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Завдання для самопідготовки


  1. виявляти антитіла

  2. біль у ділянці печінки

  3. переливання крові

  4. заражена їжа та вода

  5. рани, що гнояться

  6. інфіковані рідини тіла

  7. просочуватися у кров

  8. спільні голки для підшкірних ін’єкцій

  9. збільшення печінки

  10. пожовтіння скляр ока

Дайте відповідь на запитання:

  1. What are the causes of hepatitis?

  2. How is hepatitis detected?

  3. How is hepatitis A spread?

  4. How can hepatitis В be transmitted?

  5. What complications may develop in patients with hepatitis C?

  6. What is treatment for hepatitis C?

  7. What type of hepatitis is considered to be chronic?

Розкрийте поняття: гепатит, жовтяниця, білірубін.



Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

airborne, adj



chickenpox, n


вітряна віспа

сontagious, adj



exposure, n



inhalation, n



measles, n



mumps, n



rubella, n



shingles, n


оперізуючий лишай

swollen, adj



uneventful, adj


без ускладнень

varicella, n


вітряна віспа

Exercise 2. Read the word combinations with the new words and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. Health: poor health, in good health, mental health, public health, health service, a health worker, health insurance, to affect health, harmless to one's health, bad / broken / failing / feeble / fragile / frail / ill / poor health.

2. Treatment: free medical treatment, supportive treatment, antibiotic treatment, emergency treatment, hydropathic treatment, treatment by suggestion, to answer to the medical treatment.

Exercise 3. Put the names of diseases in the appropriate column:

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), chicken pox, diarrhea, diphtheria, dysentery, enteric fever, flu (influenza, grippe), German measles (rubella), hepatitis, meningitis, mumps, measles, polio, scabies, tetanus, tuberculosis, whooping cough, scarlet fever.

Children’s Diseases

Infectious Diseases

Exercise 4. Read and translate the following word combinations:

inflamed eyes, tiny white spots on the lining of the cheek, inhalation of infected droplets, sneeze, to avoid the disease, fetal death, swollen lymph nodes, clinical name, inflammation of the pancreas, testicles and ovaries, in infants, infected airborne droplets, nasal congestion, cause shingles, to produce a specific type of toxin, characteristic symptoms and signs, sore throat, permanently immunized, first trimester of pregnancy, itchy.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:


Many of the most known diseases of childhood are highly infectious diseases that can be passed easily from person to person. Some of these diseases are very serious indeed. The diagnosis of these diseases is made on the basis of their characteristic symptoms and signs.

Measles, also known as rubeola, is a common childhood illness, although adults also are susceptible. Its signs and symptoms are: fever, cough, sneezing, inflamed eyes, sore throat, tiny white spots on the lining of the cheek, and rash. The virus that causes the disorder is transmitted by inhalation of infecting droplets such as from a sneeze. Measles is most contagious before the rash appears, making it difficult to avoid the disease. Until the rash disappears, you still can pass it to others. Once you have had measles, you are permanently immune and will not contract the disease again.

This disease is often mild with half of people not realizing that they are sick. Rubella infection during the first trimester of pregnancy can cause fetal death. A rash may start around two weeks after exposure and last for three days. It usually starts on the face and spreads to the rest of the body. The rash is not as bright as that of measles and is sometimes itchy. Swollen lymph nodes are common and may last a few weeks. A fever, sore throat, and fatigue may also occur.

Mumps or epidemic parotitis is a childhood disease, but it can occur in adults. Its symptoms are the following: swollen, painful salivary glands, fever, weakness and fatigue, inflammation of the pancreas, testicles, ovaries, or brain. Mumps is caused by a virus and spread by inhalation of infected droplets.

In developed countries, children are immunized against measles, rubella and mumps at 12 months by MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, and rubella). And a second dose of the vaccine is usually given to children between the ages of four and five. There is no specific treatment for these diseases. Most children with uncomplicated forms of disease recover with rest and supportive treatment.

Whooping cough. Whooping cough primarily occurs in infants younger than 2 years. It is contracted by inhaling infected airborne droplets, often from an adult with mild case of the disease. The disease is most contagious early, but can be transmitted until the infection is completely cleared. The symptoms of this disease are: sneezing and nasal congestion, tearing, loss appetite, and cough.

