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Завдання для самопідготовки


  1. характеризуватися болючими спазмами в м’язах

  2. потрапити в організм через рану на шкірі

  3. страждати від нічних кошмарів

  4. біль у задній частині шиї і м’язах щелепи

  5. міцно стиснуті зуби

  6. злегка випнуті губи

  7. поступово зменшуватися по частоті та важкості

  8. інкубаційний період хвороби

  9. сардонічний сміх

  10. жувальні м’язи

Дайте відповідь на запитання:

1.What type of disease is tetanus?

2. What is tetanus caused by?

3. How does Bacillus tetani enter the body?

4. What is the incubation period of tetanus?

5. What are the earliest symptoms of tetanus?

6. What are the characteristic manifestations of tetanus?

7. How can you describe risus sardonicus?

8. What should be done first after the injury in tetanus?

9. What is the treatment of the advanced cases of tetanus?

Розкрийте поняття: правець, тризм



Exercise 1. Active vocabulary:

apt to smth, adj



culture, n


культура (бактерiй)

deleterious, adj



dissemination, n



dreadful, adj


поганий, жахливий

employment, n


використання, застосування

experience, v



fibrin, n



mandatory, adj


oбов'язковий, примусовий

menace, n


загроза, небезпека

pillar of fauces, n

[ˈpɪlər əv ˈfɔːsiːz]

пiднебiннi дужки

to be predisposed, v


бути схильним

raw, adj



robust, adj


дужий, здоровий

stiffness, n



successive, adj


наступний, послідовний

susceptible, adj


сприйнятливий, вразливий

temperate, adj



Exercise 2. Read the word combinations with the new words and translate them into Ukrainian:

Tract: upper respiratory tract; urinary tract infection; gastrointestinal tract; reproductive tract.

Effect: deleterious effect; drug effect; adverse effect; therapeutic effect; visual effects.

Disease: contagious disease; inherited disease; nutritional disease; neoplastic disease

Menace: a menace to public health; a menace of infectious disease spread.

Exercise 3. Give the synonym to the words from the active vocabulary:

  1. liable, exposed, prone, sensitive

  2. hazard, threat

  3. obligatory, compulsory, forced

  4. destructive, injurious, hurtful

  5. spreading, circulation, distribution

Exercise 4. Complete the table with the missing words (you may use a dictionary):










Exercise 5. Match the following English word combinations with Russian ones:

  1. absorbed by blood stream

  1. розповсюджуватись при прямому контактi

  1. produce deleterious effect on

  1. раптовий початок

  1. spread by direct contact

  1. всмоктуватися кровотоком

  1. put in an appearance

  1. виробляти шкiдливу дiю на

  1. healthy carrier

  1. по розположенню

  1. according to the distribution

  1. з’явитися ненадовго

  1. insidious onset

  1. здоровий носiй

  1. affect the soft palate and throat

  1. бути бiльш схильним до дифтерii

  1. a slight feeling of uneasiness

  1. вражати м’яке пiднебiння та горло

  1. to be more liable to diphtheria

  1. легке вiдчуття дискомфорту в горлi

Exercise 6.Translate the following word combinations into Ukrainian:

Dissemination, to be more liable to diphtheria, uneasiness in the throat, stiffness of the back of the neck, membranous formation on pharyngeal tissues, the earliest objective manifestation of the disease, the most dreadful of all complications of diphtheria, the outcome of the disease, the soft palate and uvula.

Exercise 7. Read and translate the text:


Diphtheria is an acute contagious disease caused by specific organism bacillus diphtheria.

It is characterized by local inflammation with fibrin formation of the mucous membranes, usually of the upper respiratory tract, with production of a toxin which when absorbed into the blood stream may produce deleterious effects on various parts of the body, especially the heart and peripheral nerves.

The disease exists throughout the world but is more common in temperate zones and during the colder months, autumn and winter. It is commonly spread by direct contact which must be fairly intimate. Dissemination by third objects such as clothes, toys, etc. may also occur and carriage by milk has been reported many times. Healthy carriers may disseminate the disease to susceptible persons and thus constitute a menace to public health. Children appear to be more liable to diphtheria than adults; although the most robust people may be attacked and those whose health is weakened by any cause are especially predisposed.

The incubation period is three to ten days. The disease may be divided into three main forms according to the anatomical distribution of the membrane: a) faucal or pharyngeal; b) laryngeal; c) nasal.

The onset of the disease is insidious with relatively moderate temperature reaction. In general, following an incubation period of about two days, symptoms set in like those commonly accompanying a cold. A slight feeling of uneasiness in the throat is experienced along with some stiffness of the back of the neck. The earliest objective manifestation of the disease is the formation of a thin film of fibrin on the tonsils which increases in thickness to form characteristic yellowish-white or grayish-white pseudo membrane.

The throat appears to be reddened and swollen. If the pseudo membrane is forcibly removed, it is found to separate from the underlying true mucous membrane with difficulty and leaves a raw, bleeding surface on which in the untreated cases a fresh membrane rapidly reforms. The lesion tends to spread over the pillars and onto the soft palate and uvula. Hence any membranous formation on pharyngeal tissues should immediately be regarded as a suspicion of diphtheria.

