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Grammar Section reported speech Reported Questions, Requests, Commands, Suggestions

1. After the arrest, a criminal suspect is usually taken into police custody and ‘booked’. Turn the following questions of the suspect into reported speech.

Examples: ‘What is your name? → The policeman asked the suspect what his name was.

‘Are you American?’ → He asked the suspect whether he was American.

1. ‘Where do you live?’ the policeman asked him. 2. ‘How old are you?’ the policeman asked him. 3. ‘Where is your place of work?’ the policeman asked him. 4. ‘Do you work every Monday?’ the policeman asked him. 5. The policeman asked him, ‘What time are you going to work today?’ 6. ‘Will you meet your supervisor today?’ the policeman asked. 7. ‘Who called you yesterday?’ the policeman asked him. 8. ‘When did you leave your office last night?’ the policeman asked the suspect. 9. ‘Who did you meet on your way home?’ the policeman asked him. 10. The policeman asked him, ‘Can anyone confirm your alibi?’ 11. ‘Have you been convicted of a crime before?’ the policeman asked the suspect. 12. ‘What crime did they charge you with?’ the policeman asked him.

2. Yesterday, Marion met a couple who were on holiday in London. They were looking at a map. She asked them some questions. Turn the following into reported speech.

1. ‘Are you lost?’ 2. ‘Can you speak English?’ 3. ‘Where are you from?’ 4. ‘Is your hotel near here?’ 5. ‘Where do you want to go?’ 6. ‘Were you looking for Big Ben?’ 7. ‘Have you been to the British Museum?’ 8. ‘Have you visited Buckingham Palace?’ 9. ‘Do you like London?’

3. You happened to be a witness of a crime. The detective asked you some questions. Turn them into reported speech.

1. ‘Will you speak to your attorney before you answer the questions?’ the detective asked me. 2. ‘When did you see them break into the house?’ he asked me. 3. ‘Did you really see two men?’ the detective asked me. 4. ‘What did they look like?’ the detective asked me. 5. ‘What were they doing when you saw them?’ the detective asked me 6. ‘Was a passer-by walking along the street?’ the detective asked me. 7. ‘Why did he act this way?’ he asked me. 8. ‘Can you describe him in detail?’ he asked me. 9. “Which of these descriptions suits him best?’ he asked me. 10. ‘Does this house belong to your acquaintance?’ he asked. 11. ‘Who used your mobile phone?’ he asked. 12. ‘Do you want to postpone your examination for tomorrow’ he asked me. 13. ‘Why didn’t you tell me the truth at once?’ he asked me. 14. ‘Have you been a witness before?’ the detective asked me. 15. The detective asked me, ‘Will you be able to come this afternoon?’ 16. The detective asked me, ‘Did you see them take anything away of the house?’ 17. The detective wanted to know, ‘Who else saw the burglary?’ 18. The detective asked, ‘Will you sign your testimony?’ 19. He questioned, ‘Can you repeat your words at trial?’

4. Turn the following into indirect questions.

1. Where are you going? (I want to know….) 2. Did he steal the money? (I doubted ….) 3. Has she told anyone about our engagement? (He wondered ….) 4. What time does the train leave? (Could you tell me ….) 5. Who did it? (She wondered ….) 6. Where have you been? (He wanted to know ….) 7. Does he speak English fluently? (I wonder …) 8. Will she be on time? (I doubt …) 9. How long has he been working here? (Do you know ….) 10. Are you moving house? (I want to know ….) 11. Where did I leave my glasses? (I wonder …) 12. Is John planning to call a meeting? ( Did you know…. ) 13. When are you leaving? (I want to know … ) 14. Did he tell the truth. (I doubt….) 15. Where is the nearest swimming pool? (Could you tell me ….) 16. Who left that message on the answer phone? (She wondered …) 17. What time are they due to arrive? (He wanted to know …)

5. Fill in the gaps with the introductory verbs in the correct form.

Order; tell; ask; beg; suggest

1. ‘Please visit me in hospital,’ Joan said to Colin. - Joan …… Collin to visit her in hospital. 2. ‘Let’s eat out this evening,’ Paul said to her. – Paul … eating out that evening. 3. Please, please be careful,’ she said to him. – She …. him to be careful. 4. ‘Don’t go near the fire,’ Dad said to us. – Dad …. us not to go near the fire. 5. ‘Be quiet!’ the commander said to the troops. – The commander …. the troops to be quiet.

