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Module 3. Grammar topic 3.1 general revision and testing revision of the tense-aspect system of the english verb

Task 1. Complete the article underlining the correct verb forms. The first one is done for you. After doing the exercise express your opinion about the problem raised in the article

It’s June. Nice weather arrived/has arrived. And along with it thoughts of barbecues. Are you thinking/Do you think of having one? Have you ever wondered about the origin of the term? It is believed that the term barbecue is not strictly American, but only Americans barbecue/ are barbecuing. The rest of the world simply cooks/is cooking meals over a fire. People dispute/are disputing the origin of the name. Some researchers claim/are claiming that the word comes/is coming from Spanish and Haitian origins, and barbaco refers/is referring to a framework of sticks set upon posts. In the past people used/were using this rack to roast meat or simply to dry it. Other researchers believe/are believing that the origin of the term is the French phrase barbe a queue, which means/is meaning “from whisker (barbe) to tail (queue).In the eighteenth century people roasted/have roasted whole animals outdoors as well as indoors. Native Americans, too, used this method of cooking outdoors. Whatever the origin of the term, a barbecue is/has been now not only a means of cooking, but an event. It is believed that by 1733 the process had become/had been becoming a party. People stood/have stood round the fire and drank/had drunk until the food was/had been ready. That, with the addition of barbecue sauce, sounds/is sounding pretty much like what a barbecue id/has been today.

Task 2. . Complete the article underlining the correct verb forms. The first one is done for you. After doing the exercise express your opinion about the problem raised in the article.

The Green Generation

Who pays/is going to pay the price if the current generation continues/ will continue to pollute the environment? Today’s children will foot the bill. California teenagers who figured this out have started an organization called YES (Youth for Environmental Sanity). Yes members believe that if/unless kids depend/will depend on themselves, nothing is going on to happen. The group is realistic but hopeful. The YES philosophy can be stated in a few words: ”Who says we can’t save the earth? If we don’t/won’t save it for us.” A lot of this hope is based on teenagers’ growing economic power. According to one nationwide poll, US teenagers spend about $80 billion a year. Using that power, kids’ ecology groups have told some manufacturers, “We won’t buy your products if/ unless you change/ will change the way you do business.”

Youngsters have forced giant food corporations such as Burger King to change. Now, if/unless kids object/will object to a product for environmental reasons, manufacturers listen.

Partly because companies want kids to buy their products, “green” advertising – advertising that mentions the company’s concern about the environment – is booming. But environmental groups tell companies that they’d better actually solve problems and not just spend money on advertising. “Kids are sharp”, warns one spokesperson. They’ll/won’t figure it out fast if manufacturers will practice/practice false advertising”.

Task 3. Read part of a book report and find and correct six mistakes in the use of the present unreal conditional. The first mistake is already corrected. After doing the exercise express your opinion about the problem raised in the article.

The Disappearance

What would happen to the women, if all the man in the world would disappear? What would happen to the men when there were no women? Philip Wiley’s 1951science - fiction novel, The Disappearance, addresses these intriguing questions.

According to Wiley, if men and women live in different worlds, the results would be catastrophic. Wiley thinks that men are too aggressive to survive on their own.

If women didn’t control them, men will start more wars. He also believes that women wouldn’t have the technological skills to survive in their own world. If men aren’t there to pump gas and run the businesses, women wouldn’t be able to manage.

Task 4. Choose the correct form of the verb.

  1. I noticed the man drop/dropping/to drop his ticket so I picked it up for him.

  2. The tour guide advised the tourists not take/taking/to take too much money out with them.

  3. I heard the horses come / coming/to come down the lane so I waited for them to pass before driving on.

  4. The old man said he would love have / having / to have the chance to fly in an airplane again.

  5. Don't make the children come / coming / to come with us if they don't want to.

  6. I saw the boy jump /jumping /to jump into the lake before anyone could stop him

  7. I recommend phone / phoning / to phone the hotel before you set off.

  8. My father used to forbid us play / playing/ to play in those woods.

  9. The college only allows smoke/smoking/ to smoke in the common room.

  10. It was my drama teacher who encouraged me become /becoming / to become an actor.

Task 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

  1. I won't help you with your homework if you (not tidy)___ your bedroom.

  2. You'll need a visa if you (want) ___ to travel to China.

  3. If he (care) ___ about other people's feelings, he wouldn't behave that way.

  4. She.(not be) ___ successful if she doesn't learn to control her temper.

  5. If I'd known you were such a gossip, I (not tell) ___ you my secret.

  6. They would work harder if they. ___ (not be) so tired.

  7. The boss (be) ___ furious if he'd found out what you were up to.

  8. If the temperature (fall) ___ below freezing, water turns to ice.

  9. If they (not expect) ___ delays, they wouldn't have set off so early.

  10. Open the envelope and we (discover) ___ what John has been doing.

Task 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense or verb form.


A big armed robbery (foil) ___ yesterday when gunmen walked into a police ambush in central York.

The gang (hold up) ___ a security van after it (collect) ___ more than £600,000 from shops around the downtown, but they (not have) ___ time to begin (put) ___ their plan into operation. If it (succeed) ___, it (be) ___ one of the largest this year.

However, the gang’s carefully planned raid (betray) ___, and police, (act) ___ on a tip-off, knew where and when it (take) ___ place.

Officers from the Metropolitan Police flying squad and the firearms unit (set) ___ an elaborate trap.

Plain-clothes detectives (position) ___ in streets and cars around the Electricity showrooms just north of the downtown, where the van (pick up) ___ takings. The robbers, who were armed with pistols, (allow) ___ to loiter outside the showroom entrance and wait for the van to arrive.

A police spokesman refused (discuss) ___ what happened next or to say how many officers (involved) in the operation. Witnesses said that as the raid (begin) ___, plain-clothes detectives came out from a side road and used a Post Office van to block off a possible escape route down the street.

Meanwhile, marksmen who (hide) ___ behind a wall in front of the showroom appeared behind the gunmen and called on them (surrender) ___ .

The three (throw) ___ to the ground and (handcuff) ___. Scotland Yard said that no shots (fire) ___ .

Last night three men (interview) ___ at the Police Station. They (appear) in court tomorrow.


My wife and I (live) ___ in our present house in the country for 5 years. We (move) ___ here after our second child (be) ___ born. We (live) ___ in town for ten years, and (decide) ___ that as soon as we (can) afford it, we (move) away ___ from the smoke and noise of the city centre, which we finally (do) ___ in 1985. We (never regret) ___ it. We (be) ___ reminded of the wisdom of our decision every morning when we (draw) ___ the curtains to see open fields (stretch) before us. When the children (have) ___ breakfast, they (rush) ___ outside to play, which they (do) since they (know) ___ how to walk. While they (play) ___ outside, we somehow manage (start) our day.

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