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Завдання для самопідготовки студентів

Перекладіть наступні словосполучення:

1. загрозлива для життя хвороба

2. печія та здуття черевної порожнини

3. ліки, що дозволені до продажу без рецепту

4. розгорнутий аналіз крові

5. злоякісна анемія

6. вистилка шлунку

7. зловживання алкоголю

8. значне полегшення

9. наслідки хвороби

10. блювота з домішками крові

Дайте відповідь на запитання:

1.What are the functions of the stomach?

2.What is the function stomach lining?

3. What are the diseases of the stomach?

4.What are alike symptoms do gastritis and peptic ulcer have?

5. What are the causes of gastritis and peptic ulcer?

6.How are gastric diseases treated?

7.What is the diagnosis of gastric diseases based on?

8.What are the complications of gastritis?

Розкрийте поняття: гастрит, виразка шлунку



Exercise 1. Active vocabulary:

advent, n



cholelithiasis, n


жовчокам’яна хвороба

correlate, v


бути у співвідношенні

disability, n



incision. n



irritate. v



Exercise 2. a)Read the following word-combinations and translate them:

Treatment: emergency treatment, effective treatment, immediate treatment, inpatient treatment, long-term treatment

Diagnosis: correct diagnosis; definite diagnosis; delayed diagnosis, initial diagnosis

Inflammation: severe inflammation; painful inflammation; acute inflammation; to reduce inflammation; signs of inflammation

Substance: dangerous substance; harmful substance; toxic substance; pure substance; soluble substance

b) Make up short sentences using the above given word combinations:

Exercise 3. Translate the following word-combinations:

obstruction of the cystic duct; accumulation of bile; swelling of the gallbladder; normal blood flow; insufficient oxygen; delayed diagnosis; morbidity and mortality; intense pain; umbilical area; tender and distended; cold perspiration; severe tenderness; irritation of the peritoneum; slight jaundice of sclerae; greasy, fatty, or fried foods; to result from the effect of toxic substances; several small incisions; surgical site infection

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:

Acute Cholecystitis

Cholecystitis (Greek, -cholecyst, "gallbladder", combined with the suffix -itis, "inflammation") is inflammation of the gallbladder, which occurs most commonly due to gallstones (cholelithiasis). Blockage of the cystic duct with gallstones causes accumulation of bile in the gallbladder and increased pressure within the gallbladder. Concentrated bile, pressure, and sometimes bacterial infection irritate and damage the gallbladder wall, causing inflammation. Inflammation and swelling of the gallbladder can be reduced to areas of the gallbladder, which can lead to cell death. The main forms of cholecystitis are the following: catarrhal, purulent and gangrenous.

Risk factors for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis are similar and include increasing age, female sex, pregnancy, certain medications, obesity, and rapid weight loss. Females are twice as likely to develop cholecystitis as males. Uncomplicated cholecystitis has an excellent prognosis; however, more than 25% of patients require surgery or develop complications. Complications of acute cholecystitis increases morbidity and mortality. The patient with cholecystitis is known to complain of intense pain, localized in the right hypochondria and in the umbilical area.

The gallbladder may be tender and distended. During the attack of pain the face is moist with cold perspiration, the skin is pale, and the tongue and lips are dry. Even a slight palpation reveals severe tenderness due to irritation of the peritoneum. Approximately in 50% of cases there is slight jaundice of sclerae. The pain grows much worse when the patient is lying on his right side. It may also correlate with eating greasy, fatty, or fried foods. Diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea are common.

The chemical blood analysis is known to reveal some changes; they result from the effect of toxic substances in the liver. For most patients diagnosed with acute cholecystitis, the definitive treatment is surgical removal of the gallbladder, cholecystectomy.

Purulent form of cholecystitis is highly dangerous to life and requires an emergency operation. An even more severe course is observed in gangrenous cholecystitis. Recovery is achieved by surgical treatment, it being followed by prolonged antibiotic therapy and chemotherapy.

Since the advent of laparoscopic surgery in the early 1990s, laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become the treatment of choice for acute cholecystitis. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is performed using several small incisions located at various points across the abdomen. Several studies have demonstrated the superiority of laparoscopic cholecystectomy when compared to open cholecystectomy. Patient undergoing laparoscopic surgery report less incisional pain postoperatively as well as fewer long - term complications and less disability following the surgery. Additionally, laparoscopic surgery is associated with a lower rate of surgical site infection.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. What is cholecystitis?

  2. What are the main forms of cholecystitis?

  3. What are the manifestations of cholecystitis?

  4. Where is the pain localized in attack of cholecystitis?

  5. When does the pain grow worse in acute cholecystitis?

6. What are the risk factors of cholecystitis?

7. How are purulent forms of cholecystitis treated?

8. How is laparoscopic cholecystectomy performed?

Exercise 6.Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements.

Chole- [kבli] - combining form of Greek origin denoting bile

Hepato- [hepatב] - combing form of Greek origin denoting liver

Read the definition and fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets.