6. Turn the following into reported speech.

1. The lawyer said to the client, ‘Come back to see me again next week.’ 2. The guard said to the driver, ‘Stop!’ 3. He said, ‘Shall we consider the provisions of the agreement?’ 4. She said to him, ‘Please, please help me with the lawsuit!’ 5. Jenny said to Dave, ‘Please help me with the counterclaim.’ 6. She said to him, ‘Bring the case to court, please.’ 7. The chief said, ‘How about nominating your candidates?’ 8. He said, ‘Let’s vote now.’ 9. The chairman of the meeting said, ‘Raise your hands those who are for the nominee.’ 10. The speaker said to the deputies, ‘Don’t make so much noise.’ 11. Jason said to the chairman, ‘Please, please give me the floor.’ 12. The policeman said to the thieves, ‘Put your hands up!’13. He said to jurors, ‘Let’s elect the chairman.’ 14. The victim asked the offenders, ‘Please, please don’t hurt me.’ 15. Our colleague said, ‘What about discussing all the clauses now?’

7. Turn the following into reported speech.

1. ‘Where are you going?’ she said to me. 2. ‘I’m going shopping,’ said Anna. (up-to-date-reporting) 3. ‘Go away!’ said her friend. 4. She asked me, ‘Are you ready to leave?’ 5. ‘I’ll pick you up at 5 o’clock,’ my friend said. 6. It’s time for lunch,’ Ruth says. 7. ‘When did you arrive?’ asked Marilyn. 8. ‘The meeting started ten minutes ago,’ she said. 9. My father said to me, ‘Don’t be late.’ 10. ‘Tom has already left,’ Pam said to us. 11. ‘Who is there?’ said Joe. 12. ‘What colour skirt did you buy?’ she asked her friend. 13. They said to him, ‘We’re leaving early in the morning.’ (up-to-date-reporting) 14. ‘Don’t go near the fire,’ Dad said to the boys. 15. ‘Let’s have a barbecue this weekend,’ said Liz. 16. I asked, ‘Will we be able to get a reservation tomorrow?’ 17. The advertisement said, ‘The store will be open late this evening’. 18. The new reporter asked, ‘Will the plant open next year?’ 19. I didn't realize, ‘The manager submitted his resignation last week". 20. The board wanted to know, ‘Is the company making a profit yet?’ 21. The production manager asked, ‘What was the rate of production last year?’ 22. The controller felt, ‘The company is doing better than it was a year ago’. 23. The plant manager wanted to know ‘Has the new equipment been operating well?’ 24. The workers wanted to know, ‘Why was this month's quota set so high?’ 25. The director asked ‘Will the secretary be able to type up the memos tomorrow?’ 26. The personnel director explained, ‘The company is planning to expand its recruitment program next year’. 27. The secretary said, ‘The director is away this week’.

8. Translate into English.

1. Вона сказала, що не піде з установи, поки не закінчить роботу. 2. Я був впевнений, що ви написали їм, що ми отримали їх товари та очікуємо на нові. 3. Я сказав, що зателефоную, як тільки закінчу всі справи. 4. Я не міг уявити, що в англійській газеті мені доведеться шукати передову статтю (editorial) у середині газети. 5. Коли я прийшов, секретар сказав, що якийсь чоловік чекає мене. Він чекав з самого ранку. 6. Ми не могли зрозуміти, чому він відмовився говорити з нами. 7. Секретар обіцяв мені, що скаже вам, що я вже приїхав до Києва та хочу поговорити з вами. 8. Він сказав, що не піде нікуди, поки не зробить все. 9. Я розумів, що зроблю помилку, якщо прийму цю пропозицію. 10. Ми думали, що розглянемо всі термінові питання, до того часу як збори почнуться. 11. Викладач попросив студентів залишити сумки на першій парті. 12. Викладач сказав студентам не розмовляти під час екзамену. 13. Мій друг запитав мене, чи я підготувався до семінару. 14. Я пропоную піти до бібліотеки після занять. 15. Вона запитала, хто написав курсову роботу. 16. Він поцікавився, де знаходиться Верховний Суд. 17. Ми хотіли знати, які політичні партії сформували коаліцію. 18. Я не пам’ятав, коли Верховна Рада прийняла цей закон. 19. Ми поцікавилися, чи парламент все ще обговорює цей законопроект. 20. Він запитав, із кількох етапів складаються президентські вибори в США.


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