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Unit 11. RhinolaliaTask 1

Read and translate the text.

Text 1.

Cleft palate

A cleft palate occurs when tissues which should have grown in towardseach other to form the roof of the mouth fail to do so. Sometimes this occurstogether with a split in the upper lip, often referred to as a "hare lip". Theseconditions have a large genetic component and may run in families. They mayoccur in conjunction with other defects such as a visual impairment. The palateand lip tissues are normally joined by the third month of pregnancy, but in ap-proximately 1 per 1000 births this fusion has not occurred, although the precisebreakdown in the mechanisms involved is unclear. A child needs a whole pal-ate and lips in order to have a normal appearance, to eat properly, and to speak.Surgical corrections are usually performed within the first year of life.

Depending on the severity of the cleft and the success of any repairs at-tempted, the child may. have some difficulty in articulating speech sounds in-volving the lips and palate. Children born with a cleft palate are often unable tobreathe properly through the mouth and it may take a long time to regulate cor-rect patterns of airflow essential for speech. If air is lost through the nose,many sounds, such as the fricative "f' or "s", will lose their clarity and be pro-nounced nasally. In fact, other kinds of palatal problems can produce similareffects on speech. If there is a weakness in muscular control of the soft palate,the child may have difficulty in producing some of the sound contrasts andhave a very nasal voice quality. Other children are quick to seize upon any dif-ference in appearance or voice such physical abnormalities cause and there arealmost always additional psychological consequences.

Children with cleft palate may show delays in other areas of language,,:such as using and understanding vocabulary and complex syntax. The mostlikely explanation for this lies in the very high risk cleft palate brings of fluctu-ating hearing loss. Cleft palate children tend to suffer a lot of colds' and flu be-cause mouth breathing promotes infection. In cleft palate children, because ofthe weakness in the palate muscles which operate the eustachian tube, the mid-dle ear may be poorly ventilated. Because of these factors conductive hearingloss affects up to 90 per cent of children with cleft palate. It is realistic to con-sider any child with a physical abnormality of the ear, nose or throat, as beingat risk of middle ear disease and fluctuating hearing loss. What this means isthat such children are likely to show the wide range of speech and languagedifficulties which are commonly associated with a mild hearing loss.

Alec Webster, Christine McConnell(from "Special needs in ordinary schools-Children with Speech and Language Difficul-ties". London, 1987).


Task 2.

Comprehension questions to the text:

    1. When does a cleft palate occur?

    2. What kind of speech problems are associated with cleft palate?

    3. What kinds of delays do children with cleft palate demonstrate in the


Text 2

Task 1.

Read and translate the text in written form.

Pathomorphology of cleft palate and cleft lip

CONGENITAL CLEFT LIP and cleft palate produce the most profound of speech disturbances. The disconfiguration of so many speech structures is reflected in serious alterations of the processes of articulation and resonation. Indirectly, it also modifies unfavorably the functions of phonation and respira­tion. Its adverse effects upon audition, together with the deformities of the face which so often accompany this oro-naso-pharyngeal teratism, impose further penalties and limits upon speech behavior. Being present before birth and in varying degrees during the period in which speech is learned, this condition is a deterrent to the acquisition of speech-production skills.

Circumstances dictate that the relationship between the speech clinician and the child with the cleft palate seldom begins until the child is learning to talk, and often much later. Rarely, therefore, does the speech clinician have an opportunity to see the child before reconstructive surgery is done or prosthetic service is provided. The many effects of this aberrancy of structure upon the speech processes can be appreciated only when the original condition is under­stood.

Cleft lip and cleft palate are deformities of tissue disposition, specifically °f disjunction and inadequacy (occasionally overdevelopment) of the tissues of the lip, nose, jaw, hard palate, Velum, pharynx, and cranial base. The varieties °f cleft lip and palate may be grouped into four general categories based upon embryological, anatomical, and physiological considerations: (1) those involv- lng the lip alone; (2) those involving the lip, palate, and velum; (3) those in which .the palate and velum only are affected; and (4) those in which the palate ls congenitally insufficient.

Herbert Koepp-Baker, Ph.D. (from "Speech Pathology", 1960.)

Task 2.

Give a annotation to the text (approximately 50 words).



Task 3.

Render the text in English.

