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III. Writing exercises:

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the suggested words:

draw display produce chemical graphics replaced

Computer graphics is use of computers to_________visual images, or the images so produced. Creating computer _________requires a digital computer to store and manipulate images, a__________ screen, input/output devices, and specialized software that enables the computer to__________ , colour, and manipulate images held in memory. Common computer graphic formats include GIF and JPEG, for single images, and MPEG and Quicktime, for multiframe images. The field has widespread use in business, scientific research, and entertainment. Monitors attached to CAD/CAM systems have___________ drafting boards. Computer simulation using graphically displayed quantities permits scientific study and testing of such phenomena as nuclear and ____________reactions, gravitational interactions, and physiological systems.

Exercise 2. Compose a story on one of the topics (up to 100 words):

  1. Types of databases

  2. Computer programming

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