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I . Reading

Ключі до завдань 1—4.

1. C; 2. A; 3. B; 4. E.

I I . Writing

Ключі до завдань 1—6.

1. C; 2. B; 3. D; 4. A; 5. A; 6. B.

Приклад відповіді на письмове завдання.

1) I would like to write about Joanne

Rowling who is really one of the most famous

and successful modern writers. 2) When she

created Harry Potter, his magic touched a

huge audience of all ages all over the world.

3) Joanne Rowling has won many literary

awards. 4) She worked on the first book for

several years but at first some publishers

turned down the manuscript. 5) Now all

her books have become bestsellers. 6) Films

based on the book are created. 7) The books

have been translated into many languages.

8) All the books have appeared on bestseller

lists in the United States, Britain, and

around the globe.

I I І . Speaking

Приклад відповіді на усне завдання.

1) It is not a secret that there are certain

stereotypes according to which we judge

different nationalities. 2) The Americans

are known to be fast-food lovers, the British

are a bit snobbish and non-talkative. 3) The

Germans are punctual and hard-working,

the Italians are merry and noisy. 4) Sure it

doesn’t mean that the whole population of the

country should be judged like that. 5) There

are different people in different nationalities.

6) As for our country, it is rather known in the

world nowadays. 7) Our people are thought to

be kind and generous, a bit lazy and lard lovers.

8) And our Slavic women are considered27

to be the most beautiful. 9) I agree that our

people are generous, and that our women are

extremely beautiful. 10) But I cannot agree

that we are lazy, we can work well, but we

don’t always want to. 11) One of the worst

things about the attitude of Europe to us is

their idea that we are all eager to move to

their countries. 12) That is why we need to go

through a humiliating procedure of getting visas

if we want to travel to a European country.

13) I think we should behave more confidently

and be proud of our country to show the world

that we are happy to live here.

Examination Card №21

I . Reading

Ключі до завдань 1—5.

1. C; 2. C; 3. C; 4. A; 5. B.

I I . Writing

Ключі до завдань 1—6.

1. A; 2. A; 3. D; 4. C; 5. B; 6. D.

Приклад відповіді на письмове завдання.

1) Dear Andriy,

I’ve been ill for a week. 2) It was flu. 3) I

have to catch up with the rest of the class

now. 4) I read textbooks but still there is some

material I don’t understand. 5) Can you help

me with English, algebra and chemistry? 6) I

will be very grateful to you. 7) When can you

come to me and explain new material? 8) And

can you advise me some additional books I

can read to learn the material?

9) Best regards,


I I І . Speaking

Приклад відповіді на усне завдання.

1) Thousands of people go in for sports,

because sports help people to maintain good

health. 2) The most popular sports in ourcountry are field-and-track athletics, football,

volleyball, basketball, hockey, gymnastics, skiing

and skating. 3) There are lots of stadiums,

sports clubs, and sports grounds in our country.

4) If you want to keep fit, you must go in for

one kind of sports or another. 5) Sports make

people strong, healthy, and fit. 6) It is the

most important reason to play sports, I think.

7) Sports are also a great opportunity to have a

good time either with friends or alone. 8) Playing

sports on a team helps us to develop our

skill of well co-ordinated work. 9) The presence

of team spirit is important in such sports as

football, volleyball, hockey, etc. 10) It is necessary

for leading the team straight to victory.

11) Each member of the team has to know

their role perfectly. 12) All of them have to act

in close coordination and support each other.

13) Going in for sports individually is also good

for our personality development. 14) It teaches

us such features as endurance, purposefulness

and persistence. 15) Everyday training of your

willpower as well as muscles leads you to success.

16) All the qualities listed above can help

you some day in an uncommon situation. 17) So

sports train both our body and spirit. 18) As it

is said: «A sound mind in a sound body».

Examination Card №22

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