1. A malignant tumour of the liver in newborns or children

2. A specialist in liver diseases

  1. Any disease of the liver

4. The scientific study about liver diseases - ... .

5. Gallbladder - ... .

6. A malignant tumour of the liver

7. Inflammation of the liver

8. The surgical cutting (incision) of the gallbladder

9. Surgical removal of the gall-bladder

10. Any disease of the gallbladder

11. Originating in the liver

12. An abnormal enlargement of the liver caused by congestion, inflammation, or a tumour

13 .Inflammation of the gallbladder, characterized by fever, jaundice and weakness

14.Radiography of the gallbladder after administration of a contrast medium

(hepatology, hepatitis, hepatoblastoma, hepatoma, hepatologist, hepatopathy, hepatomegaly, hepatogenous, cholecystitis, cholecyst, cholecystectomy, cholecystopathy, cholecystotomy, cholecystography)

Exercise 7.Match the explanations with the terms.

1. A condition in which bowel evacuations occur infrequently and cause difficulty or pain.

a. inflammation

2. A yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, indicating excess bilirubin in the blood.

b. gall-bladder

3. The process of examining part of the body by careful feeling with the hands or fingertips

c. constipation

4. A pear-shaped sac lying underneath the right lobe of the liver, in which bile is stored

d. palpation

5. The body’s response to injury, which may be acute or chronic. It is characterized by five signs: swelling, pain, redness, warmth and dysfunction

e. jaundice






Exercise 8. Find the corresponding equivalents; memorize the meanings of these word combinations:

місце хірургічної інфекції, невелика жовтяниця склер, біль в розрізі, пупкова область, сальні, жирні або смажені продукти, накопичення жовчі, швидка втрата ваги, неcтача кисню, сильний біль, сильна хворобливість.

Exercise 9. Translate the sentences paying attention to the construction Complex subject:

  1. This diet seems to be good for the patients and should be recommended.

  2. The basic mode of action is thought to be the same.

  3. An ECG-based diagnosis may prove to be extremely difficult in patients with re-infarction.

  4. A new imaging system is expected to give radiology additional information to guide biopsy recommendation.

  5. Coronary patients are established to be at an increased risk of cardiac infarction.

  6. Environmental factors are known to to be of significance.

  7. Sometimes pain is observed to appear suddenly in quite healthy persons.

  8. The chemical blood analysis is known to reveal some changes, they resulting from the effect of toxic substances in the liver.

Exercise 10. Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate form of the Infinitive. Translate the sentences:

1. Products of protein, fat, and carbohydrate digestion (to be absorbed) from the gastrointestinal tract by the liver in which they (to undergo) further chemical processes.

2. The liver (to destroy) toxic substances which usually (to be formed) in the intestinal tract as well as some poisons which (to enter) the body from without.

3. Jaundice (to be known) to be the disease which (to be due to) the presence of a large amount of bilirubin in the blood and tissues.

4. The patient was known (to have) stool retention accompanied by nausea a month before his present admission to the hospital.

5. Sensitivity to antibiotics was reported (to be present) not only in this patient but in all the other members of the family as well since their early age.

6. Prophylactic vaccination was found (to be effective) since no cases of hepatitis were diagnosed after its administration.

7. Skin irritation was revealed (to occur) after each parenteral administration of this preparation.

Exercise 11. Put questions to the underlined words:

  1. Hydrochloric acid is greatly diminished or absent in untreated cases of chronic gastritis.

  2. Cases of appendicitis have been noted even in infants.

  3. Tuberculosis may affect not only the lungs but also other organs.

  4. The pain often occurs between meals and early in the morning.

  5. Blood pressure involves two measurements.

  6. The blood analysis revealed moderate leukocytosis and an elevated ESR.

  7. People with ulcers may experience serious complications.

  8. The bacterium produces substances that weaken the stomach’s protective mucosa.

  9. Symptoms vary with the severity of the inflammation.

Exercise 12. Translate into English:

      1. Причинами виникнення холециститу є ураження різними інфекційними хворобами.

      2. Останнім часом виникнення холециститу пов'язують також з вірусною природою (внаслідок вірусного гепатиту).

      3. Сприяють виникненню холециститу застій жовчі в жовчному міхурі, наявність жовчних каменів, дискінезія жовчних шляхів, яка виникає під впливом стресових станів і негативних емоцій, розладнання функцій ендокринної, центральної і вегетативної нервових систем.

      4. Велику роль у цієї хвороби відіграють переїдання, особливо жирної їжі, надмірна маса тіла, гіподинамія, шкідливі звички: споживання алкоголю,куріння

      5. Виділяють гострий і хронічний холецистит, які важко піддаються лікуванню.

      6. Холецистит часто ускладнюється запаленням жовчних шляхів (холенгітом), іноді запаленням підшлункової залози (панкреатитом).

      7. Основні ознаки гострого холециститу: нападоподібні болі в правій половині живота, що іррадіюють в праве плече, лопатку; нудота і блювота; озноб і підвищення температури тіла; можливі жовтяниця і свербіння шкірного покриву.

      8. Небезпечне ускладнення холециститу— перитоніт.

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