Одним из основных функциональных нарушений при врожденных несращениях нёба является расстройство звукопроизношения. Речь таких детей развивается позже, чем в норме. Она искажена, недоступна пони­манию. Нарушение ее может вести к задержке умственного и психиче­ского развития, формированию социальной неполноценности, а также к ряду психических заболеваний.

В связи с этим логопедическая позиция должна быть однозначна: ликвидация несращения в наиболее возможно ранние сроки. Чем раньше проведена эффективная хирургическая реабилитация (восстановление функции мягкого и ликвидация дефекта твердого нёба), тем раньше и бы­стрее восстанавливается речь.

Содержанием послеоперационного логопедического обучения яв­ляются дыхательная гимнастика, упражнения, направленные на усиление нёбно-глоточного смыкания, постановка сбалансированного резонанса, выработка навыка правильного голосоведения, расширение диапазона го­лоса, увеличение его силы.' Все это в комплексе с другими мероприятия­ми (в первую очередь - ортодонтическим лечением) направлено на ис­правление фонетической стороны речи. В первый же день после снятия швов проводятся логопедические занятия с целью приспособления ста­рых навыков к новым, анатомически верным функциональным условиям в полости рта. Это упражнения для активизации вновь сформированной нёбной занавески, развития речевого дыхания, артикуляционного аппара­та, фонематического слуха, постановки звуков, автоматизации звуков в слогах, словах, речи.

В послеоперационный период из-за длительного молчания и охра­нительного торможения речь больных ухудшается. Мягкое нёбо мало­подвижно, назальный оттенок речи усиливается, поэтому основной зада­чей становится выработка полноценного нёбно-глоточного смыкания. ,

Развитие фонематического слуха в послеоперационном периоде на­правлено на дифференциацию звукопроизношения. Ребенок должен уметь слышать, правильно ли он произнес тот или иной звук. Начинали занятие с анализа артикуляции звуков и новых навыков речевого дыхания при правильном произношении звука.

После того как ребенок научился правильно произносить новые звуки в словах и предложениях, начинали автоматизацию звуков в спон­танной речи. Параллельно закрепляли и дифференцировали фонемы в стихах, поговорках, скороговорках.

Таким образом, результаты логопедического обучения детей с вро­жденными несращениями нёба во многом определяются своевременно оказанной хирургической помощью и ортодонтической коррекцией Де" формаций верхней челюсти. Эффективность логопедического обучения


оперативного вмешательства, что и опре-и условия ее проведения.

Принципы логопедического обученияпри раннем хирургическом восстановле-нии нёба. Под ред. Л.В.Харькова,А.И.Дубининой, Л.Н.Яковенко, С.А.Нос-ко. Украинский центр по лечению детей сврожденными и приобретеннымизаболеваниями челюстно-лицевой облас-ти, Киев.

прямо зависит от сроков и вида деляет логопедическую тактику

Task 4.

Speak on the problem of Rhinolalia. Revise the Texts and make up your theses on the problem in English.

Unit 12. Dyslexia

Task 1.

Read and translate text 1.

Task 2.

Put 5 questions of different types to the text.

Text 1

Different type of learning at dyslexia

The existence of dyslexia as a developmental disability in children is still very controversial in the literature. Unlike adult alexia, which is the result of an identifiable cerebral lesion, children labeled dyslexic rarely exhibit evidence of neurological damage; rather, they exhibit only a cluster of symptoms or soft signs indicating dysfunction. Often the same child will be labeled variously as dyslexic, learning disabled, language disordered, or a poor reader, depending upon who is evaluating the child and that person's theoretical orientation to­ward either a medical, educational, communication, or information processing model.

If we assume for the purpose of argument that dyslexia does exist devel- opmentally in children, it must be remembered that the vast majority of these children have difficulty with language expression, language comprehension through the auditory modality, reading comprehension, writing language, and word recognition. Thus, working primarily on one component or cueing sys­tem, such as the graphophonemic relationship (i.e., phonics, auditory discrimi­nation training, phoneme segmentation), does not address the range of lan­guage needs exhibited by these children. It also isolates one cueing system, such as letter-sound correspondence, from the other cueing systems, including the meaning of the passage, understanding of word order, mean ingful relation­ships of words within and across sentences, the canonical structure of words, background knowledge related to the topic, and visual word configurations that all work simultaneously in normal reading to facilitate meaningful and fluent reading." If a child does have specific difficulty with the granhophonemic level of language processing, an isolated approach to intervention removes most of the useful cues and limits the child's ability to compensate through alternatives. It may not help the child use the graphophonemic cues in integration with the other systems; generalization to a more complex context is often difficult. If the difficulty is not specific to the graphophonemic level, an isolated approach does not provide any remediation for other language processing deficits and the child will continue to be unable to deal with the complex sentence and dis­course-level language skills required for fluent reading and comprehension, even if words are correctly decoded. Either way, a more holistic and integrated approach is suggested.


