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последний вариант методички по английскому.doc
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Exercise Translate into English:

  1. Кнопка — выключатель пожарной сигнализации

  2. Секционный клапан для спринклера

  3. Колокол пожарной тревоги

  4. Ручной извещатель пожарной тревоги

  5. Пульт управления пожарной сигнализацией

  6. Сирена пожарной тревоги

  7. Помещение. защищенное автоматически действующей пожарной сигна лизацией

  8. Установка с порошком

  9. Порошковый лафетный ствол

  10. Пенный лафетный ствол

  11. Установка для производства пены

  12. Дистанционное управление пожарными насосами или аварийные выключатели

  13. Пожарный пост

  14. Трубопровод (канал) высокократной пены

  15. Самозакрывающаяся противопожарная дверь класса А

  16. Наружное закрытие для внешних вентиляционных входов и выходов

  17. Пожарный извещатель открытого пламени (световой)

  18. Главная вертикальная зона

  19. Дымовой пожарный извещатель


датчик пожарный flame detector

дверь door

~, водонепроницаемая watertight.

~, клинкетная sliding

~, противопожарная (огнестойкая) fire-proof

диэлектрические insulating

~ галоши ~ overshoes

~ перчатки gloves

живучесть survivability

каска (шлем) helmet

насос пожарный fire pump

огнеопасный inflammable

огнетушитель fire extinguisher

~, порошковый powder~

~, пенный foam

~ углекислотный 1) C02

2) carbon dioxide

опилки sawdust

огнестойкий, огнеупорный fireproof, fire-resistant

пена foam

~, высокократная high expansion

пеногенератор foam generator

пенообразователь foam generating liquid

песок sand

пожар fire

пожарная магистраль firemain

пожарный кран, гидрант fireplug

привод дистанционный remote control

прожектор searchlight

противогаз gas-helmet

противопожарный fire-fighting

ПСН inflatable liferaft

линь пусковой operating line

расписание пожарное fire bill

резервный 1) stand-by

2) reserve

сигнал тревоги alarm signal

сигнализация signaling alarm

система system

~ углекислотного тушения C02 extinguishing

спасательный rescue

станция пожаротушения fire extinguishing station

ствол пожарный

~, лафетный monitor

~, ручной hose nozzle

топор пожарный fire axe

тревога alarm

~, пожарная fire alarm

шланг пожарный fire hose

Unit IV emergency procedures, musters and drills

Text A

Safety training is an important part of every seafarer's life. The safety of those on board relies upon each crew member following safe codes of practice and procedures. It is important that drills are carried out regularly and effectively. In an emergency situation, the lives of those on board will depend upon crew members knowing the safety procedure to be followed and how to implement it effectively and quickly.

It is important that drills are carried out safely, regularly and are regarded as a serious matter. In an emergency situation, the lives of other people may be in the hands of any of the crew members. Ship drills should be planned, organized and performed so that the recognized risks are minimized and in accordance with relevant shipboard requirements of occupational safety and health. Drills provide an opportunity to verify that the life-saving system is working and that all associated equipment is in place and in good working order, ready for use.

Each emergency situation is unique. During an emergency a number of incidents could arise. For example there could be a fire on board. Dealing with a fire is complicated by the fact that there are many types of fires, each one having a certain method of control. By varying the type of fire and its location during a drill, the knowledge of the fire fighting teams in how to deal with a certain fire may be increased. A situation may arise where the ship's crew and any passengers may have to abandon ship. These procedures are also complex and can be dangerous if not carried out in the correct manner. Launching a lifeboat could be necessary in any place at any time, in rough weather conditions, freezing temperatures and even when the ship is on fire or sinking. By giving crew members information and experience in handling lifeboat equipment, and by testing these skills during a drill, greater understanding of the emergency procedures can be achieved which may save peoples lives.

Safe working procedures and drills are essential to ensure the safety of the vessel, crew and passengers.

Crew training is an important component of drills. As a supplement to initial shore side training, on board training will familiarize crew members with the ship systems and the associated procedures for use, operation and drills.

Experience has shown that holding frequent drills furthers the goals of making the crew familiar with the life-saving systems on board their ships and increasing their confidence that the systems will work and will be effective in an emergency. Drills give the crew opportunity to gain experience in the use of the safety equipment and in co-operation. The ability to cope with an emergency and handle the situation, if the ship needs to be abandoned, needs to be well rehearsed. However, frequent crew changes sometimes make it difficult to assure that all on board have had the opportunity to participate in drills if only the minimum required drills are conducted. Therefore, consideration needs to be given to scheduling drills as necessary to ensure all on board have an early opportunity to become familiar with the systems on board.

Text B