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Питання для підсумкового контролю


  1. Філософ і мудрець в грецькому світі.

  2. "Умобачення" (теорія) - філософський погляд на світ.

  3. Фалес Милетський як перший філософ Західного світу.

  4. Философія досократиків. Загальна характеристика. Проблема «архе».

  5. Анаксімандр.

  6. Анаксимен.

  7. Геракліт.

  8. «Справа Сократа». Шляхи вирішення.

  9. Іронія та майєвтика Сократа. Мистецтво діалогу і пошук істини.

  10. Образ філософа у діалозі Платона «Бенкет».

  11. Філософія як «еротичне» діяння (за Платоном).

  12. Сутність всіх речей за Платоном. Ейдос.

  13. Подвійна природа генію та подвійна природа філософії (згідно Платону).

  14. Хто і чому ніколи не буде філософувати згідно вченню Платона?

  15. Сутність речей за Аристотелем. Критика досократиків та Платона.

  16. Поняття «усії» у філософії Аристотеля.

  17. Онтологія Парменида. Три шляхи осягнення усіх рещей.

  18. Основні проблеми середньовічної філософії. Загальний тематичний план.

  19. Проблема співвідношення розуму та віри в середньовічній філософії.

  20. Західна та східна патристика

  21. Апофатичне богослов’я Діонісія Ареопагіта.

  22. Латинська патристика. Тертулліан.

  23. Августин Аврелій. Філософування у вірі: питання про любов.

  24. Августин Аврелій. Філософування у вірі: питання про мораль та час.

  25. Основні риси філософії Відродження.

  26. "Гуманізм" Ф. Петрарки.

  27. Полемічні твори Відродження. "Жалоба миру" Еразма Роттердамського.

  28. Філософський проект Нового часу.

  29. «Реальна філософія» Ф. Бекона.

  30. Вчення про «ідоли» Ф. Бекона.

  31. Р. Декарт. Пошук нового методу в філософії.

  32. Ф. Ніцше як філософ: надлюдина.

  33. Ф. Ніцше як філософ: мистецтво і ірраціональне.

  34. Імморалізм Ф. Ніцше.

  35. Філософські перспективи психоаналізу. З. Фрейд „Я та Воно”.

  36. «Основні поняття метафізики» М. Хайдеггера. Сутність філософії.

  37. «Основні поняття метафізики» М. Хайдеггера. Місце філософії у колі університетських наук.

  38. «Основні поняття метафізики» М. Хайдеггера. Визначення філософії.

  39. Класична і некласична філософія.

40.Тема людського буття у сучасній філософії.

Укладач: Доктор філософських наук,професор Завєтний Сергій Олександрович.

Іноземна мова

Форма контролю:

  • контрольна робота

  • залік

Курс іноземної мови (англійська, німецька, французька – за вибором) розрахований на два з половиною роки (п`ять семестрів, кожен з яких закінчується заліком з дисципліни, у п`ятому семестрі студенти складають іспит).


  1. Ідентифікація. Англійська мова (10.02.04 - германські мови).

  2. Опис.

На даному етапі навчання студенти закріплюють та вивчають :

  • Правила читання.

  • Граматичну будову мови.

3. Оцінювання

а) Форми контролю: Поточне тестування, підсумковий письмовий тест.

Поточне тестування проводиться наприкінці кожного модулю. Підсумковий письмовий тест наприкінці кожного семестру.

б) Розподіл балів, що присвоюються студентам

Заліковий модуль I-100 балів


Кількість балів

Модуль 1


Підсумковий письмовий тест


Lesson Third.

І. Learn the new words

to steal (stole, stolen) - красти

thief -злодій

theft - крадіжка

to rob - грабувати

robber - грабіжник

robbery - грабіж

to murder - убивати

murder — вбивство

to commit a murder - здійснювати вбиство

murderer - убивця

burglary - крадіжка зі зломом

to shoplift - красти в магазині

to punish - карати

punishment - покарання

offence - образа

to fine - штрафувати

prison — в'язниця

to be in prison - відбувати срок

prisoner - ув'язнений

to be accused of- бути обвинуваченим у чому-небудь

to be sentenced to - бути присудженим до

to investigate the case - розслідувати діло

investigator - слідчий

guilty - винний

innocent - невинний

jungle justice - самосуд

to suspect - підозрювати

a suspect - підозрюваний

to suffer material loss - понести матеріальні збитки

to demand - вимагати

reparation of the loss - відшкодування утрати (збитку)