Task 3.

Finish the following sentences using the words from the text.

  1. Dyslexia as a developmental disability in children differs from adult alexia because...

  2. Children labeled dyslexia rarely exhibit evidence as...

  3. Often the same child is labeled as dyslexic depending upon...

  4. We must remember that the vast majority of children have difficulties with...

  5. These children do not exhibit the range of language needs because...

  6. There are different cueing systems which...

  7. If the child does have specific difficulties he wile...

  8. A more complex context is required if...

  9. The child will 'continue to be unable to deal with complex sentences


  1. Either way is suggested if...

Task 4.

Discuss in your group the problem of dyslexia as a developmental dis­ability of a child and the ways of raising his graphophonemic level.

Text 2

Task 5.

Read the text and retell it.

A 10-year-old with learning disabilities

On meeting Sam, many people could not believe he was having diffi­culty in school. His geniality and streetwise manner suggested a maturity well beyond his 10 years. Strangers were often dazzled by this toothy grin and quick wit.

Despite Sam's verbal resourcefulness and creativity, he lacked even the most rudimentary academic skills. His mastery of math facts, spelling words, or literal information within a written passage was spotty at best. On Monday he might learn a new reading word, but on the following day he would insist he had never seen it.

In the classroom Sam drove his teachers to distraction. He was almost always bewildered by assignments. He frequently asked other students what he Was supposed to do and was usually slow at starting a new task or was unable to do it at all. He seemed to be everywhere at once. He couldn't sit still or keep his hands off others. As a result, many of Sam's teachers let him spend a con­querable portion of the day playing in the back of the room.

Even though he professed hatred for school, Sam rarely missed a day. e was usually there when the first teachers began to arrive in the morning and Was generally one of the last to leave at the end of the day. Before and after School Sam was a teacher's delight. He was courteous, entertaining, and help-


fill. Once the opening bell rang, however, he often became bossy, stubborn,and irritable.

By Mary R.Moran (from "ExeptionalChildren in today's schools" by Ed.L.Meyen,University of Kansas, Denver, 1990)

Task 6.

If you were Sam's teacher how could you help him stay on task? Prove your position. What kind of academic and social experience should Sam re­ceive?

Task 7.

Give the definition of dyslexia.


Task 8.

Translate the text into English in written form.


Дислексия - это частичное отсутствие навыков чтения, связанное с поражением или недоразвитием некоторых участков коры головного моз­га. Выражается в замедленном, угадывающем характере процесса чтения. При этом ребенок, либо совсем не может научиться читать, либо читает с большими дефектами, искаженно, теряя буквы, путая их порядок, не улавливает смысла прочитанного и т.п. Дислексия - очень распростра­ненное заболевание. По оценкам специалистов, в Америке от дислексии страдают около 10 млн. человек.

Недавно ученые выяснили, что явления, наблюдаемые при дислек­сии, могут быть связаны с нарушениями в мозжечке. Они установили, что во время выполнения последовательных движений пальцев мозговая ак­тивность в области мозжечка у людей, страдающих дислексией, составля­ет около 10 процентов от активности, наблюдаемой у здоровых людей.

Дислексия встречается у мальчиков в 3-4 раза чаще, чем у девочек.

Дислексиками были знаменитый дипломат эпохи французской ре­волюции и Наполеона Талейран; знаменитый архитектор сэр Ричард Роджерс - создатель центра Помпиду в Париже. А также Х.-К.Андерсен, А.Эйнштейн, Т.Эдисон, У.Черчилль, Сергий Радонежский, О.Роден и другие.

Дислексией страдают в той или иной мере около 10 процентов на­селения Земли. В последние годы ученые стали склоняться к мысли, что природа болезни генетическая.


Text 4

Task 9.

Read the text and discuss in English the paradoxes and mysteries of dys­lexia.

Студент, не умеющий читать и писать

В древних стенах Кембриджа появился необычный студент. Перво­курснику Александеру Фэлуди 15 лет. Это самый молодой студент про­славленной «альма-матер» за последние 2 века. Столь же юный школяр переступал порог Кембриджа аж в 1773 году - и это был Уильям Питг- младший, будущий премьер-министр Великобритании.

