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Завдання для самопідготовки студентів

Перекладіть словосполучення

1. складатися з двох бобовидних органів

2. видаляти відходи

3. простір між нирковими канальцями

4. набрякати від запалення

5. запалення клубочків

6. печіння під час сечовипускання

7. призводити до ниркової недостатності

8. мутна сеча з кров’ю або гноєм

9. попереджувати рецидив захворювання

10. пошкоджені або запалені гломерули

Дайте відповіді на запитання:

1. What is the main function of the kidneys?

2. What does the renal damage cause?

3. How is a group of inflammatory renal diseases called?

4. What is glomerulonephritis? What are its manifestations?

5. What are the causes of pyelonephritis?

6. How are the acute and chronic forms of pyelonephritis manifested?

7. What are the complications of pyelonephritis?

8. What are the risk factors of nephrolithiasis?

9. What does the migration of a renal calculus lead to?

10. What are the diagnostic measures of renal diseases?

Розкрийте поняття: гломерулонефрит, пієлонефрит, нефролітіаз, піонефроз, гідронефроз, бактеріурія, гематурія, альбумінурія.



Exercise 1. Learn the following words:

allergy, n



exposure, n


піддавання зовнішньому впливу

histamine, n



invade, v



pollen, n


квітковий пилок

hives, n



wheeze, v


сопіти, хрипіти

itch, n


чесатися, свербіти

clogging, n



rash, n


висип, висипання

mold, n



mite, n



swelling, n


пухлина, припухлість

Exercise 2. Form the new words with the help of the following suffixes and translate them:

-ion: secret, react, sense, inflame, infect, interpret, observe, evaluate.

-ness: happy, unconscious, short, weak, careless, ill.

-ly: full, seeming, final, sudden, general, strict, careful.

-ing: swell, sneeze, itch, wheeze, swallow, cough, vomit, feel.

Exercise 3. Choose the proper definitions to the terms:

  1. Sneezing

  1. is an irritating sensation that makes you want to scratch to relieve the feeling

  1. Sensitization

  1. is an outbreak of swollen, pale red bumps or plaques on the skin that appear suddenly

  1. Allergen

  1. a semi-autonomous, convulsive expulsion of air from the lungs through the nose and mouth, usually caused by foreign particles irritating the nasal mucosa

  1. Pollen

  1. a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death

  1. Anaphylaxis

  1. is a continuous, coarse, whistling sound produced in the respiratory airways during breathing

  1. Wheezing

  1. exposure to allergen that results in the development of hypersensitivity

  1. Hives

  1. is a fine to coarse powder containing the microgametophytes of seed plants

  1. Itching

  1. a type of antigen that produces an abnormally vigorous immune response in which the immune system fights off a perceived threat that would otherwise be harmless to the body

Exercise 4. Translate the following word combinations:

Over-reaction, foreign proteins, antibodies, immune response, affected person, to develop allergy, allergen, sneezing, shortness of breath, pain over the sinuses, skin rashes, swelling of lips and face, hives, abdominal cramps, cough, thick mucus secretions, weakness, difficulty in swallowing, life-threatening reaction, clogging up of airways, itching, unconsciousness.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:


Allergies are over-reactions of the immune system in certain individuals to seemingly and generally harmless foreign proteins and substances.

Allergies usually do not occur at the first exposure. When a person is exposed to an allergen for the first time, the body develops molecules called antibodies against the invading proteins. This is called an immune response.

When exposed to the allergen again the immune system produces large amounts of antibodies that lead to break down of mast cells that contain chemicals like histamine. This leads to the features of allergies.This process is known as sensitization. Sensitization may take days to years. Sometimes sensitization develops as the person affected shows symptoms but never fully develops the allergy to the allergen.

Symptoms of allergy include sneezing, shortness of breath, wheezing, runny nose and eyes, pain over the sinuses (at the bridge of the nose, near the eyes, over cheeks and at the forehead), coughing, skin rashes (hives), swelling of the lips or face, itching eyes, ears, lips, throat and roof of the mouth, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea.

