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19. Show why people travel

Traveling is a part of our life. It is a very important method of enjoying a vacation. Today I am going to tell you about different reasons why people travel.

I suggest, there are 3 main reasons, such as: leisure, business and also visiting friends and relatives (vfr) who live far away.

I would like to emphasize, that many people travel entirely for the purpose of recreation or pleasure; they are people on holiday. Resorts usually attract tourists because of their sunny beaches, their snow-covered ski-slopes and different kinds of entertainment.

People also travel, because they want to learn other cultures and meet the people who live in such interesting places. They travel in order to educate themselves because travel is broadening the mind. There are many exciting places that a person can visit. For ex.: Spain, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, Brazil and others have places to offer for visiting and meeting people.

As far as I know, many people travel on business. Among them there are businessmen and government officials as well as people attending meetings, conventions, trade fairs and exhibitions. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that these people often combine pleasure with their work. They enjoy the cultural, shopping or sightseeing resources of the destination.

To tell the truth, there are many other reasons for people traveling from one country to another or even within the country. These reasons include sport events, education and training, religious pilgrimage, treatment and others.

In conclusion, I want to say, that whatever the reason for traveling is, the person gets a nice break from their regular routine. Traveling can bring a new sense of your life.

20. Responsibilities and functions of hotel manager

A hotel manager is responsible for the day-to-day management of a hotel and its staff. They have to plan, organise and direct all hotel services, including front-of-house (reception, concierge, reservations), food and beverage operations, and housekeeping. In larger hotels, managers often make up a general management team.

Typical work activities

Work activities vary depending on the size and type of hotel, but may include:

  • planning and organising accommodation, catering and other hotel services;

  • promoting and marketing the business;

  • managing budgets and financial plansж

  • maintaining statistical and financial reports;

  • setting and achieving sales and profit targets;

  • training and monitoring staff;

  • planning work schedules for individuals and teams;

  • meeting and greeting customers;

  • dealing with customer complaints and comments;

  • provide safety of guests and hotel staff;

The manager of a large hotel may have less contact with guests but will have regular meetings with heads of department to coordinate and monitor the progress of business strategies. In a smaller establishment, the manager is much more involved in the day-to-day running of the hotel management.

21. Speak on the benefits of working in a hotel

22. Say why the knowledge of English is necessary for your career

( див. Ситуація 7)

23. Prove that hospitality industry means “people dealing with people”.

24. Speak how you will respond to different complains of your guests.

Your guests are the best advertisement of your hotel. If they give bad feedback on your service, that is a great loss. But once they are happy at your service, they will bring more friends along with them next time. So the theory is “once for all.”

Self confidence: In order to handle the complaints smoothly, you need to have confidence in yourself. Though you may not attain self confidence by instinct, but you must build it. It can be built through your experience as well as knowledge from your readings. Feel yourself that the guests to come and seek your help or complaint because they believe that you are able to help.

Respect: Respect the guests whatever they be. Regardless of race, culture, language, appearance, and so on, they deserved to be served. Your respect for the guests will guide you how to help their needs met.

Be positive: Whenever the complaint comes to you, accept it positively. Whether you can meet their needs or not, always be ready to respond in the best way. If their complaint is not served in your hotel, give them other options to choose. Avoid using “No, I don’t know, No, We don’t have that service and so on.” Instead, try to help them by mentioning “How about this and that.” If they cannot like it, listen to their ideas and suggestions. If their suggestions and complaints are not in your service lists, let them know that their suggestions are truly appreciated. And you are willing to consider implementing next time.

Be considerate: let the guest talk more than you do. Listen to them attentively. Try to follow their emotions. While they are so serious, do not just smile at them.

Finally, if you cannot solve the complaints and cannot think out a way to help, you may refer to the Hotel General Manger. But try to do anything you can before referring to the GM.

Most of all let your guests feel that you do care for them. Though your service may not meet their needs, give your best.