Fever, weakness, and red, itchy rash are the signs of chickenpox. Chickenpox, also known as varicella, occurs primarily in children, although adults who are not immunized can contract it. It is contagious and is spread by breathing in infected respiratory droplets or by unprotected direct contact with the rash when it has ruptured. In persons who have had chickenpox, the virus can cause shingles later in life.

Scarlet fever was once a common, serious childhood illness but now is quite rare. Caused by a specific type of streptococcal bacteria, scarlet fever usually begins suddenly with sore throat, fever, and chill. The bacteria produce a specific type of toxin that causes a rash. It usually disappears after 3 days, and the fever disappears. The tongue may be swollen for somewhat longer, but recovery usually is uneventful. The treatment of the main childhood diseases is supportive and includes rest, pain relievers, antipyretics, vitamins and diet.

Poliomyelitis is a viral disease that can affect nerves and can lead to partial or full paralysis. It is a disease caused by infection with the poliovirus. The virus spreads by direct person-to-person contact, contact with infected mucus or infected feces. The most effective way to prevent the disease is with polio vaccine. Signs and symptoms, which generally last one to 10 days, include fever, sore throat, headache, vomiting, fatigue, back pain, neck pain, pain or stiffness in the arms or legs, muscle weakness or tenderness, meningitis, paralysis. The treatment of polio is supportive consisting of bed rest, pain relievers, and diet, physical exercises.

Exercise 6. Answer the questions:

  1. What are the most known diseases of childhood?

  2. What are the signs and symptoms of measles?

  3. What are Rubella’s clinical symptoms?

  4. What are the mumps symptoms?

  5. When are children immunized by MMR vaccine and when is the second dose usually given?

  6. What are the symptoms of whooping cough?

  7. What can you tell about chickenpox?

  8. What do you know about the exciter of scarlet fever?

  9. What is polio?

  10. What is the treatment of the main childhood diseases?

Exercise 7. Find corresponding equivalents in the text:

Найбільш відомі захворювання; кашлюк та скарлатина; вдих; інфекційний; доки не зникне висип; простуда; уникнути захворювання; бути викликаним вірусом; свинка та краснуха; відчуття загального дискомфорту; заразитися; вражати дихальний тракт; досить рідкісний; розриватися; видихати; оперізуючий лишай; втома, втомлюваність; хрипота; зазвичай починається несподівано; вдихати інфіковані крапельки в повітрі.

Exercise 8. Match the first name of the disease with the second one:







infectious parotitis




acute laryngotracheitis



scarlet fever


whooping cough


german measles

Exercise 9. Read the following statements. Agree or contradict them:

  1. Many of the most known diseases of childhood are highly infectious diseases that can be passed easily from person to person.

  2. Measles, also known as three-day measles that caused by the streptococcal bacteria.

  3. Rubella infection during the first trimester of pregnancy can cause fetal death.

  4. Mumps is a childhood disease, but it can’t occur in adults.

  5. Children become immunized firstly by MMR vaccine between the ages of four and five.

  6. Whooping cough starts on the face and spreads to the rest of the body.

  7. Chickenpox was once a common, serious childhood illness but now is quite rare.

  8. Fever, weakness, and red, itchy rash are the signs of scarlet fever.

Exercise 10. Read the definitions and define the name of disease below:

( poliomyelitis, varicella, infectious parotitis, rubella, rubeola, pertussis, flu)

  1. A common infectious viral disease of children, with mild fever, swollen lymph nodes and a rash. It can cause stillbirth or malformation of the unborn baby if it is caught by a mother while she is pregnant.

  2. An infection disease of children caused by a herpes virus, and characterised by fever and red spots which turn to itchy blisters.

  3. An infectious disease of children, with fever and swellings in the salivary glands, caused by a paramyxovirus.

  4. The infectious disease the symptoms of which include inflammation of the nasal passages, sneezing, coughing and fever.

  5. An infectious disease affecting the bronchial tubes. The patient suffers from a severe cough and makes a loud noise when inhaling after a coughing fit.

  6. An infectious disease that can affect nerves and can lead to partial or full paralysis.

  7. An infectious disease of children where the body is covered with a red rash. It can weaken the body’s resistance to other diseases, for example bronchitis or ear infections. If caught by an adult it can be very serious.

