four points in the corners and one point in the center, this allows for a given accuracy of phototriangulation [1].

After the placement of all the control points, the mutual adjustment of the block is made, the removal of unnecessary, incorrectly placed connecting points. The adjustment of the block and the new control points can affect the mutual orientation, there may be errors that need to be eliminated.

After adjustment of the block, the height matrix or the so-called digital elevation model is loaded. Digital terrain model (DEM) is a set of terrain points with known three-dimensional coordinates, designed to approximate the terrain with its natural characteristics, conditions and objects.

Orthophotos are built using PhotomodGeoMosaic software. PHOTOMOD GeoMosaic SOFTWARE is designed to create a single, seamless, uniform in brightness mosaic of high geometric accuracy from georeferenced raster images [3]. Cuts should be created taking into account the height of the houses, the quality of the images, the overlap, at the end of the cut sheets should create a single picture of the area without displacement and distortions. Artifactrepository images with cuts are cut into sheets and sent to the vectorization.


1.Rice, W. G. Fundamentals of remote sensing]. / U. G. Fig. – 2nd ed.

Moscow :Technosphere, 2006. – 355 p.: Il.

2.Avanesov, G. A. Digital aerial survey complexes / G. A. Avanesov, Yu. P. Kienko // Geoprofi. – 2004. – 1. – P. 8-12.

3.Oberelbe, A. I. Photogrammetry and remote sensing : proc. for students / A. I. Oberelbe, A. N. Lemons, L. A. Gavrilov. – Moscow :Koloss, 2006. – 335 p.


E.V. Kartseva, A.I. Basharkina, Y.A. Danilina

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The key part of our project was the illustrations by William Morris, which were used as the basis for creating the interior. William Morris, artist, poet, philosopher, calligrapher was matched by the versatile Renaissance titans that served as his model.

William Morris played an important role in shaping the English style. He avoided simply beautiful things and promoted the idea of interiors, in which there should be nothing superfluous. A thing should be in its place, serve a person and influence him in a special spiritual way. Perhaps this was his main talent as an artist and designer. And of course, it was he who introduced the fashion for solid floral ornaments in the interior.

The aim of the work is to develop a design project for the interior of a children's art school with a focus on the style of W. Morris.

We consider this topic because the proposals of W. Morris promote the idea of interiors that form the English style, but at the same time there should be nothing superfluous in them. Nowadays, the problem of forming the taste of consumers takes on a special character. As you know, children are most susceptible to information, so the formation of aesthetic qualities begins in childhood. We have created a design project that helps children do creative work in a comfortable environment, and our interior also favorably influences children's attitude to art.

The main thing for Morris was the dream of ennobling life, of making human life beautiful. William Morris believed that a revival of medieval craft was necessary. On his estate, he organized workshops (under the general name “Arts & Crafts), where he manually made furniture, woven carpets and trellis, made dishes on the potter’s wheel.

Morris, skillfully applying a medieval discovery: the principle of continuous growth of a curved line, using methods of constructing a composition using a rhombic grid and a diagonal branch, created floral ornaments for fabrics, carpets, backgrounds and borders of trellises that seemed natural, but actually thought out to the smallest detail. Morris took advantage of these beautiful ornaments and masterfully arranged not only medieval traditions, but also Renaissance techniques, and motifs of Japanese engravings.

Morris set specific goals and values for the created interior items: to provide color, texture and comfort in the house. He also understood the inherent properties of various fabrics and how they changed depending on how they were made and used. For example, when they are dyed, natural fibers (wool, silk,


cotton and linen) take on different colors and have their own distinctive characteristics. [2; р. 8-12]

Currently, Morris & Company continues to exist. To create collections, the factory uses genuine versions of carpets of the XIX century. [1]

In our project, we used floral ornaments for fabric wallpapers created using methods of constructing a composition using a rhombic grid and a diagonal branch and the principle of continuous growth of a curved line. [3]

In the course of our study of the works of William Morris, it was decided to create a design project, for which the building of one of the art schools of the Nizhny Novgorod region was chosen. The room is single-level. The room has 2 rotary stairs with a 180 degree turn and with 2 marches, 2 doors with a length of 1500 mm, 29 windows with a size of 1560 mm and a height of 2200 mm. The interior of the children's art school is executed based on the ideological principles of W. Morris. With all its functionality, the interior is a work of art.

In each room: teaching, drawing classes, graphics class, you can notice textile wallpaper with the ornament of W. Morris. Also, the facades of the shelves contain patterns from W. Morris. In drawing classes easels, chairs, shelving, a teacher’s desk, items for performances are placed.