in spite of - незважаючи на

to prove - доводити

enemy - ворог

manslaughter - ненавмисне убивство

juridical - юридичний, законний

to deny - заперечувати

to rape - гвалтувати

to damage - наносити ушкодження

to hijack - гнати (літак)

kidnapping - викрадення людей

kidnapper — викрадач

prosecutor - прокурор

pickpocket — кишеньковий злодій

verdict — рішення присяжних

verdict is in — вирок винесений

to attain (to take) a verdict — винести вирок

unanimous verdict — вердикт, винесений одноголосно

ІІ. Translate into Ukrainian using the new words.

  1. The man committed a crime but he proved that he had an alibi.

  2. Last night a great sum of money was stolen from the bank but the police has not found the thieves yet.

  3. The thief had hidden in the shop before it was closed.

  4. The theft was committed at that particular time when there was nobody in the shop.

  1. The shop was robbed and there were no witnesses who could help to investigate the case.

  2. The young woman shoplifted some dresses and you must discover the motive for her doing such a thing.

  3. She was a pleasant old woman without any enemy in the world and yet she was murdered (killed).

  4. Driving above speed limit a driver manslaughtered an old lady crossing the street.

  5. Do you believe that this person could do burglary?

  1. As far as I know this man committed a crime and must be punished.

  2. He was sentenced to a year in prison for having an illegal gun at home.

  3. The young man was fined for offence to the policeman.

  4. He was fined for parking his car in «no parking area».

  5. Smith was put into prison two years ago, he was accused of burglary.

15. The jury investigated the case carefully and attained the verdict that the lady was innocent.

16. The murderer was sentenced to death and was put into a cell.

III. Translate the following text in a written form.

Text 1


When any person is doing something illegal (against the law), he must know that he is committing a crime.

Brown stole Joan's computer when she was not at home. Brown is a thief. He has committed theft. Joan is a plaintiff. She suffered materials loss, and demands reparation of the loss.

Smith robbed a flat when there was nobody at home. He is a robber. Stealing from people or places is a robbery. Smith is accused of robbery in spite of the fact that he denied everything.

A boy shoplifted a box of cigarettes from the store. He is a shoplifter. Shoplifting is also a crime.

Simon killed his wife because he was too jealous. He committed a murder. He is a murderer. Murder is a very serious crime. The accused is found guilty and is sentenced to imprisonment by the court, in some countries such a person is sentenced to death.

Driving above the speed limit a man overran an old lady crossing the street at a yellow light. It is a manslaughter.

A burglar stole some jewellery from the shop. He is accused of burglary.

Raping is a serious (hard) crime.

So the courts investigate all these cases and give punishments for crimes committed. For minor offences one has to pay a fine. For example, if one drives above the speed limit or parks illegally one may be fined. For some crimes there is a capital punishment (death). Prison sentences are given to those who committed very serious crimes. For example, if a person is accused of murder, the sentence will be many years in prison, in some countries he is sentenced to death.

The person becomes a prisoner. He is put into prison. He is in a cell and is waiting for the punishment to be given to him.

Thus courts prevent jungle justice and defend citizens' life and rights.

IV. Answer the following questions.

  1. When is a person committing a crime?

  2. Is Brown a thief?

  3. What has he committed?

  4. Did Joan suffer material loss?

  5. What did she demand?

  6. What is robbery?

  7. What is a serious crime?

  8. What is the accused of a murder sentenced to?

  9. What institutions investigate the cases and give punishments?

  1. What offences has one to pay a fine for?

  2. What crimes can one be sentenced to prison for?

  3. What hard crime can one be sentenced to death for?

  4. What do courts prevent?

  5. Whom do courts defend?

V. Translate into Ukrainian.

  1. A shoplifter is a person who steals from shops.

  2. A vandal is a person who damages things in public places.

  3. A murderer is a person who murdered someone.

  4. A pickpocket is a person who steals things from a person's pocket.

  1. A hijacker is a person who captures a plane and forces the pilot to change the course of flight.

  2. A drug dealer is a person who buys and sells drugs (f.e.heroin) illegally.

  3. A kidnapper is a person who captures away people by force and demands money for their return (freedom).

VI. Translate the list of the crime into English and write the punishment for given crimes.

Model: illegal parking - fine

Crime Punishment

  1. крадіжка у магазины

  2. тероризм

  3. грабіж

  4. убивство

  5. паркування машини у неналежному


6. вандалізм

VII. Translate the following sentences.

  1. Здійснено злочин.