Myocarditis is the most dreadful of all complications of diphtheria. It is due to direct action of the toxin on the heart muscle.

Another severe complication is peripheral neuritis. It occurs in the form of paralysis affecting the soft palate and throat. Other forms of paralysis are paralysis of eye or even respiratory muscles, paralysis of a limb or both legs. These symptoms, however, after continuing for a variable length of time, almost always ultimately disappear.

The outcome of the disease depends mainly on one factor, namely, the early administration of adequate doses of antitoxin. Its employment in any recognized or even suspected case of diphtheria is mandatory and no physician can delay its administration. The second important measure is rest, the patient being kept strictly flat.

Patients suffering from diphtheria should be isolated for at least two weeks after the onset of the disease, and then until three successive cultures from the nose and throat taken not less than 48 hours apart are negative.

A diphtheria infection is treated using two types of medication: antibiotics to kill the diphtheria bacteria; antitoxins to neutralize the effects of the toxin produced by the bacteria.

Most people who have diphtheria require a 14-day course of antibiotics.

One should be vaccinated against diphtheria because previous suffering from it doesn't prevent from getting the infection again.

Exercise 8. Answer the questions:

1. What is diphtheria caused by?

2. What is the disease characterized by?

4. Where is diphtheria more common?

5. Who is more liable to diphtheria?

6. What is the incubation period of the disease?

7. What are the main forms of diphtheria?

8. What are its main symptoms?

9. What are its main complications?

10. What does the outcome of the disease depend on?

Exercise 9. Match the words with their definitions:

  1. throat

a) very tiny living things which may cause diseases or infections

  1. incubation period

b) a poisonous substance produced within living cells or organisms

  1. toxin

c) the passage from the back of your mouth to the top of the tubes that go down to your lungs and stomach

  1. bacteria

d) a way in which parts of the body react to disease or injury

  1. inflammation

e) the time from the moment of exposure to an infectious agent until signs and symptoms of the disease appear

Exercise 10. Find the equivalents of the following word combinations in the text:

Гостре інфекційне захворювання, місцеве запалення, всмоктуватися кровообігом, слизова оболонка, шкідливий вплив, створювати загрозу, поширюватися при безпосередньому контакті, здоровий носій, бути більш схильним, підозрювати загрозу, найздоровіші (міцні) люди, з'являтися ненадовго, відкласти призначення, об’єктивний прояв, початок захворювання.

Exercise 12. Give English equivalents to the words in brackets:

1. Diphtheria is an (гoстре інфекційне) disease.

2. It is characterized by (місцевим запаленням) with fibrin formation of the (слизової оболонки) of the (верхнiх дихальних шляхiв).

3. The disease exists (у всьому свiтi) but is more common (в помiрнних зонах).

4. It is commonly spread (при безпосередньому контактi).

5. Сhildren appear to be (бiльш схильними) to diphtheria than (дорослi).

6. Most (міцні) people may be (iнфiкованi) and those whose health is weakened by any cause are especially (схильнi).

7. The earliest objective (прояв) of the disease is the formation of (тонкої плiвки на мигдалинах).

8. If the pseudomembrane is forcibly removed, it leaves (оголену кровоточиву) surface.

9. (Результат захворювання) depends largely on one factor, namely, (призначення вiдповiдної дози антитоксина).

10. Patients suffering from diphtheria should be (ізольованi) for at least two weeks after (початку захворювання).

Exercise 13. Put questions to the underlined words:

  1. The disease may be divided into three main forms according to the anatomical distribution of the membrane.

  2. Most people who have diphtheria require a 14-day course of antibiotics.

  3. These symptoms after continuing for a variable length of time, almost always ultimately disappear.

  4. The outcome of the disease depends mainly on one factor, namely, the early administration of adequate doses of antitoxin.

  5. It is commonly spread by direct contact which must be fairly intimate..

  6. A slight feeling of uneasiness in the throat is experienced along with some stiffness of the back of the neck.

  7. Myocarditis is the most dreadful of all complications of diphtheria.

  8. The lesion tends to spread over the pillars and onto the soft palate and uvula.

Exercise 14. Put the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense:

1. Whom … the doctor … at the hospital every day? (treat)

2. What … you … now? (study)

3. What … the surgeon already …? (transfuse)

4. What … the surgeon … for two hours? (perform)

5. What … the lecturer … yesterday at 3 o’clock? (report on)

6. What … you … to do before you saw me? (decide)

7. What … the nurse … for an hour before the surgeon began the operation? (sterilize)

8. What … you … tomorrow at 6 o’clock? (do)

Exercise 15. Speak on following items:

Epidemiology of diphtheria





Exercise 16. Compose a case history using the key words:

To be admitted to the hospital, to complain of, on physical examination, symptoms, to reveal, laboratory findings, antitoxin treatment, the course of the disease, convalescence.

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