The following materials were used as floor materials: laminate, ceramic granite, decorative tile. The ceiling in the rooms is plaster or suspended. As wall materials, decorative plaster and fabric wallpaper with the ornament of W. Morris were used. The walls are made of decorative peach plaster, other areas are decorated with beige decorative stone. The floors have a buffy tint. In the design of filling items, yellow and red colors prevail. The chairs are made using warm golden shades.

During the implementation of the design project, analogues of the design of educational and art classes were analyzed.

Based on the existing planning scheme, a functional planning solution for the designed space was compiled. A space-planning solution was built on the basis of a functional-planning solution using artistic and decorative techniques developed by William Morris.

Thus, the result of the development of the design project was the interior of a children's art school with a focus on the style of W. Morris. (Pic.1)


Pic. 1 Interior design project for a children's art school with a focus on the style of W. Morris

The design of the project is functional, comfortable and interesting. Therefore, the interior looks beautiful, elegant and meets the declared style. A harmonious combination of coloristic solutions and finishing materials, an ergonomic layout scheme and an unusual compositional solution made it possible to create a modern and comfortable interior design project for a children's art school.


1.Седых. Э.В Категории живописности и декоративности в метатексте Уильяма Морриса// Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. - 2005.

2.Linda Parry. William Morris textiles. V&A Publishing – April, 2013. 320 pages

3.William Morris Gallery [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://www.wmgallery.org.uk/collection/our-collections – Collection – (дата обращения: 05.06.2019)


Е.V. Budko, E.V. Kartseva

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



Nowadays sport is an essential part of our life. Activities from separate personal trainings to international championships are becoming popular day by day. For the last ten years the number of people leading an active lifestyle has significantly increased. However, the problem of shortage of modern equipped sport infrastructure still exists in Russia.

Pic.1. View of the main facade of the multifunctional sport complex

That is why construction of sport facilities is one of the most important and actual directions, especially in large cities. Multifunctionality of complexes, using modern materials and equipment helps to organize compact transforming environment and involve local people to have sport in everyday life.

Historically developed planning structure of Nizhny Novgorod has already some territories for public and cultural events. As an example, it is Vodnik Stadium in the center of the city. It is located in the center of quarter surrounded by Alekseevskaya, Osharskaya and Gruzinskaya Streets. The Stadium has unique atmosphere closed from heavy traffic and hidden from strangers. There are many sport activities for all kinds of ages. At present there is a complex sport school with football, hockey, floorball, skating, is included polyathlon and triathlon.The territory includes a football pitch with tribunes, a tennis court, a hockey box, a running track and the administration building. Local citizens often hold sport events and competitions, walk, run and play sport games. However, all sport facilities and equipment are completely out of date and need immediate reconstruction, renovation to breathe new life in this place.

Vodnik Stadium was built in 1937. V.P. Chkalov, a famous Russian pilot, was the Stadium Construction Initiator. There were hold football championships in these years. In 1950s speed skating school was built on that territory and Vodnik Stadium became the center of skating. In 1983 it was reconstructed as one of the training bases for the Olympic Games 1984. Nowadays the whole territory is in the horrible


condition. There were some attempts to reconstruct it in 1995, 2001, 2004 and even in 2014, but all we have now are just recovery plans and projects. As a result, Vodnik Stadium has not had restoring works for 36 years.

So the main aims of my project are to design a new sport complex for comfortable conducting lessons and competitions for many kinds of sports and to create comfortable accessible urban environment for local citizens.

To start with, I analyzed the territory in conditions of the cramped development. The Stadium is surrounded by living houses; a significant part of it is certainly a football pitch. That is why the configuration of my sport complex repeats the form of the pitch. The composition of the building starts with covered tribunes along the pitch and finishes with a semicircular full glazing in the main part of the sport complex. There is a square connected the pitch and the main entrance of the building. The ascent of town-planning composition is a cistern of Distillery, which was located to that territory at the end of the nineteenth century. The spatial axis of the cistern passes through the center of the football pitch and the existing administration building. According to this, I decided to open up the view of the cistern and to pay attention to its cylindrical shape, which is emphasized by a semicircular form of the administrative part of the complex.

The whole building can be divided into 4 parts: a hockey box with tribunes for 530 people, a multifunctional gym with a balcony for the audience, the main part of the building with entrance and the administrative part. The hockey box is connected with the gym by a semicircular glazing hall. Both of them have geometrically regular shape and enclosed volume of the building. The nearest living houses and the cistern are made from clay brick. In order to fit the sport complex into the environment both volumes are tiled with terracotta tiles.

The main concept is based on Vodnik Stadium name and water theme. Contrast volumes of the enclosed geometrical gyms and smooth surrounding spaces associate with ranging waves crashing through the rocks. Dynamic of the facade is achieved through white shifts and open balconies.