  2. Йде розслідування поліцією (поліція проводить розслідування).

  3. Підозрюваний допитується поліцією.

  4. Він обвинувачується в убивстві. Він винен.

  5. Він присуджений до 20 рокам в'язниці.

  6. Хоча він визнаний винним, він звертається в суд другої інстанції.

  7. Він повинен понести покарання.

  8. Його посадили у в'язницю.

  9. Їх звинуватили у пограбуванні.

  10. За незначні образи йому довелося заплатити штраф.

  11. За серйозні злочини суд виносить вирок тюремне ув'язнення.

  12. Суд захищає права громадян


1. Translate the following text in a written form.


Constitutional law concerns the relationships between the individual and the state. In Great Britain law is not merely a matter of the rules which govern relations between private individual, for example between a landlord and a tenant or between a husband and a wife. Law also concerns the structure and powers of the state. The relations between the individual and the state should be founded upon and governed by law.But law does not exist in a social and political vacuum. Within a given society, the legal rules that concerns relations between a husband and a wife will reflect that society’s attitude to marriage. One branch of human learning and experience that make life in today’s world more tolerable and less brutish than it might otherwise be is constitutional law.

Within a stable democracy constitutional law reflects the value that people attach to orderly human relations, to individual freedom under the law and to the institutions such as parliament, political parties, free elections and press. Laws are the product of human decisions. Lord Acton said, ‘Power tends to corrupt and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely’. But the weakness and imperfections of human nature are not a reason for discarding law as a means of regulating political conduct.

In most branches of law the purpose and operation of legal rules can be understood only with knowledge of the social background against which the legal rules operate: legal procedures for the resolution of disputes arising within a family, a trade union or a limited company are an incomplete guide to the role of these institutions in society.

Unlike legal system in which law is divided into a series of codes, there is no hard demarcation in Great Britain between constitutional law and other branches of law. For example, in the field of family law, important protection for family life is given by the European Convention on Human Rights and family status is an important basis for many rules of immigration control. Numerous civil liberty issues arise out of criminal law and procedure. In property law, public control of private rights is a fertile field for the emergence of disputes involving a clash between public and private interests. These examples do not mean to suggest that constitutional law comprehends the whole of the legal system but that the functioning of the legal system is of direct concern to constitutional law.

2. Put 10 special questions to the text “CONSTITUTIONAL LAW”.

3. Carry out the following assignments in grammar.

4) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous.

1. You … (to want) to see my children? -Yes, I ... They (to play) in their room now? Yes, they … .

2. My working day … (to begin) at seven o'clock. I … (to get) up, … (to switch) on the radio I and … (to do) my morning exercises. It … (to take) me fifteen minutes. At half past seven we … (to have) breakfast. My father and I … (to leave) home at eight o'clock. He … (to take) a bus to his office.

3. What you … (to do) here now? - We … (to have) an English lesson now. We … (to listen) to tape-recordings.

4. Lena usually … (to prepare) her homework at the academy? - No, she ... . As a rule, she … (to work) at the hostel. - And what she … (to write) now? - Oh, she … (to write) an article for our wall newspaper.

5) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Past Indefinite or Present Perfect.

1. You … (to play) the piano yesterday?

2. Look at my new evening dress! I … (to make) it myself.

3. Her son is not at school today, he … (to fall) ill. - When he … (to fall) ill? - He … (to fall) ill yesterday.

4. The lecture … (not yet to begin) and the students are talking loudly in the classroom.

5. What you … (to prepare) for today?

6. At last I … (to translate) this difficult article: now I’ll have a little rest.

7. We … (to go) to the country yesterday, but the rain … (to spoil) everything.

8. My watch was going in the morning, but now it … (to stop).

9. When it all … (to happen)?

10. The policeman … (to leave) the bathroom a moment ago.

6) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Present Perfect, Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite or Past Continuous.

1. What the detective … (to do) when he came to the place of the crime?

2. You … (to be) to the Crimea? When you … (to be) there? - I … (to be) there in 2006.

3. He … (to play) computer games from two till three yesterday

4. When I … (to enter) the kitchen, I … (to see) that my mother … (to stand) at the table and … (to cut) some cabbage. She … (to cook) dinner.

