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Meanings into Words_Учебное_пособие.doc
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20.8 Definitions quiz Free practice

          1. Write down the names of five objects you think the other people in your class may not know (e.g. refrigerator, tape recorder, walking stick).

          2. Decide how to define these objects.

          3. Form groups. Ask questions about your objects, like this:

Q: What do you call a machine that keeps your food cold ? A: A refrigerator.

20.9 A difficult choice


Listen to the passage and answer the questions.

            1. a) What relation is the girl to the speaker ? b) What happened last week ?

            2. Choose the correct answer. He decided to get her a doll because:

              1. all young girls like dolls

              2. he had known for a long time that she liked dolls

              3. her mother suggested it

              4. the girl asked for it

            3. a) What three materials were different dolls made of ?

b) Which of them was most common?

            1. What two age-groups of dolls were there ?

            2. What does the speaker say about the dolls’ hair ?

            3. What does he say about their clothes ?

            4. Write in the missing words:

And on top of all that, I discovered that there are


with: their eyes when you

, dolls hairstyle , ‘mama’ (and

all sorts things) when you , and dolls

and the bed.

            1. How long did the speaker stay in the shop ?

            2. How did he feel during that time ? Choose the correct answer.

              1. interested and confused c) bored and confused

              2. interested and amused d) bored and amused


Write a short paragraph describing the doll the speaker bought, in your own words. Say what it’s like, what it has got, what it does, and what you can do with it.

Unit 20 Summary of language

In this unit you have learnt how to:

  • classify objects into types

  • identify and classify objects by their features

  • classify objects according to their purpose

  • give definitions of objects

key points

1. Compound noun phrases

a sports car a racing car a lawn mower

an alarm clock a sewing machine a screwdriver

nail varnish writing paper fly killer

2. Structures for indicating features

My coat is the one


that has

a silk lining.

His skis are the ones


that have

silver tips.

He’s got a watch with a luminous dial.

I’ve got one with a square face.

3 Subject and object defining relative clauses

He’s got a gun that fires 20 rounds a second.

I’m looking for a pen that will write on glass.

I want a dish (that) you can put in a hot oven.

A carving knife is a knife (that) you carve meat with.

4 ‘Use for ..-ing ..’

A typewriter is a machine (you use) for typing letters.

What do you call that white stuff (you use) for washing clothes ?

Glue is used for sticking things together.



1. You will hear three definitions of a word that you don’t know. Listen to the tape, and vote on which definition you think is the correct one.

2. Work in groups of three. Your teacher will give you a piece of paper with a word on it and the correct definition.

Student A: You will give the true definition of the word. Work out how you will define it.

Students В and C: Invent two false meanings of the word, and work out how to define them.

3. When it is your turn, each tell your own definition of the word to the rest of the class. They will vote on which definition is correct.


Choose one of the topics below, and write a newspaper article (150-200 words) about it. Write about:

  1. its impact on people’s lives

  2. recent developments

  3. possible future developments

    1. Electronic games

    2. Video machines

    3. Nuclear weapons

    4. Plastic surgery


      1. A friend is very worried about an interview tomorrow. Reassure her.

      2. You are late for class. Apologise to the teacher and explain why.

      3. You are allergic to tobacco smoke. A visitor lights a cigarette in your house. Ask him not to smoke, and explain why.

      4. A friend says to you ‘You’re looking very pleased with yourself’. Tell her why.

      5. Your 8-year-old brother asks you ‘What’s a polaroid camera ?’ Give him an answer.

      6. Someone asks you if you have anything in common with your brother/sister. What do you say?

      7. You left your car in a side street, and when you came back you found it wasn’t there. Tell the police what happened and what the car looks like.

Unit 21 Degree

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