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tion and confusion has been greatly reduced. For example, we speak of "con­genital deafness" to differentiate it from deafness which has been sustained af­ter birth. Likewise, in aphasia the causal concept, that is, a symbolic disorder due to neurological involvements, should not be confused with the time con­cept of when such a difficulty was sustained. The term congenital appropriately used is simply a time-of-onset concept. Therefore, congenital aphasia simply means that neurological involvements which have caused the verbal language disorder have been present from the time of birth. Most aphasia in children seems to be congenital from the point of view of timing or age of onset.

(From "Speech Pathology". L„ 1960.)

Task 2.

Decide if the following statements are true or false.

  1. It is desirable to distinguish between the terms "aphasia" and "dys­lexia".

  2. Aphasia is not only a speech disorder.

  3. The meaning of symbolic disturbance corresponds to the term apha­sia.

  4. The problem of terminology does not exist in this sphere.

  5. What definition of the term aphasia can you give?

Text 2


Read the text and give a summary of the text in English.

Исследование нарушения осознания грамматических категорий слоев при афазии

Афазия нередко сопровождается своеобразными дефектами грам­матического оформления речи, как устной, так и письменной. Проблема Зграмматизмов интересовала многих крупнейших неврологов и психоло­гов (А.Пик, К.Клейст, М.Иссерлин, Г.Гудгласс, Ж.Дермитт и др.). Эта проблема была предметом обсуждения и клинического наблюдения зна­чительного числа советских исследователей (А.РЛурия, Л.С.Цветкова, 1 В.Рябова и др.), однако многие вопросы остаются невыясненными. В частности, отсутствует систематизация наблюдающихся нарушений. Нам представляется, что систематизация и анализ разных видов аграмматиз- Мов есть наиболее надежный способ подхода к решению центральной за­дачи в изучении экспрессивного аграмматизма - выявления природы и Механизмов нарушения грамматики речи.

Способность ориентироваться на грамматические признаки языка Формируется, как показали многие исследователи, у ребенка еще до обу­чения, в результате деятельности, направленной не на приобретение зна­ний о языке, а на овладение техникой речевой коммуникации. Школьное °бучение качественно перестраивает эти, по выражению Л.К.Божович,


«неосознанные обобщения», переводя их на более высокую ступень осоз- нанных, теоретических знаний. На этом этапе складывается система грамматических понятий, система отношений слова к другим словам язы- ка, на основе которых и формируется, в частности, способность класси- фикации слов по частям речи. Эта способность представляет собой слож­ный вид абстракции, учитывающий как семантический (значение слова), так и грамматический (форма слова и его типичные синтаксические функции) критерии. Так, например, значение предметности служит тем семантическим средством, с помощью которого из названия единичной вещи возникает обобщенное значение целого класса однородных вещей или выражение отвлеченного понятия - категория имени существитель­ного. Соответственно к категории имени прилагательного относят ком­плекс форм, семантической основой которых является понятие качества, относящегося к предмету, и т.п.

Психологическая сложность способности к осознанию категории слов объясняет ее позднее формирование в онтогенезе. У детей довольно долго сохраняется «наивный семантизм» (выражение В.В.Виноградова), т.е. опора исключительно на лексическое значение слова. Типичной ошибкой является, например, отнесение ребенком слова бег к категории глаголов.

Осознание грамматических категорий имеет большое значение для грамматического оформления произвольного высказывания. Указания на нарушение этой способности мы находим в трудах многих исследовате­лей афазии, но наибольшее внимание этой проблеме уделил А.Р.Лурия. Исследуя патологию грамматики речи при семантической и динамиче­ской афазии, он проанализировал целый ряд видов аграмматизмов, в том числе и нарушение отнесения слов к грамматическим категориям, кото­рое он связывает с распадом системы грамматических понятий, системы отношений слова к другим словам.

ЖМ.Глозман, Московский госу­дарственный университет имени М.В.Ло­моносова


Unit 14. Hippotherapy

Task 1.

Read the text and translate it.


Speech-language pathology addressed in the riding setting

The speech-language pathologist is constantly challenged to find treat­ment settings and activities that will allow maximum integration of the various components of speech and language in meaningful fashion. Language is simply a set of symbols used to represent reality. We tend to present language as being made up of grammatical or syntactic structures that have semantic meaning and that-are used for a variety of communicative functions. Speech is one tool by which one conveys our language symbols to another. Written words as well as sign language would be other tools by which communication is conveyed to others.