Но вовсе не возраст заставил говорить о Фэлуди всю страну. Дело в том, что Александер, поступивший одновременно на отделения теологии и истории искусств, практически не умеет ни читать, ни писать. У вун­деркинда, коэффициент интеллекта которого значительно выше среднего, особый вид умственного расстройства — дислексия. Пораженные ею люди едва воспринимают написанный текст, и для некоторых грамота так и ос­тается тайной за семью печатями.

Страдающие дислексией с трудом постигают азы арифметики. Им трудно застегивать пуговицы, различать время по часам. Ранимые и за­стенчивые по натуре, они тяжело переживают свою непохожесть и весьма страдают от комплекса неполноценности.

В прежние времена таких людей автоматически зачисляли в катего­рию «умственно отсталых». Но как показывает опыт, природа, словно стремясь загладить свою вину, часто наделяет их редкими талантами. Александеру повезло - его родители постоянно занимались с сыном.

Когда малышу было всего 3 года, обнаружилось, что он способен слово в слово воспроизвести детскую телепрограмму, которую только что посмотрел. В 9 лет мальчик стал самым юным британцем, сдавшим экза­мены средней школы по литературе, а в 11 - экзамены школы высшей ступени по тому же предмету. И это при том, что Александер пишет со скоростью 2 слова в минуту! -

Александер Фэлуди - не единственный пример парадоксального сочетания необычных расстройств психики и блестящих талантов. По словам ученых, различными формами дислексии страдали, например, Ганс Христиан Андерсен и Томас Эдисон. А Эйнштейн, как известно, в школе слыл закоренелым троечником. Среди наших современников, страдающих дислексией и добившихся завидного успеха в жизни, можно назвать сэра Э.Ротшильда, главу знаменитого британского банкирского Дома.

Unit 13. Aphasia

Task 1.

Read and translate the following text.

The problem of aphasia in children

There is agreement that the term aphasia should be limited to language disorders which derive from organic impairments. Language disturbances caused by deafness, blindness, or by various psychological disorders should not be referred to as aphasias. There is good agreement in that aphasia is tradition­ally and typically viewed as a language disorder which results from damage to the brain. Conditions such as dysarthria are not included under aphasia because such conditions, although neurological in nature, are not true symbolic disor­ders. The term aphasia is further defined as meaning that an impairment in the use of language symbols has been incurred. In children it is highly desirable to distinguish between the aphasias and the dyslexias. Aphasia becomes apparent in the child long before the problem of dyslexia. The characteristic age for en­countering the problem of aphasia in children is between two and four years, while dyslexias do not become apparent until some time after six years of age. Although the term aphasia is sometimes used with adults to mean a distur­bance of either auditory or visual symbolic functioning, this use of the term does not serve the purpose of classification in children in a desired manner. Thus, in the area of language pathology in young children it seems necessary to differentiate between aphasia and dyslexia. The term aphasia as used here in­cludes all degrees of disturbance of use of the verbal symbol. Recognition is made of the fact that the term dysphasia is becoming more widely used and perhaps is the term which will be used extensively in the future because it em­phasizes that, while a symbolic disorder is present, a complete loss of symbolic functioning has not occurred.

There has been rather wide confusion relative to the area of aphasia in children. Much of this confusion is due to semantic difficulties. For example, some adhere to a literal definition of the term aphasia, which is "the loss of speech." This literal definition of the word aphasia perhaps is inaccurate and inappropriate as far as any language or symbolic disorder is concerned, whether it be in children or adults, because aphasia is not a speech disorder as such. Rather, it is an impairment or inability to relate a language symbol to ex­perience. There are aphasics, both children and adults, who have no speech im­pairment but who have marked disorders in ability to function symbolically from the point of view of language usage. This has been recognized over a pe* riod of approximately 125 years and the term aphasia now has taken on the meaning of symbolic disturbance; or more broadly, a problem in language functioning. A certain confusion persists because some authorities continue to think of aphasia as a "loss of speech" and imply that, if an individual has not acquired speech, he has no speech that he can lose and thus cannot be correctly or appropriately referred to as an aphasic. This problem of terminology has been present in various other areas, such as in the area of deafness. In such ar­eas clarifying terms usually have been used with the basic term for classified