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Гольцева О.Ю. Международное право в официальных документах. Под ред. И.А. Горшеневой

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О. Ю. Гольцева

Международное право в официальных документах

Под редакцией кандидата юридических наук, профессора

И. А. Горшеневой




ББК 81.2Англ Г63

Гольцева, О. Ю.

Международное право в официальных документах : учебник /

под ред. И. А. Горшеневой. – М. : Московский университет МВД Рос-

сии имени В.Я. Кикотя, 2018. – 396 с. – ISBN 978-5-9694-0517-2.

В учебнике «Международное право в официальных документах» широко представлена разнообразная тематика: виды и структура международных официальных документов; история, развитие и основополагающие принципы международного права; роль международных организаций; дипломатический этикет; защита прав человека; проблемы и вызовы, стоящие перед человечеством в современном мире.

Комплекс лексико-грамматических упражнений направлен на формирование у студентов как языковых, так и профессиональных знаний, а также навыков чтения на английском языке и профессионального перевода специальных документов, таких как международные договоры, конвенции, протоколы, декларации и др. Представленный материал аутентичен, современен и актуален.

Предназначен для студентов юридических вузов и факультетов, в том числе системы Министерства внутренних дел. Целевой аудиторией являются будущие юристы-специалисты в области международного права.

ББК 81.2Англ

Рецензенты: доцент кафедры иностранных языков Российского государственного университета правосудия кандидат филологических наук Т. А. Булановская; заведующий кафедрой И-11 «Иностранный язык для аэрокосмических специальностей» ФГБОУ ВО «Московский авиационный институт» кандидат филологичесих наук, доцент И. Э. Коротаева; профессор кафедры иностранных языков и лингвистики МосГУ кандидат педагогических наук, доцент С. Ф. Щербак.

ISBN 978-5-9694-0517-2

© Московский университет МВД России имени В.Я. Кикотя, 2018 © Гольцева О. Ю., 2018



PART I. INTERNATIONAL LAW....................................................


Lesson 1. History of international law ...................................................


Lesson 2. Objects, subjects and sources of international law ................


Lesson 3. Principles of international law ...............................................


Lesson 4. International organizations.....................................................




Lesson 5. Treaties and conventions........................................................


Lesson 6. Structure of a treaty document ...............................................


Lesson 7. Protocols .................................................................................


Lesson 8. Declarations............................................................................


Lesson 9. Other types of international documents .................................


Lesson 10. Diplomatic law and etiquette ...............................................


PART III. THE WORLD WE LIVE IN ............................................


Lesson 11. Challenges of the modern world ..........................................


Lesson 12. Threat of terrorism and fascism ...........................................


Lesson 13. Human rights protection.......................................................


Lesson 14. War and armed conflicts ......................................................


Lesson 15. Nuclear threat and disarmament ..........................................


Supplementary reading section ...........................................................


Glossary .................................................................................................


Keys ........................................................................................................








Discuss the following questions.

1.What do you understand by the term “international law”? Try to give a definition.

2.What do you think is the role of international law in the modern world? Why and when did it appear?

Comment on the following quotation. What are the two periods of international law? Do you know anything about the Hague conference?

“I am convinced that when the history of international law comes to be written centuries hence, it will be divided into two periods: the first being from the earliest times to the end of the nineteenth century, and the second beginning with the Hague Conference.”

Ludwig Quidde (1858 – 1941), a German pacifist, Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

Exercise 1. Read the text and find the answers to these questions.

1.What is the text about?

2.How many parts does it comprise?

3.What are these parts?

International law is not new. Nations have always made political and economic treaties with each other. In Medieval Europe, the Canon Law of the Catholic Church had an important role. Law Merchant regulated trade across political frontiers. In the fifteenth century, the Church mediated rivalry between Spain and Portugal by dividing the world into their respective areas of interest. The 1648 Treaty of


Westphalia, which called for equal treatment everywhere of Protestants and Catholics, can be seen as an early international human rights law.

Nevertheless, most international law has been created in the twentieth century. The League of Nations was set up after World War I to regulate disputes between nations. However, it failed to stop the international tension that led to World War II, partly because some powerful countries did not join (U.S.) and others left when they disagreed with its decisions (Germany, Japan). But it resulted in adopting some important international legislation like the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War and the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees.

There are some important differences between international laws and those created inside individual states. Domestic laws are passed by legislative bodies, most of which have some popular political support. International laws, on the other hand, are created by agreements among governments. As a result, it is not as clear whether they have the support of individual citizens. Enforcement of international law is also different. Many international agreements are not binding – for example, UN General Resolutions. Even when nations agree to be bound, it is unclear how obligations are to be enforced.

At certain times particular nations have acted like a police force. Since the 1991 Gulf War, the U.S.-dominated international peacekeeping operations have perhaps come nearer to playing this role of world police force than anyone previously, having more military power than former UN peacekeeping forces and being prepared to use it. But the operation's temporary nature and self-interested motives mean it differs from a true police force.

The end of Cold War tension and the 1991 Gulf War seem to have produced a new consensus in the world about international war. One of the basic principles of the UN Charter was that one nation should not interfere in the


internal affairs of another. But Resolution 688, passed by the UN Security Council on April 5, 1991, ordered Iraq to grant access to international humanitarian organizations so that assistance could be given to refugees, and authorized military action against Iraq if access were refused. The right to interfere seems to be replacing the principle of non-intervention, but there is great debate about just when such interference is acceptable (This is more of a political issue than a legal one.)

Exercise 2. Read the text and find the English equivalents for these word combinations.

