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Grammar Section Revision of the Active Voice

1. Choose the correct answer.

1. ‘I … about a new car recently?’ ‘Really? What sort of car?’ a) have been thinking; b) have thought; c) thought;

2. ‘I haven’t seen Mark for weeks.’ ‘Well, I … him this afternoon. Why don’t you come along? a) have met; b) am meeting; c) meet;

3. ‘We’d better take a taxi to the station.’ ‘Yes. The train … in fifteen minutes.’ a) has left; b) will have left; c) leaves;

4. ‘Where is the newspaper?’ ‘I threw it away. I thought you … reading it.’ a) have finished; b) finished; c) had finished;

5. ‘I feel tired. ‘How can you be tired? You …. a thing all day.’ a) haven’t been doing; b) aren’t doing; c) haven’t done;

6. ‘Ann doesn’t study enough.’ ‘I know. I’m afraid she … her exam .’ a) won’t pass; b) won’t be passing; c) won’t have passed;

7. It’s bad news about Jane crashing her new car, isn’t it?’ ‘Yes. She … for months to but it.’ a) saved; b) is saving; c) had been saving;

8. ‘There’s someone here to see you.’ ‘Oh, that … my sister. Send her in. a) will have been; b) was; c) will be;

9. ‘Whose is this ring?’ ‘I don’t know. I found it when … the house. ’a) was cleaning; b) had cleaned; c) am cleaning;

10. ‘I … to reach Jane on the phone all day.’ ‘Don’t you know? She’s gone on holiday.’ a) tried; b) have been trying; c) have tried;

11. ‘I want to visit Katie.’ ‘Well, don’t visit her before five o’clock. She … .’ a) is working; b) will be working; c) will have worked;

12. ‘That … like Dad’s car.’ ‘It is. He must have finished work early. ’a) sounds; b) have sounded; c) has sounded;

13. ‘Is that a new textbook?’ ‘No. I … it from Laura yesterday.’ a) have borrowed; b) had borrowed; c) borrowed;

14. ‘…. to the library today?’ ‘Yes. Would you like me to return your books?’ a) Will you have gone; b) Will you have been going; c) Will you be going;

15. ‘How is your colleague?’ ‘His condition … day by day.’ a) improves; b) has improved; c) is improving;

16. ‘When did you speak to your supervisor?’ ‘I met her as I …. to work.’ a) had walked; b) was walking; c) am walking;

17. ‘Shall we go shopping?’ ‘I can’t go until the babysitter … .’ a) arrives; b) will arrive; c) arrived

2. Put the verbs in brackets into a correct tense.

1. A: I 1) …… (think) of going to that new Chinese restaurant in the center to celebrate my birthday. 2) …… (you/be) there yet? B: No, I 3) …… (not/be), but people 4) ……. (say) that the food is fantastic. A: Would you like to go there next weekend? B: Yes, that’s a great idea. I 5) …. (write) in my diary now.

2. John 1) ….. (leave) the house in a rush this morning. As he 2) …… (drive) to work suddenly he 3) ….. (remember) that he 4) …… (be asked) to speak at a conference. He 5) …… (look) at his watch and 6) ……….. (see) that it was nearly time for the conference to begin.

3. Last March Sam 1) …… (decide) that he 2) …… (have) enough of working in a bank and that he 3) ……. (ride) around the world on a bicycle. He 4) …… (leave) England two weeks later with his bike, a rucksack and a tent. He 5) ….. (be) away for six months now, and no one 6) …… (know) whether he 7) ……. (return) or not.

4. Jan and Paul 1) …… (argue) in the next room at the moment. It 2) ….. (seem) that Paul 3) ……. (come) in late last night after he 4) ……. (promise) Jan that he 5) ……. (be) home in time for dinner. By the time he 6) ….. (get) home, Jan 7) ….. (give) his dinner to the dog and 8) …… (wait) by the window for two hours!

5. A: 1) …… (you/go) on holiday to Germany this year? B: No, we 2) …… (go) there every year, so we want a change this year. A: Where 3) ….. (you/plan) to go instead? B: Well, we 4) …… (be/told) that Greece is a beautiful country so we 5) …….. (already/book) a two-week holiday on Corfu.

6. Susan 1) ……. (study) law part time for six years and she 2) ….. (get) her diploma next month. Since she 3) ….. (work) in the same company for over ten years she 4) ….. (feel) that she 5) ….. (need) a change, so she 6) ….. (plan) to open her own advisory office. She 7) ….. (start) looking for an office next week, and she 8) ….. (hope) she 9) ….. (find) something in a good location and at a reasonable price by the end of the month. Her tutors 10) …… (tell) her that she 11) …… (be) very smart and they 12) …….. (assure) her that she 13) …… (make) a success.

7. Jim 1) ….. (walk) along the High Street when he 2) ….. (notice) someone behind him. Actually, he 3) ….. (follow) him since he 4) …… (get) off the bus. Jim 5) ….. (stop) at a shop window. The man 6) ….. (come) closer to him, Jim 7) ….. (have) the feeling he 8) ……. (see) him before, so he 9) …… (go) up to him and 10) …… (ask): ‘…….. (not/I/know) you? Why 11) …… (you/follow) me?’ The man 13) ….. (smile) and 14) ……. (say), ‘Smile! You 15) …….. (be) on Candid Camera!’

8. Julie 1) ….. (always/want) to be famous, ever since she was young. She 2) ……. (take) acting classes for years and last week someone 3) ……. (offer) her a part in an advertisement. They only 4) ……. (need) her voice, though, because it’s going to be on the radio. At least her career 5) …… (start).

9. Tom 1) …… (save) up to go to France for months, and yesterday when he 2) …. (count) his savings he 3) ….. (realize) he had enough. Unfortunately as he 4) ….. (drive) to the travel agent’s he 5) ………….. (remember) that he 6) ….. (not/pay) his rent for two months so he 7) ….. (turn) round and 8) …… (drive) back home.

10. Next month I 1) …….. (visit) my friend who 2) …….. (live) in Brazil. The flight from London 3) ……. (take) about fifteen hours and I 4) …… (never/be) on the plane before. I 5) …… (feel) quite nervous about the journey but my friend 6) ……. (keep) telling me that there 7) …… (be) nothing to worry about.

Part 3