Current treatment models used with speech and language disorders are oriented toward the provision of services using real experiences and activities. Such activities allow the therapist to include various physiological and percep­tual forms of input. These models are described as being placed in pragmati­cally loaded, experientially based settings.

Riding therapy offers a ready-made pragmatically loaded, experientially- based setting for addressing speech and language disability. The speech- language pathologist can develop a highly integrated and highly specialized treatment program through careful consultation with physical and occupational therapists. The activities of riding and those related to it offer a motivating and meaningful context in which to address the broad realm of communicative dis­abilities. The three dimensional movement of the horse offers controlled stimu­lation to the neural pathways involved in speech and language functioning. The strong neurological/perceptual components of riding can be manipulated by the speech pathologist in consultation with the occupational therapist to provide a more integrated treatment plan. The stimulation provided by the movement of the horse appears to provide vestibular and other perceptual types of input that in effect can be used to facilitate the client's receptiveness to therapy. Arousal states, and subsequently, attentional focus can be brought to a more normal level, making the time spent in treatment more productive. The postural ele- ments-of riding can be used for enhancement of basic speech processes (respi­ratory control, phonation, intensity, pitch, and articulation). The activities of nding and learning horsemanship skills offer natural communicative opportuni­ties between client and therapist. In short, riding therapy provides a flexible yet dynamic setting for speech and language intervention.

Once treatment goals have been established, the speech-language pa­thologist is charged with the task of analyzing how those goals might be ad­dressed in the riding therapy setting. There are many different modes of han- dling clients in this setting. The theme of horses and riding offers a dynamic ®nd flexible content area for facilitation of more efficient communication


skills, whatever the cognitive, motoric, behavioral, perceptual and communica- t tive levels a client might demonstrate. Due to the powerful physiological com­ponents of riding, it is important that the speech-language pathologist be in close communication with the occupational and physical therapists involved with his or her clients. Because of the tremendous sophistication of the riding setting itself, the speech-language pathologist also needs to maintain consulta­tion with the horse professional on the staff as well.

The riding setting can be designed to reflect as little or as much content structure as is deemed appropriate for any given client. Many well conducted speech-language therapy sessions on horseback have the appearance of nothing more than a very detailed riding lesson. The linguistically based processes re­quired to "listen and repeat" the steps involved in tacking up the horse, for ex­ample, offer a naturally occurring, but easily manipulated stimulus activity for the clinician to use in addressing auditory processing deficits or language pro­duction breakdowns. The planning of a three step obstacle course can be used to target sequencing difficulties while training some verbal rehearsal strategies ("Ride over two logs, go around a yellow cone, and stop by a black square"). f

The speech-language pathologist is able to address deficits in all of the structural aspects of speech and language (phonology, syntax, semantics), the pragmatics of language, language for problem-solving, conceptual develop­ment processing breakdown, and general linguistic organization and efficiency. Secondary language concerns (reading and writing) can be successfully inte­grated into the riding setting, as can the use of augmentative or alternative communication modalities.

One of the more valuable aspects of speech and language therapy in the riding setting lies in the continuity of stimulus material. As the client is intro­duced to the riding setting, tasks will be at a very basic level. The speech- language pathologist expands upon the theme of horsemanship as the client is able to demonstrate some basic horse knowledge, always building upon the same reference point. As more sophisticated horse skills acquired, the speech- language clinician can address more subtle and more abstract elements of cog­nitive-linguist functioning. Because there are ever-expanding levels of horse knowledge, the clinician does not easily run out stimulus material. In addition, the client does not have to reorient to a new therapy activity each session.

The provision of speech and language therapy services through the ma­nipulation of the riding therapy setting offers a highly flexible and powerful I . approach to the habilitation/rehabilitation of persons with all manner of com­munication disabilities. The examples of therapy application previously dis­cussed are but a few of the ways in which the riding setting can be used in this ■; application. It is important to recognize that treatment of communication dis- j abilities is a very complex and sophisticated science. The use of therapeutic riding is also a very complex and sophisticated science. When implemented to­gether by licensed speech-language therapists and trained horse professionals, the scope of the services available in the riding setting is limited only by the creativity of the individual speech-language pathologist involved.

Ruth Dismuke:BlakeIy, MS/CCC-SLP (from Hippotherapy, 1997) I


Task 2.

Give the headings and asked parts of the text. Task 3.

Write out the basic words and word combinations you '11 need to retell the text. Speak on Hippotherapy. Translate them into Russian.

Task 4.

Give a summary of the text in Russian in 10 sentences and translate them into English. Use the model.