Заключить договор, Средневековая Европа, Торговое право, выступать посредником, соперничество между, сфера интересов, равное отношение к, регулировать споры между странами, международная напряженность, привести ко Второй мировой войне, обращение с военнопленными, статус беженцев, обязывающее соглашение, военная мощь, основные принципы Устава ООН, Совет Безопасности, предоставить доступ к …, международные гуманитарные организации, оказать помощь, принцип невмешательства, приемлемый.

Exercise 3. Say whether these statements are true or false, according to the information of the text. Correct the wrong ones.

1.In Medieval Europe, only the Canon Law of the Catholic Church had an important role.

2.Most international law has been created in the seventeenth century starting from the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia.

3.The United Nations was set up after World War I to regulate disputes between nations.

4.There are no important differences between international laws and those created inside individual states.

5.Many international agreements are not binding.

6.The U.S.-dominated international peacekeeping operations play the role of world police force.


7.The basic principles of the UN Charter are that one nation should not interfere in the internal affairs of another.

8.To accept or not to accept interference is a legal issue.

Exercise 4. Translate these word combinations into


1.peace-keeping – миротворческие силы, миротворческая операция, миротворец, обязанности миротворцев, миротворческая миссия

2.treaty – политический договор, экономический договор, заключить договор, подписать договор, мирный договор, договор о торговле, присоединиться к договору.

3.tension – остановить рост международной напряженности, расовая напряженность, социальная напряженность, напряженность в отношениях между двумя странами, разрядка международной напряженности

4.agreement – межправительственное соглашение, поддержка соглашения, выработать соглашение, прийти

ксоглашению, нарушить соглашение

5.principle – основополагающий принцип, принцип невмешательства во внутренние дела, принцип равенства, в соответствии с принципом

6.binding – договор, содержащий юридические обязательства, обязательный для обеих сторон, взять на себя обязательства

Exercise 5. Answer these questions.

1.What are the pre-20th century forms of international


2.How can you characterize the role of the League of Nations?

3.Are there any differences between international and domestic law?

4.Why is the enforcement of international law different from the enforcement of domestic law?


5. What are the distinctive features of U.S.-dominated international peacekeeping operations?

7.What is one of the basic principles of the UN Charter?

8.Do you think the principle of non-intervention may be violated? Give your reasons.

Exercise 6. Read the text using a dictionary.

International law is the term commonly used for referring to the system of implicit and explicit agreements that bind together nation-states in adherence to recognized values and standards. It differs from other legal systems in that it primarily concerns states rather than private citizens. However, the term "International Law" can refer to three distinct legal disciplines:

Public international law, which involves for instance the United Nations and other international organizations, maritime law, international criminal law and the Geneva conventions.

Private international law, or conflict of laws, which addresses the questions of (1) in which legal jurisdiction may a case be heard; and (2) the law concerning which jurisdiction(s) apply to the issues in the case.

Supranational law or the law of supranational organizations, which concerns at present regional agreements where the special distinguishing quality is that laws of nation states are held inapplicable when conflicting with a supranational legal system.

The two traditional branches of the field are:

*jus gentium – law of nations

*jus inter gentes – agreements among nations

Public international law concerns the relationships between the legal entities which are considered the subjects of international law, including sovereign nations, international organizations (including especially intergovernmental organizations such as the United Nations), and in some cases, movements of national liberation and armed insurrectional movements.


Public international law concerns the structure and conduct of sovereign states and intergovernmental organizations. Public international law has increased in use and importance vastly over the twentieth century, due to the increase in global trade, armed conflict environmental deterioration on a worldwide scale, awareness of human rights violations, rapid and vast increases in international transportation and a boom in global communications.

Norms of international law have their source in either

custom, or customary international law (consistent state practice accompanied by opinio juris**),

globally accepted standards of behaviour (peremptory norms known as jus cogens** or ius cogens),

codifications contained in conventional agreements, generally termed treaties. Article 13 of the United Nations Charter obligates the UN General Assembly to initiate studies and make recommendations which encourage the progressive development of international law and its codification. Evidence of consensus or state practice can sometimes be derived from intergovernmental resolutions or academic and expert legal opinions (sometimes collectively termed soft law).

Public international law should not be confused with

"private international law", which is concerned with the resolution of conflict of laws. Conflict of laws is less international than public international law. It is distinguished from public international law because it governs conflicts between private persons, rather than states. It concerns the questions of which jurisdiction should be permitted to hear a legal dispute between private parties, and which jurisdiction's law should be applied. Today corporations are increasingly capable of shifting capital and labor supply chains across borders, as well as trading with overseas corporations. Increasing numbers of businesses use commercial arbitration under the New York Convention 1958.


**opinio juris убеждение субъектов международного права в юридической полноценности (действительности) правовой нормы. На практике это означает признание государством определенного правила в качестве нормы международного права. При создании договорных норм имеет явно выраженный характер, а при создании обычных норм – молчаливый.

**jus cogens (ius cogens) – императивные нормы международного права норма права, диспозиция которой выражена в определенной, категоричной форме. В соответствии со статьей 53 Венской конвенции о праве международных договоров 1969 г., это норма, "которая принимается и признается международным сообществом государств в целом как норма, отклонение от которой недопустимо и которая может быть изменена только последующей нормой общего международного права, носящей такой же характер".

Exercise 7. Find in the text above the English equivalents for these word combinations.

юридические лица, суверенное государства, нацио- нально-освободительное движение, вооруженное повстанческое движение, вооружений конфликт, ухудшение состояния окружающей среды, в глобальном масштабе, быстрый рост транспортного сообщения, повсеместно принятые стандарты поведения, обязать коголибо, способствовать развитию.

Exercise 8. What do these branches of public international law deal with?

International Human Rights


International Humanitarian



Consular law


International Space law

International Aviation Law International trade law

International Criminal law Law of State Responsibility

International EnvironmenThe law pertaining to use of

tal law


Law of the Sea

Diplomatic law

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