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I . Reading

1. F; 2. F; 3. T; 4. T; 5. T; 6. F; 7. T; 8. F.

I I . Writing

1. B; 2. B; 3. A; 4. B; 5. D; 6. D.

1) Ann!

2) Your parents phoned you while you

were out. 3) They asked me to tell you they

were still in Chernihiv and remind you about

the trip to the village to visit your grandparents

on Saturday. 4) They are going to call

again in the evening and left a phone number

for you to get in touch with them. 5) It is



I I I . Speak ing

1) What will life in cities be like in the

future? 2) How will cities look like? 3) To my

mind, it isn’t an easy task to make such predictions.

4) Nowadays more and more people

move to cities in search of a job and new opportunities.

5) For the first time in human history

more that 50% of the world’s population

live in urban centres. 6) In my opinion, life in

cities in the future will have both advantages

and disadvantages. 7) In future people will

live in huge and comfortable skyscrapers but

their flats won’t be large because of the lack of

space. 8) The skyscrapers will be constructed

of a material which will allow using the energy

of sun rays for heating and generating electricity.

9) But the flats in such skyscrapers will

be very expensive. 10) Streets of the cities will

be clean because all the outdoor work will be

done by robots. 11) Cars will be banned on the

territory of megapolises and people will move

around riding bikes or driving some small

environmentally friendly vehicles which won’t

cause traffic jams. 12) There won’t be many

trees and parks in cities because every piece

of land will be used for building houses and

offices. 13) There won’t be any supermarkets,

shops, libraries and universities. 14) People

will do the shopping and get their education

through the Internet. 15) On the other hand,

new opportunities of the Internet services will

cause people’s isolation. 16) People will have

little real human contact and because of it

they will suffer from stresses and loneliness.

17) Still the problem of pollution will be burning.

18) The population of megapolises will

face water and air shortages and perhaps they

will have to pay for clean water as well as for

fresh air. 19) I hope scientists will manage to

make life in megapolises sustainable. 20) Perhaps

I’m too optimistic about the prospects for

the development of modern technologies, but

I believe that life on our planet will flourish.

21) To sum it up, no matter how dark or bright

our future life may seem, it is up to us to make

it safe, comfortable and happy.

Examination Card №32

I . Reading

1. D; 2. A; 3. E; 4. F; 5. G; 6. B.

I I . Writing

1. B; 2. B; 3. C; 4. D; 5. B; 6. B.

1) Dear Mary!

2) Many happy returns of the day!

3) I wish you lots of fun and love and lots of

wonderful presents! 4) I hope this year some

of your cherished dreams will come true.

5) And some will be left to dream about in

the future! 6) Hope to see you soon.

7) Love,


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