Common allergens include pollen, animal dander, fungal spores or molds, dust mites etc. There is severe wheezing, shortness of breath, cough and thick mucus secretions.

When allergic reaction is life-threatening or severe it is termed anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock. Anaphylaxis affects the whole body.

Anaphylaxis involves swelling of the throat and mouth and clogging up of airways leading to difficulty breathing, difficulty in speaking or swallowing, rash and itching elsewhere in the body, weakness and collapse often with unconsciousness due to sudden fall in blood pressure. Anaphylaxis requires urgent emergency management.

Treatment includes medicines, allergy shots, and avoiding the substances that cause the reactions. Several medications may be used to block the action of allergic mediators (agents). These include antihistamines, glucocorticoids, epinephrine (adrenaline) and mast cell stabilizers. Rarely, the severity of anaphylaxis often requires epinephrine injection, and where medical care is unavailable, a device known as an epinephrine autoinjector may be used.

Exercise 6. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

  1. There is a greater risk of developing allergic conditions if a person has a family history of allergy, especially in parents or siblings.

  2. Allergy involves a minor response of the immune system, often to common substances such as foods or pollen.

  3. Allergies can cause a variety of symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing, itching, rashes, swelling, or asthma.

  4. When an allergic individual comes in contact with an allergen, the immune system responds with the IgE antibodies.

  5. Allergies can develop in childhood only.

  6. Being affected by the allergen again the immune system produces large amounts of antibodies that lead to break down of red blood cells.

  7. Anaphylaxis affects the particular part of the body.

  8. Medications used to block the action of allergic agents are called beta-blockers.

Exercise 7. Answer the questions:

  1. What is allergy?

  2. When do allergies occur?

  3. What is sensitization?

  4. What may a person be allergic to?

  5. What are the common symptoms of allergy?

  6. What does immune system produce?

  7. What is severe allergic reaction called?

  8. What does allergic reaction involve?

  9. Why does anaphylaxis require urgent emergency management?

  10. What does the treatment include?

Exercise 8. Match the following words with their synonyms:

  1. Trigger

  2. Need

  3. Occur

  4. Swelling

  5. Response

  6. Initial

  7. Rely

  8. Rash

  9. Rhinitis

  10. Nausea

  1. Happen

  2. Primary

  3. Eruption

  4. Coryza

  5. Require

  6. Enlargement

  7. Sickness

  8. Depend

  9. Cause

  10. Reaction

Exercise 9. Give English equivalents to the word combinations:

загрозливі для життя алергічні реакції, висипання і свербіж, різке зниження кров’яного тиску, нудота і блювання, кропивниця, чхання й нежить, імунна реакція, бути під впливом алергену, важкість під час говоріння й ковтання, задишка й хрипіння, густий слизовий секрет, квітковий пилок, хімічні речовини, пліснява і кліщі.

Exercise 10. Insert the prepositions from the table:

on , by, in (2), with, of, to (5), at (2) for

1. Not all the allergies usually do not occur … the first exposure.

2. When immune system is exposed … allergens, it produces antibodies.

3. Allergy tests can be used … identification potential allergens.

4. Swelling … the throat and mouth and clogging up of airways leads … difficulty … speaking or swallowing.

5. Some allergists will prefer an initial blood test prior … performing the skin prick test.

6. Allergic diseases are caused … inappropriate immunological responses to harmless antigens.

7. The use of antibacterial cleaning products has also been associated … asthma.

8. Effective management of allergic diseases relies … the ability to make an accurate diagnosis.

9. Although allergies are most common … children, they can occur … any time and any age.

Exercise 11 . Translate the words in italic into English:

  1. Allergies are a number of conditions caused by гіперчутливість імунної системи.

  2. Many allergens such as пил або квітковий пилок are airborne particles.

  3. Symptoms may include червоні очі, висип, нежить або набряк.

  4. Common allergens include pollen and специфічну їжу.

  5. Metals and інші речовини may also cause problems.

  6. Diagnosis is typically based on анамнезі пацієнта.

  7. Further testing of the шкіри та крові may be useful in certain cases.

  8. Anaphylaxis трапляється in between 0.05–2% of people

Exercise 12. Put the questions to the underlined words:

  1. Mosquito bite allergy symptoms include itching, hives, and swelling.

  2. While environment plays a role in allergy development, there is a greater risk of developing allergic conditions if a person has a family history of allergy.

