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Завдання для самопідготовки


вогнепальна рана

наскрізна рана

вирівняти краї рани

зменшити рубець

рана від проникнення

колоті рани

подряпина і садно

рвана рана

різана рана

поверхнева рана

Дайте відповідь на запитання:

  1. What are the main two types of wounds?

  2. What does a wound mean in medicine?

  3. What does the wound refer to in pathology?

  4. How can open wounds be classified?

  5. What are incisions caused by?

  6. What types of open wounds do you know?

  7. What is the treatment for lacerations?

  8. What is a “through-and-through” wound?

Розкрийте поняття:

відкрита рана, різана рана, розрив, вогнепальна рана, колота рана, садно.


Закриті рани

Exercise 1. Active vocabulary:



забите місце




harsh blow

[hɑːʃ bləʊ]

грубий (різкий) удар

сrush injury

[krʌʃ 'indʒəri]

роздавлена рана







Exercise 2. Translate the word combinations into Ukrainian:

sustain a harsh blow; monitor for symptoms of hematoma; a steadily growing mass; disrupt the tissue; relatively slow process; lead to tissue damage; insufficiency in the circulation; fail and disintegrate; take hold of the site; spread locally.

Exercise 3. Match the words with their definitions.

  1. wound

  1. an injury appearing as an area of discoloured skin on the body, caused by a blow or impact rupturing underlying blood vessels.

  1. trauma

  1. a minor wound in which the surface of the skin or a mucous membrane is worn away by rubbing or scrapping.

  1. hematoma

  1. the thin layer of tissue forming the natural outer covering of the body of a person or animal.

  1. bruise

  1. a solid swelling of clotted blood within the tissues.

  1. abrasion

  1. the presence in tissues of harmful bacteria and their toxins, typically through infection of a wound.

  1. contusion

  1. an injury to living tissue caused by a cut, blow, or other impact, typically one in which the skin is cut or broken.

  1. skin

  1. a swollen area within body tissue, containing an accumulation of pus.

  1. sepsis

  1. the process of infecting or the state of being infected.

  1. infection

  1. a physical wound or injury, such as a fracture or blow.

  1. abscess

  1. a region of injured tissue or skin in which blood capillaries are ruptured

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:


Closed wounds have fewer categories, but are just as dangerous as open wounds. There are several types of closed wounds.

Contusions are more commonly known as bruises, caused by a blunt force trauma that damage tissue under the skin. When a person sustains a harsh blow, it causes tissue damage and bleeding beneath the skin, but does not tear the skin itself. Most contusions do not require medical treatment, but should be monitored for symptoms of hematoma, which is deep tissue damage. A hematoma can cause skin death over the injury and will need medical treatment. The symptoms of a hematoma are a steadily growing mass beneath the contusion and discoloration, as well as severe pain. These symptoms require immediate medical treatment.

Нematoma, also called a blood tumor, is caused by damage of a blood vessel that in its turn causes blood collection under the skin.

A Crush injury is caused by a great or extreme amount of force applied over a long period of time.

A crush injury occurs when force or pressure is put on a body part. This type of injury most often happens when part of the body is squeezed between two heavy objects. Damage related to crush injuries include: bleeding, bruising, compartment syndrome (increased pressure in an arm or leg that causes serious muscle, nerve, blood vessel, and tissue damage), fracture, laceration (open wound), nerve injury, secondary infection.

Chronic and Acute Wounds Acute or traumatic wounds are the result of injuries that disrupt the tissue. Chronic wounds are those that are caused by a relatively slow process that leads to tissue damage. Chronic wounds include pressure, venous, and diabetic ulcers. Typically, an insufficiency in the circulation or other systemic support of the tissue causes it to fail and disintegrate. Infection then takes hold of the site and hits a critical point, it can spread locally. Once the infection hits a critical point, it can spread locally or become systemic (sepsis).

Exercise 5. Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the types of closed wounds?

  2. What are contusions caused by?

  3. What should contusions be monitored for?

  4. What can hematoma cause?

  5. What are the symptoms of hematoma?

  6. What are hematomas caused by?

  7. What is a crush injury?

  8. What do acute wounds result from?

  9. What are chronic wounds caused by?

  10. When can infection spread locally and become systemic?

Exercise 6. Translate the following word combinations into English:

Критична точка; недостатня циркуляція; травматичні поранення; порівняно повільний процес; збиратися під шкірою; розпадатися на складові частини; розривати тканину; забите місце; синець; пошкоджувати кров’яні судини; небезпечні рани; розповсюджуватися локально.