The historical center of Nizhny Novgorod is situated on seven hills. The difference of elevation on the territory of the Stadium is about 5 meters. That is why I decided to divide the main part of the sport complex into two functionally different levels. The lower level is located flush with the Gruzinskaya Street. It is created for sportsmen, coaches and staff. There are all locker rooms, a cloakroom, coaching, pantries, a medical office and even a dining room for 120 people. Hockey locker rooms have entrances right to the hockey box. There are also skate rental and sharpening skates. So local people can use a hockey box as a skating rink in their free time.

The upper level of the complex is intended for visitors. A walking road around the Stadium goes to the exploited roof and leads right to the separated main entrance for the audience. The visitor's zone includes a spacious double-light hall with a cloakroom, reception, a cafe and a souvenir shop. Two floors lead to the hockey tribunes for 530 people. Six seats are intended for low mobility groups.


There are also entrances to the multifunctional gym and a balcony for the audience. From the side near to the football pitch the balcony can be used as a glazed observation deck.

The small two-storied administration part contains rooms for coaches, referees, administration, a bookkeeping office and also a conference-hall with 80 seats. The territory of the sport complex is surrounded by living houses and doesn't have enough space for parking. So it has a two-storied underground parking for 170 cars, where you can drive off Gruzinskaya Street.

There are also 2 tennis courts, a basketball playground and workout on the territory of the whole complex. Open existing tribunes are planned to restore and to mount seats with wood covering. As a proposal for the further improvement existing administration building should be renovated and rebuild as a hotel and public center. It will be the completion of Zvezdinka Boulevard and the place of attraction people. The hotel near the stadium allows us to have national and international competitions.

To sum up, I would like to say that Vodnik Stadium is an unusual interesting place in the center of the city. It requires a special design approach in order to save the original atmosphere and to fit into the environment. So my project will let people have a new modern equipped place for major or local championships as well as for walking and leisure activities.


1.Григорьев М. Три стадиона: «Радий», «Водник» и «Энергия»/

Григорьев М.// Селедка – 2017. - 4(61). – с.16-17

2.Гельфонд А.Л. Архитектурное проектирование общественных зданий

исооружений: Учебное пособие М.: Архитектура С, 2006, 280 с.

3.Никифоров Ю.А., Белоносов С.А. Современные тенденции в развитии функционально-пространственной структуры спортивных комплексов/ Никифоров//Академический Вестник УралНИИПроект РААСН – 2009. - 2. –


4.Отчет по государственной программе г. Москвы «Спорт Москвы». Режим доступа: https://www.mos.ru/moskomsport/documents/gosudarstvennayaprogrammasportmos kvyna2012-2018gg/view/207928220/


V.A. Shishikina1, E.P. Shishkina2, E.A. Aleshugina1, D.A. Orlov1

1Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering,

2Lyceum/School 8, Nizhny Novgorod


The creation of city parks nowadays is very important because there are one of the solutions of ecological problems. The plants in the parks: trees, bushes, flowers are the lungs of the planet. More than that, there are the habitats of a lot of creatures.

People are tired of living in “concrete jungles”. In the modern world, which is full of various technologies, in which there are constant innovations, new and new objects of human culture are created but all of them are mainly focused on the majority of people and because of this lose their individuality. The interaction of natural and artificial environment is under the increasing pressure of urban development on the surrounding landscape.

It is important to preserve as much space as possible to maintain a balance between different, interacting environments [Fig.1].

Figure 1. General Plan of Sverdlov Park

In this situation, landscape design is suitable for improving the quality of the surrounding Park environment.

The design is not aimed at the creation of artificial compositional dominants, but it is based on the necessity of organizing the environment


taking into account the nature of human behavior in the natural environment of the natural landscape structure.

By minimizing the role of traditional Park components such as alleys and squares, such Park space raises the importance of all types of open spaces where a person can move on foot.

The Park, which is located in the historical center of the city, in addition, in close proximity to various educational institutions, office centers, should not perform only its main functions: improving people’s health by purifying the air and entertainment by creating favourable atmosphere for spending time inside the Park space. It should also perform a number of other functions, for example, education; its purpose would be the cultural development of visitors of the Park space.

All this is achieved due to the competent planning of the Park, the correct functional zoning, filling and correctly placed accents. In the Park, children and adults can not only walk and play; they can draw, sit, watch a movie or an exhibition, or have meal outdoors. Living life in the fast lane, we often do not find time to go out of town, work in the open air, draw or relax. The project of the Park was developed on the idea of combining all the features that are necessary for the Park. In its landscape there are various types of trees, bushes, plants and lawns, which are subconsciously associated with blossomy and undeveloped nature. The Park space with a similar design is like a breath of fresh air in a dusty urban environment [ Fig2].

This space will help people to relax from the stuffy offices or classrooms. While designing the Park, it is necessary to take into account the features connected with the specificity of work, with products a person will interact.

Figure 2. Sverdlov Park View


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