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6. As the owner of the hotel you see that it’s losing its popularity…

Working in the hotel industry you will come across many types of travellers. Some will be business guests, others will be tourists and visitors. Many will speak a different language other than your own. Chances are, plenty of your guests will speak English. Do you know how to speak politely to a guest in English? Can you understand their requests and serve them accordingly? Whether your job is to take reservations or clean the hotel rooms, these pages can help you learn important words and expressions to use on the job in the hotel industry.

We must develop the right English language skills to communicate in the professional context of the hospitality industry. We must Know how to describe travel destinations and experiences, explain and describe hotel and accommodation facilities, make and change reservations, make or respond to queries and complaints, and operate a travel agency.

7. Set up you vision for the perspective of English language skills both as daily requirement and essential means for career

Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing, but nowadays it’s especially important. Some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying languages is a hobby.

I would like to emphasize, that English has become the world’s most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist.

In many countries where English is not the native language, you are considered highly educated if you can speak the language properly.

A number of studies (досліджень) have demonstrated that those who have an advanced knowledge of the English language are much more likely to advance (просуватись) their careers. In addition to this, good language skills will lead to higher paying jobs, more social mobility, and a great deal of social success.

For example, if you're the guide, it's very important for you to know English, because usually, a lot of guides have a lot of foreign people in their groups. Many tourists may not know this language that guide speaks in. So, the best way to explain something for the tourist is to speak in English, because most of the people, especially European and American, almost everybody speaks in English.

I would like to draw attention to the fact, that if you want to make yourself more marketable, you will need to increase your English skills. Then you will be presented with a number of career opportunities, you could travel abroad.

So, when you learn how to speak English, the opportunities are limitless.

8. Prove that working in a team one should be responsible for the whole hotel.

Good team work is an essential part of the customer service skills arsenal. Let's go to a hotel for an example of how team work is important. What are guests have come to expect out of their hotels during their stay? They expect to be checked in and given information, they expect their room to be clean, they expect the food to be good, and they expect to not have to pay so much. All of those expectations build up and make the impression of your hotel in the guests mind and each of those expectations must be handled and cared for so that the guest has a positive stay.

Service, that makes positive impressions – it’s the main aim of every employee. But for best way to serve guests, total process must be supported by department team.

One for all and all for one – it’s slogan for good hotel work. Neither department, no single employee have no right to make mistakes – only than you can surely say, that your hotel works smoothly and succesfully.