  3. Testing of the skin or blood may be useful in certain cases.

  4. In the developed world about 20% of people are affected by allergic rhinitis.

  5. Allergic reactions can result from foods, insect stings, and reactions to medications.

  6. Rates of many allergic diseases appear to be increasing.

  7. In severe reactions epinephrine is recommended.

  8. Inhaled allergens can also lead to increased production of mucus in the lungs, shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing.

Exercise 13. Open the brackets, using the verbs in the correct tense and voice forms:

  1. Food allergies or food intolerances (to affect) nearly everyone at some point.

  2. People often have an unpleasant reaction to something they (to eat) and wonder if they (to have) a food allergy.

  3. If you (to suffer) from a milk allergy, strictly avoiding milk and food containing milk and milk products (to be) the only way to prevent a reaction, which (to include) immediate wheezing, vomiting, and hives.

  4. Egg allergies are more common in children than in adults and reaction (to range) from mild to severe.

  5. If a person (to be) allergic to any wheat protein, he should strictly (to avoid) wheat and wheat products, which (to include) stomach upset, eczema, allergic rhinitis, bronchospasm and even anaphylaxis.

  6. Peanut allergies (to affect) about 4 percent of adults and 6 percent of children.

  7. A single ragweed plant (to create) up to a billion pollen particles in a year, affecting people with ragweed allergies, namely stuffy sinuses.

  8. While all allergy symptoms (to cause) by a hypersensitive response to an otherwise harmless substance, not all allergies (to be) the same.

Exercise 14. Insert the verbs from the table:

have increased, overreacts, worsen, occur, come back, trigger, play, exist, be, improve

  1. Allergies … in many different forms.

  2. The allergic diseases—hay fever and asthma— … in the Western world over the past 2–3 decades

  3. Allergy symptoms … when your immune system overreacts to an allergen.

  4. Effective treatment of allergic asthma includes identifying and avoiding allergens that … symptoms.

  5. Early identification of childhood allergies will … your child’s quality of life.

  6. Seasonal allergies, like other allergies, develop when the body’s immune system becomes sensitized and … to something in the environment.

  7. Anaphylaxis is a rare but severe allergic reaction, which can occur suddenly and ... quickly.

  8. Exposure to allergens at times when the body's defenses are weak, such as after an illness or during pregnancy, also may … a role in developing allergies.

  9. Sometimes allergies go away, but they also can … years later.

10. The most severe reaction, known as anaphylaxis, can … life-threatening.

Exercise 15. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Термін «алергія» був введений віденським педіатром Клеменсом Фон Пірке в 1906 році.

2. Деякі симптоми може бути викликані певні речовини (алергени) з навколишнього середовища: пил, пилок рослин і деякі види їжі.

3. На сьогоднішній день відомо 5 типів реакцій гіперчутливості.

4. Дослідження показують, що різні імунологічні і аутоімунні захворювання набагато рідше зустрічаються в країнах третього світу, ніж в розвинених країнах.

5. Багато хімічні продукти можуть виступати в ролі алергенів.

6. Алергія характеризується загальною або місцевою запальною реакцією на алергени.

7. Існує кілька методів діагностики алергії.

8. Шкірні тести - найбільш прийнятні методи діагностики гіперчутливості.

9. Однією з найбільш небезпечних форм прояву алергії є анафілактичний шок.

10. Найбільш важливим моментом є усунення контакту людини з алергенами з навколишнього середовища.

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