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Three Unsolved Mysteries Continue to Fascinate

So you think there are no more mysteries, that all mysteries (1) …….. (solve) in time? Think again. The pages of history teem with mysteries that (2) …………….. (never / crack).

Consider, for a example, the case of Billy the Kid, (3) ……. (name) Henry McCarty at birth but also known as William Bonney. Young Bonney went west in 1870s and established himself as a force in Lincoln County in the New Mexico territory. Along with several other young men, he (4) ……….. (befriend) by John Tunstall, an immigrant shop owner from England. When Tunstall (5) ………. … (shoot and kill) in a frontier feud in the Lincoln County War, Billy and his friends retaliated by forming a gang and killing Tunstall’s murderers. For years Billy and his gang (6) …………. (pursue) by the law. Finally, Pat Garret, formerly Billy’s friend, (7) …………. (elect) sheriff of Lincoln County. As the record tells it, Billy (8) ………… (gun down) by Garret on July 13, 1881, in Fort Sumner, New Mexico, and (9) ………… (bury) there.

Or was he? Some individuals believe that the Kid didn’t die in Fort Sumner at all and that someone else (10) ………… (inter) in the grave. In fact, some reports claim that Billy escaped and took another identity. One report insists that an old man who was believed to be Billy (11) ……….. (see) walking along a highway in New Mexico in 1947. What is the truth?

Another puzzling case involved the brigantine ship Mary Celeste. She had left New York in 1872 and (12) ………. (later sight) floating erratically east of the Azores. No one (13)……….. (find) on board, though everything else on the ship (14) …………….. (determine) to be in order, and there was no indication why the Mary Celeste (15) ……………… (abandon). In fact, tables (16) …………… (apparently / set) for afternoon tea. One theory speculates that the ship (17) ………….. (threaten) by an impending explosion that (18) ……….. (cause) by fumes from her cargo of alcohol. That theory, however, (19) …………… (never / prove).

A third perplexing mystery is the case of Amelia Earhart, the famous aviator who in the twenties and thirties was considered the quintessential example of the rugged female individual.

Earhart flew across the Atlantic in 1928 and set a record for a cross-Atlantic flight in 1932. In 1937 she embarked on her most ambitious plan, a flight around the world. Earhart began her flight in Miami in June and (20) …………. (accompany) only by Fred Noonan, her navigator. They reached New Guinea and left for Howland Island in the south Pacific on July 1. After that, no radio reports or messages of any kind (21) ………… (receive). No remains of her plane (22) ………… (locate) by naval investigators.

Did she simply attempt the impossible? ______ she and Noonan (23) ________ (simply kill) when her plane ran out of fuel and crashed in the Pacific? Historian William Manchester holds his own view. He believes that Earhart and Noonan saw evidence of the illegal Japanese military build-up in the Mariana Islands. Manchester says, ‘She (24) ______________ almost certainly ___________ (force down and murder).’ Or could something else have happened? No one really knows.

For the time being, at least, the fate of Amelia Earhart, along with that of Billy the Kid and the Mary Celeste, will have to remain mysterious.

6. Retell the following jokes in the reported speech observing the rules of the sequence of tenses.

1. “What makes you think the baby is going to be a great politician?” asked the young mother.

“I’ll tell you,” answered the young father. “He can say more things that sound well and mean nothing at all than any kid I ever saw.”

2. A surgeon, an architect and a politician were arguing as to whose profession was the oldest.

Said the surgeon: “Eve was made from Adam’s rib, and that surely was a surgical operation.”

“Maybe,” said the architect, “but prior to that, order was created out of chaos, and that was an architectural job.”

“But,” interrupted the politician, “somebody created the chaos first!”

3. “I have decided to train my memory.” remarked Senator Blank.

“What system will you use?”

“I don’t know. I’m looking for one that will enable me, when I am interviewed, to remember what to forget.”