Exercise 7. Match one or more words from list B with the verbs from list A to make word combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian:

List A: To cause; to refer to; to damage; to be caused by; to appear; to be misused; to collect; to be applied; to scrape off; to be referred to ; to lead to; to hit; to spread.

List B: the topmost layer of the skin ; a critical point; as a "through-and-through; tissue damage; over a long period of time; the dermis;  locally; a clean, sharp-edged object; under the skin; in reference to incisions; a contusion; a sharp injury; linear (regular) or stellate.

Exercise 8. Find the appropriate sentence endings:

  1. Incisions or incised wounds are caused by…

  2. Contusions are more commonly known as …

  3. Lacerations are irregular tear-like wounds caused by …

  4. Abrasions (grazes) are superficial wounds in which the topmost layer of the skin …

  5. Hematoma is also called a blood tumor caused by…

  6. Puncture wounds are caused by an object puncturing the skin such as …

  7. Penetration wounds are caused by an object such as knife…

  8. Crush injury is caused by a great or extreme amount of…

  9. Gunshot wounds are caused by a bullet or similar projectile driving … оставьте 8

  1. …is scraped off.

  2. …into or through the body.

  3. …entering and coming out from the skin.

  4. …a clean, sharp-edged object such as a knife, a razor or a glass splinter.

  5. … a nail or needle.

  6. … force applied over a long period of time.

  7. ….damage to a blood vessel that in turn causes blood to collect under the skin.

  8. … bruises, caused by a blunt force trauma that damage tissue under the skin.

  9. … some blunt trauma.

Exercise 9. Approve or contradict the following statements:

  1. Ballistic wounds are quite common for any people.

  2. From time to time we can receive a major wound.

  3. Whether major or minor, any injury that tears flesh is not only painful, but dangerous.

  4. The simplest puncture can lead to tetanus, and a small cut can turn septic.

  5. Knowing the types of wounds hardly helps the surgeon to treat them.

  6. Wounds can be serious, no matter how small they are.

  7. In the case of punctures, a thorough cleansing and updating of your tetanus shot is a must.

  8. Deep cuts, where blood is pumped with each heartbeat, do not require an immediate call to first aid station.

Exercise 10. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. Many minor wounds result in damaged skin cells that lose their function.

2. А wound can range from simple to life threatening.

3. Acute wounds heal uneventfully in the predicted amount of time.

4. Another way to classify wounds is to determine if the wound is clean or contaminated.

5. Contaminated wounds have some foreign materials or debris inside.

6. Internal wounds result from impaired immune and nervous system functions or decreased supply of blood, oxygen or nutrients to that area.

7. The signs and symptoms depend on the wound site, depth and causative agent.

8. Some anti-inflammatory medicine and pain killers might be prescribed to reduce discomfort in deep wounds.

Exercise 11. Complete the sentences with the ptoper modal verb (can, may, might, should):

1. When possible, the wound __________ be washed with soap.

2. Some wounds _____ need flushing with medical syringes, while others _____ need surgical debridement to remove foreign materials or dead tissue.

3. Treatment ________ also include proper wound care and dressing, and the application of local antibiotics where needed.

4. These basic steps in wound treatment ______help prevent wound infection and protect it from the environment.

5. Some anti-inflammatory medicine and pain killers________ also be prescribed to reduce discomfort and improve quality of life.

6. People living in a hazardous environment or having dangerous jobs _____ also be at higher risk for wounds.

Exercise 12. Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Відомо, що рана – це пошкодження шкіри, слизової оболонки чи глибокої тканини, що супроводжується болем та кровотечею, і має вигляд зяючого отвору.

  2. Рани бувають вогнепальні, різані, колоті, вдарені, рвані, давлені, укуси.

  3. Вогнепальні рани виникають внаслідок кульового поранення. Вони бувають наскрізні, якщо є вхідні і вихідні ранові отвори; сліпі, якщо куля або осколок залишається у тканині тіла.

  4. Різані і колоті рани мають невелику зону пошкоджень, рівні краї, стінки ран зберігають життєздатність, дуже кровоточать, менше піддаються інфікуванню.

  5. Колоті проникаючі рани при невеликій зоні пошкодження шкіри чи слизової оболонки можуть мати значну глибину і бути дуже небезпечними через пошкодження внутрішніх органів і занесення до них інфекції.

  6. Рвані рани бувають різної глибини із значним пошкодженням м’яких тканин тіла.

  7. Вкушені рани завжди інфіковані слиною і вимагають вакцинації.

  8. Рани можуть бути поверхневими або проникаючими в порожнину черепа, грудну клітку, черевну порожнину. Проникаючі рани найнебезпечніші.

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