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Language awareness 1-4 student.doc
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1. Translate the sentences paying special attention to the words in bold.

Japanese visitors comprised/made up 70% of the hotel's guests last year.

These two approaches can be subsumed under one heading.

The book embraces a number of issues, from economic to religious ones.

Her philosophy is difficult to categorise.

  1. Rewrite these sentences using the verb in brackets and making any other necessary changes.

  1. 70% of the landmass is mountain ranges. (comprise)


  1. A wide variety of subjects are dealt with in the book. (embrace)


  1. I think these three sections can all come under one heading. (subsume)


  1. Poems are not easily amenable to being put into different types. (categorise)


Language awareness 3


Nominalisation helps compress more information into a sentence. Use of noun groups instead of verbs or adjective groups is especially typical of formal, scientific and academic English.


He had an insatiable appetite for adventure and because of this he became involved in a pioneering expedition to Antarctica.

His insatiable appetite for adventure led to his involvement in a pioneering expedition to Antarctica.

After several days they eventually reached the summit of the mountain. The ascent left them tired and exhausted. ( = Here the ascent summarises the whole of the process in the previous sentence)

Nominalisation makes it easier to be impersonal.


They looked at the evidence and realized that there had been a miscarriage of justice. → The evidence revealed a miscarriage of justice.

It’s always painful when people criticize you. → Criticism is always painful.

1. Underline the nominalised phrases in these examples.

    1. A sharp fall in the value of sterling followed speculation about the Government’s economic policy.

    2. The total eradication of smallpox was the direct result of an intensive programme of immunization.

    3. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. (Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen)

2. Rewrite each sentence using all the prompt words.

Example: You needn’t pay anything until you’ve received the goods.

There / payment / before / of

There is no need of payment before your receipt of the goods.

  1. A lot of people have complained in writing to us about how bad the food was.

Received / number / written / standard


  1. I’m shocked that most members have responded so negatively to what we proposed.

Shock / response / proposals / majority


  1. The mayor is reputedly proud of the way he looks.

Reputation / pride / appearance


  1. A soldier must be brave, level-headed and obedient.

Qualities / paramount importance


  1. What we spend doesn’t always tally with what we earn.

Sometimes / discrepancy / outgoings / earnings


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