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Part 4 State Power Institutions in Ukraine: Government of Ukraine

1. Provide a complete answer for the following fact-finding questions.

1. What is the supreme executive authority in Ukraine? 2. What are the actions of the Ukrainian government based on? 3. What are the main responsibilities of the Cabinet of Ministers? 4. What do parliamentary control of the government and its reporting to the Verkhovna Rada result in?

2. Match the political terms listed up in column a with the definitions provided in column b.



1. authority;

a. the act of yielding oneself (surrendering) to the will or authority of another / the process of committing (something) to the consideration of another;

2. appointment;

b. the administration of public policy in a political unit /a governing body;

3. resolution;

c. the act of appointing;

4. government;

d. a person or group (government officials) with the right and power to command, enforce laws, exact obedience, determine, influence, or judge;

5. submission.

e. a course of action determined or decided upon /a formal statement of a decision put before or adopted by an assembly

3. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

Вищий виконавчий орган; президентські укази; призначення; згода; тимчасово припинити (призупинити) повноваження прим’єр-міністра; звільнення від обов’язків; подання, представлення (документів), покора;

затвердження щорічно поданого державного бюджету; виконання бюджетного положення; відмова, відхилення; внутрішня політика; гуманітарні питання.

4. Give the Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and expressions:

Supreme executive authority; presidential orders; appointment; consent; approval of government-submitted annual budget; suspend Prime Minister’s authorities; discharge; submission; fulfillment of budgetary provision; rejection; home policy; humanitarian matters.

5. Develop the idea

1. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is the … 2. The actions of the government are based on … 3. The government is responsible to the … 4. The government is controlled by the … 5. The President may suspend … 6. Upon Prime Minister’s submission, the President appoints…

Part 5 State Power Institutions in Ukraine: The System of Judicial Authority

1. Answer the questions:

1. What bodies represent the judicial power in Ukraine? 2. What powers are watched over by the judicial one? 3. What bodies carry legal proceedings in Ukraine? 4. What is the supreme authority of the system of courts of general jurisdiction? 5. What is the system of courts of general jurisdiction based on? 6. Speak on the Constitutional Court of Ukraine as a separate entity.

2. Match the political terms listed up in column A with the definitions provided in column B.



1. judicial;

a. pertaining to or proper to courts of law or the administration of justice/ relative to judgement;

2. court;

b. established or authorized by law;

3. jurisdiction;

c. the transfer of a case from a lower to a higher court for a new hearing;

4. legal;

d. body of persons appointed to hear and submit a decision on legal cases;

5. appeal, n.

e. the authority to interpret and apply the law.

3. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

Суб’єкт, суть, юридична особа; визначений Конституцією; наглядати за владою; юридична справа;

суди загальної юрисдикції; касація; контрольний орган; підтримувати, підвищувати конституційний контроль в усіх сферах; зміцнювати конституційний порядок; принцип верховенства права.

4. Give the Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and expressions:

Supervisory authority; to be outlined by the Constitution; promote constitutional control in all spheres; watch over the power; legal proceeding; courts of general jurisdiction; entity; cassation; supervisory authority; promote constitutional control in all spheres; strengthen the constitutional order; principle of primacy of law/ the rule of law.

5. Develop the idea

1. The judicial power is represented by … 2. Legal proceedings are carried out by… 3. The supreme authority of the system of courts of general jurisdiction is … 4. Courts’ jurisdiction covers … 5. The Constitutional Court of Ukraine is … 6. The activities of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine promote …