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Verb: Conditional I, II, III

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

  1. My train leaves in forty minutes. - It only takes ten minutes to get to the station by taxi. If you (to leave) now, you (to catch) it (P. Emmerson).

  2. < I am not the head teacher. > If I (to be) the head teacher, I (to give) the class a holiday (M.Vince, K.McNicholas).

  3. < The film didn't win an Oscar. > If the film (to win) an Oscar, it (to ecome) famous immediately (M. Fuchs, M.Bonner).

  4. < It doesn't seem likely that the builders will finish the work to sched­ule. > If the builders (to finish) the work to schedule, they (to receive) a bonus (M. Foley, D. Hall).

  5. < It is cloudy. > If it (to rain), we (to go) into a shop (M.Vince, K.McNicholas).

  6. < I have no car. > I (to drive) to work if I (to have) a car (E.Walker, S.Elsworth).

  7. < The Romans didn't sail across the Atlantic. > If the Romans (to sail) across the Atlantic, they (to reach) America (M.Vince, R Emmerson).

  8. < He is bothering the dog. > If he (to keep) bothering the dog, it (to bite) him (V.Evans).

  9. < I lent you the money. > What you (to do) if I (not to lend) you the money? (E.Walker, S.Elsworth).

  10. < I have never met an alien. > If I (to meet) an alien, I (to try) to talk to it (M.Vince, K. McNicholas).

  11. < He had to do military service. > If he (to be) born a year earlier, he (not to have) to do military service (E.Walker, S.Elsworth).

  12. < You want to take the bus to the city centre. Your friend wants to alk.> If we (to walk), we to get) tired (M.Vince, K.McNicholas).

  13. < You have no wings. > What you (to do) if you (to have) wings? (M.Vince, REmmerson).

  14. < They let him in. > If he (to forget) his ticket, they (not to let) him in (V Evans).

  15. < Peter has no job. > If Peter (to get) that job, we (to move) to Ed­inburgh (E.Walker, S.Elsworth).

  16. < I am not old enough to go to university. > If I (to go) to univer­sity when I am older, I (to work) very hard (M.Vince, K.McNi­cholas).

  17. < The club might close. > If the club (to close), where you (to go)? (E.Walker, S.Elsworth).

  18. < I didn't go into business with my friend Pete. > If I (to go) into business with him, I (to become) a success (M. Fuchs, M. Bonner).

  19. < The education system leaves much to be desired. > If the educa­tion system (to improve), we (to have) an educated work force (M.Fuchs, M.Bonner).

  20. < Our cleaner left us. > If we (to pay) our cleaner more, she (not to leave) us (M. Foley, D.Hall).

  21. < You want me to lend you this book. > If I (to lend) you this book, when you (to return) it? (P. Emmerson).

  22. < I couldn't go into the army because I was deaf in one ear. > I (to go) into the army if I (not to lose) my hearing in that ear (M. Fuchs, M.Bonner).

  23. < Stop worrying. > I (not to worry) if I (to be) you (P. Emmerson).

  24. < We live on the Earth. > If we (to live) on another planet, we (to see) the Earth in the sky (M.Vince, P.Emmerson).

  25. < I didn't record the film. > I (to record) the film if my DVD (not to break) (M.Fuchs, M.Bonner).

  26. When inflation (to go) up, there usually (to be) pressure on salaries (P. Emmerson).

  27. < You live on the Earth. > How you (to feel) if you (to live) on Mars? (M.Vince, P.Emmerson).

  28. < He didn't lock his car. > If he (to lock) his car, it (not to be) stolen (V.Evans).

  29. < Nobody knows who will win. > If Dent (to win), she (to improve) housing (M. Fuchs, M. Bonner).

  30. < I often imagine being on a desert island. > If I (to live) on a desert island, I (to spend) all day fishing and sunbathing (M.Vince, K.McNicholas).

  31. < He is tired. > If you (to be) tired, go to bed (V Evans).

2. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets; retell the text:

Norma isn't happy with her life. If she (to listen) to her mother's advice, she (to stay) at school and (to go) on to university. She (can / find) a good job if she (to get) a degree. Norma hates the job she is do­ing now. She thinks she (to go) crazy if she (to stay) there much longer. If she (to be offered) another job, she (to take) it immediately. In fact, she (to leave) it if she (can / afford) to, but she can't. Life (to be) easier if she (not to have) two children to support (V.Evans).

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form; role play the conver­sation between uncle and nephew using all the types of Conditional Sentences:

Bob was getting very bored of lying in his hospital bed, so he was quite happy to see his Uncle Hamish come into the room.

'Hello, Bobby!' shouted Hamish. 'How are you?' 'I (to be) better if I (not to be lying) in this hospital,' grumbled Bob.

'Oh, cheer up!' said Hamish. 'You never (to get) better if you (to have) such a negative attitude.'

'You (to have) a negative attitude if you (to be) stuck in this boring room with no TV for 24 hours a day!'

'Well, you've no one to blame but yourself,' said Hamish. 'If you (not to drive) so fast, you (not to crash) into that tree.'

'Oh, no, Uncle Hamish. Don't say that. If one more person (to say) that to me I swear I (to punch) them,' said Bob.

'Now, now, Bobby! If I (to be) you, I (to be) more polite to my visitors. You're going to be in here for a few weeks, and if you (to be) rude to people, they (not to come) to see you,' warned Hamish.

'I'm sorry,' Bob apologised. 'I promise I (to be) polite as long as you (not to mention) my careless driving again.'

'OK, Bobby,' agreed Hamish. 'I'm sorry too. I (not to mention) it if I (to know) how upset it makes you.' (V. Evans).