Exercise 11. Insert the missing prepositions:

  1. Whooping cough occurs ­___ infants younger than 2 years.

  2. It is contracted ___ inhaling infected airborne droplets.

  3. The symptoms ___ this disease are sneezing and nasal congestion, tearing, loss appetite, and cough.

  4. Chickenpox occurs primarily ___ children.

  5. It is spread ___ breathing in infected respiratory droplets or ___ unprotected direct contact with the rash.

  6. Mumps is a childhood disease, but it can occur ___ adults.

  7. Mumps is caused ___ a virus and spread ___ inhalation of infected droplets.

  8. In persons who have had chickenpox, the virus can cause shingles later ___ life.

Exercise 12. Complete the sentences using words from the text:

  1. The most common diseases of childhood are highly infectious ________.

  2. The virus of measles is transmitted by _________ of infected droplets.

  3. Whooping cough is contracted by inhaling infected _______________.

  4. Chickenpox is spread by unprotected direct contact with ___________.

  5. The clinical name of ________________________ is epidemic parotitis.

  6. _________ during the first trimester of pregnancy can cause fetal death.

  7. Children are immunized against _________________ by MMR vaccine.

  8. Scarlet fever was once a common, serious ­­­_________ illness but now is quite rare.

Exercise 13. Complete the conversations between the doctor and patients by writing in the name of childhood disease.

  1. -What’s the problem?

It’s my son. He is got a rash and swelling in his armpits.

Does he have a fever?


Hmm. He may have…..

  1. – How are you feeling?

I’ve got this terrible cough.


And after I cough I make a noise when I try to breathe.

It sounds like……

  1. -What’s the problem?

It’s my daughter. She’s got a fever and this swelling.

Where is the swelling?

In her throat.

It could be….

  1. - So, what can I do for you?

It’s the twins. They are covered in this dreadful red spots.

Are they experiencing any itching?

Yes, they are.

It may be….

Exercise 14. Put questions to the underlined words:

  1. Whooping cough, scarlet fever and poliomyelitis are highly infectious diseases.

  2. The virus that causes the disorder is transmitted by inhalation of infecting droplets.

  3. Measles is most contagious before the rash appears.

  4. Rubella infection during the first trimester of pregnancy can cause fetal death.

  5. Mumps is caused by a virus and spread by inhalation of infected droplets.

  6. A second dose of the vaccine is usually given to children between the ages of four and five.

  7. The bacteria produce a specific type of toxin that causes a rash.

  8. Children are immunized against measles, rubella and mumps by MMR vaccine at 12 months.

Exercise 15. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

    1. All children (to vaccinate) against measles next week. 

    2. The illness (to diagnose) as mumps.

    3. He (to develop) a rash after the insect (to bite) him.

    4. Child with chicken pox (to isolate) immediately last night.

    5. Before AIDS, many health care experts (to believe) that large-scale infectious diseases were a thing of the past.  

    6. A boy (to admit) to the hospital with a severe form of scarlet fever yesterday.

    7. MMR vaccine (to develop) adverse events following immunization rarely.

    8. Whooping cough (to occur) mainly in young children.  

Exercise 16. Translate into English:

  1. Першими симптомами скарлатини є біль у горлі, температура, головний біль і загальна нездужання. Через день чи два з’являються висипи на шкірі.

  2. Привиті діти зазвичай не хворіють дитячими хворобами.

  3. Кашлюк – це одна із хвороб, для якої не має спеціальних ліків. Спокій – головні ліки від цього захворювання.

  4. Період інфекційної хвороби, під час якої немає характерних клінічних проявів, називається періодом інкубації

  5. Джерелами інфекційних захворювань можуть бути заражене молоко або вода, хвора людина.

  6. Завдяки вакцинації спалахи дитячих захворювань різко впали.

  7. Поліомієліт – це небезпечне захворювання, яке може привезти до паралічу.

Exercise 17. Put the sentences into the correct order to explain the term “childhood infectious disease”:

__ Most children with uncomplicated forms of infectious diseases recover with rest and supportive treatment.

__ All infectious diseases can be passed easily from person to person.

__ Infectious diseases are a group of diseases which are caused by organisms such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

__The best known diseases of childhood are chickenpox, measles, rubella and mumps, whooping cough, scarlet fever and poliomyelitis.

­__ A sore throat, a running nose, cough, high temperature, rash are the most characteristic local symptoms of childhood infectious disease.

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