5. The girls … (to dust) the furniture. They … (to do) it regularly.

6. My sister … (not to play) the piano she … (to play) the violin.

7. As soon as I … (to see) him, I … (to understand) that he … (to work) hard. He … (to write) something and … (not to notice) anything.

8. I … (not to sleep) at nine o'clock yesterday, I … (to sleep) only 7 hours a day.

9. When I … (to come) home yesterday, the children … (to run) and … (to sing) merrily. "We … (to learn) a new folk song!" they cried.

10. When I … (to draw) yesterday, I … (to break) two black pencils.

7) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Future Indefinite, Future Continuous or Future Perfect.

1. How many new articles you … (to read) by five o'clock tomorrow?

2. What you … (to do) at eight o'clock tomorrow?

3. I … (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. I … (to watch) TV the whole evening.

4. What you … (to do) the day after tomorrow?

5. I … (to do) all my homework by the time he comes, and we … (to go) for a walk together.

8) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Past Indefinite Tense or Past Perfect Tense.

1. He … (to discuss) the problem with a lot of lawyers before he … (to take) a decision.

2. The boys … (to say) that they (to see) a lot during their summer vacation.

3. We … (to be) rather upset because we … (to lose) the way to the hotel.

4. They … (to hope) they … (to make) no mistakes in the examination-paper.

5. I … (to think) that the attorney … (to leave) for Kyiv.

9) Translate the following sentences. Mind the sequence of tenses.

1. It was clear that the young woman would never understand her mistake.

2. They were lucky to understand what film it was.

3. Did you realize that you had been trying to lock the wrong door?

4. The lawyer concluded that adults would be answering the questions without discussion.

5. I have been looking for new solutions of the problem since I had found it.

6. The revolution has influenced our lives and it has changed us.

7. The chief asked whether the policeman had been making the report for half an hour.

8. Nobody really knew when we had arrived.

10) Translate the following sentences. Mind the modal verbs.

1. You may change the primary data of your new reseach work.

2. We must check the final results to see whether they were really correct.

3. We need to know what makes one criminal different from others.

4. Can the policemen examine the scene of the crime?

5. Psychologists must use statistical methods for examining the results.

6. Such techniques should be avoided in our legal work.

7. He ought to predict and control the results of this experiment.

8. As he couldn’t see the colours properly he didn’t drive a car.

11) Define the meaning of the modal verbs in the following sentences and translate them.

1. Were the students able to read such newspaper articles without a dictionary?

2. They didn’t have to fulfil the plan by the end of spring.

3. The young sportsmen were allowed to drive the new car. They were to be attentive.

4. Are the bad results of this experiment to be discussed immediately?

5. My friends will have to translate these scientific articles, but they won’t be able to do it as they have no proper knowledge.

6. Some people are not able to remember tiny details.

7. We’ll have to tell him the real truth. His last experiment was not a success.

8. The prosecutor assistant was to do a lot of urgent work.

9. Were the witnesses allowed to do it without lawyers?

10. The cadets of the police academy were to wear uniforms.

12) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Active or Passive Voice.

1. Fresh bread … (to eat) in our family every day.

2. We … (to receive) her telegram by the end of the week.

3. After she … (to explain) this method thoroughly, we no longer … (to feel) worried.

4. Everybody … (to hear) his interesting report at the university conference last month.

5. Some parents … (to teach) their children to endure all hardships.

6. The students … (to find) important information about the life in Ukraine in this book.

7. The most difficult question … (to answer) yesterday.

8. This scientific article … (to read) by every lawyer.

9. His new textbook for the first-year students … (to finish) next year.

10. Many houses … (to burn) during the Great Fire of London.

11) Change into the Passive Voice.

1. Nobody has spoken about her great success in civil procedure.

2. The little boy cut a sheet of paper with a sharp knife.

3. The cadets thought about their winter holidays all the time.

4. The experienced doctor operated on her husband a day or two ago.

5. The young men didn’t complain about their bad living conditions.

6. The detectives have just asked the witnesses about the time of the crime.

7. Why do the senior students often laugh at the freshmen?

8. They will listen to his regular report at the university scientific conference.

9. Has he already looked for the key in the pockets of his trousers?

10. The old woman is looking at me with great surprise.

Укладач: викладач кафедри англійської мови факультету іноземних мов Скриль Оксана Іванівна.

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