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English Laws

A proposal of law, or _____only becomes a/an __________called a/an _________when all its __________have been approved by the Queen in Parliament.

Many _____of English constitutional ________do not derive from (come from)________or common law, but are political ____called _______, which have the force of law.

b) transfer; confer; executive authority; Judicial Committee; advise; granting; royal advisers; retain; constitutional issues; dependencies; appeal; influential; arbiter; office.

The Privy Council

The Privy Council developed from a small group of _____ at court into the chief source of _____ . But its position was weakened in the 18th and 19th centuries as more of its functions _____ to a developing parliamentary Cabinet.

Today its main role is _____ the monarch on a range of matters, like the resolutions of _____ and approval of Orders in Council, such as the ____ of Royal Charters to public bodies. The most important task of the Privy Council is performed by its ____ . It serves as the final court of ____ from those _____ and Commonwealth countries that this avenue of appeal. It may be used as an ____ for a wide range of courts and committees in Britain and overseas, and its ruling can be ______ .

The ______ of Privy Councilor is an honorary one, which_____, for example, on former Prime Minister.

c) functions; constitute; unanimous; office; political heads; Prime Minister; collectively (2) Members of Parliament; government; make; majority party; Cabinet; form

The Ministry

The Ministry is the _____ of the moment. The head of the Ministry is the ____ . The _____ of the Prime Minister are: leading the ________; running the Government; appointing Cabinet of Ministers; representing the nation in political matters.

Upon accepting ________ the Prime Minister must form the Government, that is, select a cabinet and ministry from among the __________ of his own party. The Cabinet _____ the nucleus of the government and is composed of about 20 of most important ministers. All major decisions of the Government ____ by the Cabinet, and therefore it is the _________ that forms the Government policy. Decisions made must be _____ . It makes its decisions ______ and is _____ responsible to Parliament.

After the Prime Minister has formed his ____, he selects the rest of his ministry. Most of the ministers are the ______ of Government Departments and are members of one of the Houses.

d) Civil Service; responsible; be subject; Treasury; administrative head; implementing; agencies; political head; control; permanent secretary

Government Departments

Government Departments are _____ for implementing Government policy. Each department is headed by two people: a ____ who is usually the minister; and an ______ from the Civil Service, called a _____ . They are responsible for a permanent staff which is the part of the _____ . There are many such departments, for example, the Home Office, the Department of Education, the Ministry of Defense, etc. The most important department is the ______, and the Prime Minister is its political head. It is the Department that ______ the national economy.

As well as government departments there are government ________ formed to operate public services, such as Post Office, British Rail, etc. Most of them ____ to the control of one of the government departments.

11. Read the definitions and give a name to each of them.

1. a group of important politicians in the UK who are officially chosen to be advisers to the monarch; the head of this group; 2. a government department with a minister in charge of; 3. someone who is in a position to make influential judgment or settle an argument; 4. the most important ministers of the government who meet as a group to make decisions or to advise the head of the government; 5. all various departments of the British government except the armed forces, law courts and religious organizations; people who work in these departments and they are not allowed to take any active part in politics, they don’t change when the government changes. 6. the bishops and archbishops of the church of England who are the members of the House of Lords; 7. members of the House of Lords who do not belong to the Church of England; 8. the government department that is responsible for money system of a country and for carrying out government plans in relation to taxes and public spending; 9. (adj.) all agreeing completely; 10. an organization of about 50 independent countries, most of which were formally part of the British Empire; 11. a government official, such as a minister; 12. a high non-elected official, usually an administrative head of a department; 13. an earlier happening, decision, etc. taken as an example or rule for what later.

12. Translate into English using the active vocabulary.

1. Уряд складається з міністрів призначених монархом за рекомендацією прем’єр міністра. 2. Прем’єр міністр призначається безпосередньо сувереном, та, за звичай, є лідером партії, яка має більшість місць у палаті громад. 3. Він радить монарху по урядовим питанням, наглядає та координує роботу різних міністерств. 4. Він також надає рекомендації королеві в багатьох важливих призначень. 5. Кабінет є ядром уряду. 6. Всі головні рішення приймаються кабінетом, і тому саме кабінет відповідає за урядову політику. 7. Хоча кабінет звичайно обирається з членів палати громад, він, тим не менш, завжди включає декілька членів Палати Лордів. 8. Політики усіх партій були одностайні у тому, щоб засудити (condemn)таки дії. 9. Британський монарх є головою всіх країн Співдружності Націй. 10. Армія, морський флот (navy) та повітряні сили контролюються Міністерством Оборони.

13. Optional text. Read about the future Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.