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Unit 4. Making Your Will Legal keys


You won't be around - вас не будет рядом

Find in the text English equivalents of the following phrases:

освобожденный от родительской опеки,



в здравом уме

of sound mind

страдающий умственным расстройством

of unsound mind

неправоспособность, недееспособность



will writer

злоупотребление влиянием, недолжное влияние

undue influence

оспаривание завещания

will contest

подтверждать, свидетельствовать

to vouch



GUARDIAN - подберите к английским клише соответствующие русские сочетания Ключ:

general guardian

опекун со всесторонними функциями

guardian by appointment of court

опекун по назначению суда

guardian by election

опекун по выбору несовершеннолетнего

joint guardian

соопекун, сопопечитель

legal guardian

опекун по завещанию

Offer words/phrases corresponding to the following definitions:

  1. to take or receive (property, a privilege, title, etc.) as an heir at the death of a former possessor - to inherit

  2. the action of showing something for inspection or verification - muster

  3. a person's formal declaration as to the disposal of his or her property after death; the document in which this declaration of intention is expressed - will

  4. a person who has custody of the person or property of a minor or other person deemed incapable of managing his or her own affairs - guardian

  5. a person who has responsibility for controlling or administering property in trust -trustee

  6. to dispossess of or bar from an inheritance - to disinherit

  7. succession of property that has not been disposed of by a valid will - intestate succession

Answer the following questions:

Can you compare the main rules of will making in the USA and Russia?


Unit 4. Witnesses keys

Find in the text English equivalents of the following phrases:

доказывание завещания, доказательство подлинности завещания probate

постоянное местожительство domicile

отменять, аннулировать, отзывать to revoke

бенефициарий, выгодоприобретатель beneficiary

PROBATE - подберите к английским клише соответствующие русские сочетания Ключ:

administration without probate

управление имуществом умершего без соответствующего правомочия

admission to probate

признание истинности и юридической силы завещания

grant of probate

утверждение завещания

probate judge

судья суда по делам о наследствах, завещаниях и опеке

probate action

иск о наследстве

probate case

наследственное дело

probate jurisdiction

юрисдикция по делам о завещаниях/наследствах/опеке

probate of wills

утверждение завещаний

probate proceeding

производство по делам о наследствах и завещаниях

probated will

утвержденное завещание

revocation of probate

отмена завещания судом

Offer words/phrases corresponding to the following definitions:

  1. a person receiving or entitled by law to receive property as the successor of the former owner - heir

  2. the whole of one's possessions, especially all the property and debts left by one at death - estate

  3. a person appointed by a testator to execute his or her will - executor

  4. the official proving of a will -probate

  5. legal disqualification - incapacity

  6. to confirm by evidence or assertion; to state authoritatively that; to provide evidence of- to vouch

  7. the recipient of funds, property, or other benefits, as from a will - beneficiary

Answer the following questions:

In what cases does a will have to be revised?


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